martes, enero 01, 2019

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 1, 2019

Happy New Year! We urge you to be kind and gentle with yourselves as you acclimatize yourselves to the energies of 2019. It is a marked shift from the energies of 2018. A gentle feeling out of the energies without expectation is recommended. It is common for enlightening human beings to take until the first equinox of a year to truly get a feel for the traits of a new year.

Past Life Destiny Retrieval Transmission: Accessing Multidimensional Gifts

Although many consider past lives in terms of healing a trauma effecting this lifetime, past lives can also be accessed to reclaim a skill, talents or soul quality that was developed in another lifetime. You may have developed a great talent as an artist, dancer, healer, musician, or perhaps as an entrepreneur or leader. You may have developed a soul quality such as courage, compassion, serenity or purpose. Qualities or skills developed in other lifetimes can be accessed and reawakening in this lifetime. Actually, this is very important for many Starseeds. Rather than learning new skills it may be more a question of remembering skills already developed over many lifetimes.


L’Aura Pleiadian - Being Divinely in the Moment ~ Being the Observer - Jan 1, 2019

Holding all potential in the NOW moment, is a state of non attachment to outcome.

Not pretending to know what will happen, is part and parcel of being in the state of non attachment.

How can we guess at best what will happen, when all is shifting and changing in all moments? And why would we want to?

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (58) - Miami, Diciembre de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll ante la
Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (58)
Miami, Diciembre de 2018

Saludos, queridas hermanas de las estrellas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta canalización se hace en una sesión de la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana. Esta es diferente de las otras canalizaciones de hoy. Mi socio se aleja; es una frase que ya hemos usado antes; significa que este hombre en la silla estará apartado de recordar nada de esto. Esto, queridas hermanas, es en honor de su género. En estos

Dianne Robbins - Cetacean Nation - A Message of Peace for the New Year - Jan 1, 2019

A Message of Peace for the New Year

We don’t divide ourselves

Greetings, our Sister on land. We welcome you into our midst. We surround you with our consciousness of Light as you sit here receiving our thoughts.

We are one. All of Creation is one. All of humanity is one. One soul, one mighty wave of light. Humanity has chosen to separate itself into millions of factions, millions of splinters of light, each calling itself something else in its strivings for identification.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - You Are High Frequency Conduits - Jan 1, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are placing a great deal of our attention on how humanity is going to handle the influx of energies that you are receiving at this time. The reason why it is important for us to notice how you are handling the energies is because we need to constantly monitor how much transformation you are ready for.

Paul Dobree-Carey - Manifestation at the Speed of Thought, action at the Speed of Light - Jan 1, 2019

An unusual experience when travelling just now along a familiar road. Just before reaching a difficult and bumpy right angled bend in the road, the next moment I find myself five miles away on a different road heading in the wrong direction away from home. An instant change - no memories in between, no wrong turning, no absent minded driving. Just a sudden switch from being in busy traffic to a clear open road miles away. More than a little disconcerting and confusing - so having written previously on this matter, I will touch again on the changes we are currently experiencing.