martes, noviembre 24, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The planet is being uplifted to a much higher realm now - Nov 24, 2020

Dear children on earth, I am your Mother God. I come to share news with you. The planet is being uplifted to a much higher realm now. She has arrived at a huge area of intense light and Divine rays. In the days ahead, humanity will feel the intensity. Some may feel the intensity a little more. Others may have blissful experiences and feel that the process is finally over, and have the sense of arrival. The individual sensations can be very different, and it largely depends on the person and experiences that the soul has. For the experienced light warrior, the sensations would be peaceful and relaxing. For the newly awakened ones, it might be very challenging with an intensity that is palpable. The Divine wants to give you an reminder, and hopefully, you all will adjust to the new environment at an easy pace.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Daily Teachings of the Masters


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

See the opportunity in the advancement. 

There is no need to continue life as it was
as you attend to the now moment of occurrence.

In each moment
is seeded an entry
a portal of advancement
as you release your past obligations.
Your obligation to your past.

Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 8 - Nov 24, 2020

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

24 November 2020 - 18:00 UTC

Sonidos curativos tibetanos┋ Elimina la energía negativa┋ Limpieza del aura + Limpieza del hogar

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Lighting The Path - November 24, 2020

Lighting The Path 

As the vibration of your planet changes and the frequency rises, it is important to remember that some may be on board with the process. Change is inevitable and challenging for those stuck in old patterns and ways of being. Please remember that it is not your place to judge them or lecture the merits of change.

Kryon - "Messages from the Stars" - 2020

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Many enlightening human beings may find themselves either changing their service path or stepping into a service role for their first time. This is a very exciting thing! You will feel very passionate about the purpose that is calling you.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Changes You Have in Front of You - Nov 24 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very enthusiastic about the changes that you have in front of you. A lot of people on your world are talking about the problems, the issues, that you are facing as a global community, and even within your smaller communities. And then you tend to argue over what the problems really are, who is behind them, and what is needed in order to fix them. But there is something that many people are not allowing themselves to do.

lunes, noviembre 23, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Reunion with your Galactic Family - Nov 23, 2020


Through Suzanne Lie

Dear humans on Gaia's Earth during this challenging time, we your Galactic Family, wish to commend the great courage that you have all been facing on Gaia's dear planet. Here you are on the cusp of Thanksgiving Day in which you  celebrate that for which you are grateful. 

Lisa Transcendence Brown - The LIVING COSMIC RAYS OF LIGHT: BEing a RAY of Hope, RAY of LOVE, Ray of Sunshine and Guiding Ray of Light for all - Nov 22, 2020


We have a profound increase in Cosmic RAYs permeating from within our Physical LightBodies daily to accelerate each's own Light Embodiment processes even more. These immense upgrades and DNA re-writes "work" to restore perfect harmony and organic health, deep inner-peace and open up more access to NEW EARTH Consciousness/Realities with every "new" expanded inner-realization and release of the mis-aligned/no longer highest aligned beliefs/mentalities/ways of the "old".