lunes, abril 09, 2018

Suzanne Lie - ARCTURIANS IN OUR SHOES-PART 1 - April 9, 2018


Arcturians in our Shoes

A Conversation with the Arcturians


The Arcturians/Sue:
Greetings, we are the Arcturians, and we are here within our consciousness, as well as within Suzille’s and Shawnna’s consciousness, to have a bit of a conversation. 
Shawnna, would you please begin by asking your question, and we will answer it through Suzille?

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, April 9, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, April 9, 2018

You are being shown your next step.

Now, this is essential to understand.

And it is why we bring it to your attention

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Make Ascension NORMAL - April 9, 2018

Make Ascension NORMAL

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

WE, The Arcturians and your Galactic Family, ARE HERE NOW, and we wish to say that if you can remember to start and end your day with:

“Dear Arcturians, Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, Elohim and/or Archangels, as well as any Higher Dimensional Beings with whom you can communicate,

“I AM here today to tell you that I AM willing to communicate with you,
and assist with the process of transmutation of Gaia and all Her inhabitants
into a higher, hopefully fifth dimensional, frequency of resonance.”


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday April 9, 2018

Dear Ones, if you wish to walk a path of beauty, you must navigate by seeking out beauty. If you wish to walk a path of magic, you must acknowledge the magic that surrounds you and allow that to show you the next steps to take. Do you see? Your continued focus allows you the unfoldment of that which you desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Lisa Transcendence Brown - March & April Quantum Cosmic Multi-Dimensional Energy Update, Overview and Vision - 4/9/2018

Normally I have a "monthly" Energy Report, yet this one is a multi-month, because of the magnitude of these Cosmic StarGate/Gateway Openings, Activations, Symphonics/Harmonics & Gravitational Re-Alignments that we are DEEP in the midst-of, as a part of a NEW CYCLE for Higher Consciousness HUmanity and processes to shift entire collectives to much higher timelines continually now. I have to weave all, because of how all is connected, in order to assist each preparing to be able to energetically handle what comes "after" and as we continue our UPWARD SPIRAL out across our Cosmos from deep within the SEAT of our SOUL and entire BEing here....

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – April 9, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again.

Many have been speaking of Mercury being in retrograde, as we spoke of on the last Abundance Group conference call [].

Many are saying that they find this to be a difficult and uneven time vibrationally, and that they always look forward to Mercury coming out of retrograde.

Brenda Hoffman - Exceptional is Now Required - April 9, 2018

Dear Ones,

Your new direction is probably a surprise to you and those around you.

You were once thought to be stable and dependable – now you seem different. What can others expect of you? More importantly, what can you expect of yourself? For your new interests, desires, and needs seem different from what was once you.

domingo, abril 08, 2018

Celia Fenn - The Crystal to Diamond Transition : Reaching New Earth Frequency - April 8, 2018

In 2003 I wrote an article called "The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis" which was about the experience of waking up and activating the Light Body in order to embody the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. For many people this was a very deep experience that went along with a powerful "healing crisis" on many levels as they broke through layers of conditioning and programming to reach their authentic self and to connect with and embody their Soul Power. Now, in 2018, this article is about the completion of this Ascension process as we transition from the Crystal to the Diamond Consciousness.

Shelley Young - Arcángel Gabriel - Mensaje Diario ~ Sábado 17 de febrero del 2018

A medida que la Tierra y sus habitantes continúan haciendo un gran progreso en sus trayectorias de ascensión tanto individual como las conectadas, ustedes pudieran encontrarse en ubicaciones geográficas diferentes que no se hubieran imaginado. Algunas personas pudieran finalmente experimentar un movimiento tras un largo periodo de sentirse atoradas en un sitio, mudándose a una ciudad, área, o país diferente. Otros se sentirán atraídos tal vez a visitar ciertas áreas o se encuentren repentinamente en un sitio al que no se hunbieran imaginado ir. Hay varias razones por esto.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - El Colectivo - Un Mensaje para los Trabajadores de la Luz – 12 de febrero del 2018

por Caroline Oceana Ryan

La última guía de los Maestros Ascendidos, los Galácticos, los Elementales de la Tierra, los Ancianos Hada, los Ángeles y Arcángeles conocidos como el Colectivo:

¡Saludos, Emperadores de la Luz!

Los saludamos con un gozo real y palabras de aliento pues ustedes han viajado recientemente a través de (y todavía siguen integrándose con) poderosos sucesos astrológicos y cambios internos, tanto de su conciencia como en su composición celular.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, April 8, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, April 8, 2018

We are asking you to come up higher now
and to take a chance.

Are you willing to leave your old clothing behind
your old truth
and fellowship?

Energy Updates Dizziness, Time Moving To Zero Point

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - El Alma Antigua Práctica - Reedición -- Anchorage, Alaska, 27 de Enero de 2018

Canalización en vivo de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll, en Anchorage, Alaska, 27 de Enero de 2018

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces se agrega o condensa la información. A menudo lo que sucede en vivo tiene implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje realzado dado en Anchorage.

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Ustedes están frente a una energía hermosa, muy hermosa, y puede que no se den cuenta. Para poder ir de la oscuridad a la luz, hay transiciones profundas. Lo que ustedes aprenderían por vivir en el planeta es que una transición puede ser difícil, especialmente si van desde una energía más oscura a otra con más luz. Hay en la oscuridad quienes pelearán hasta la muerte con tal de impedir que eso cambie. Para ellos es una manera de vivir, una manera de controlar. Pero queridos, esta transición de la tierra, está realmente sucediendo. La velocidad con que suceda dependerá de lo que ustedes decidan. La libre opción en el planeta determinará el tiempo de transición. Ustedes están ahora en el cambio, y recién han empezado a verla.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Sabado, 7 de abril, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Sabado, 7 de abril, 2018

¿Qué tal si estuvieras subiendo de rango
y disfrutando una parte de la buena vida?

¿Te sorprenderías de darte cuenta
que ya estás ascendiendo
y que es tan solo un truco de la mente
lo que te hace creer que esto no es así?

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - This is the time for those who believe to let go of fear and reach their hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light - April 8, 2018

Now is the time for those who believe to let go of fear and reach their hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light.

Dear One,

When you resolve to let go of fear, an amazing energy is set into motion. It is as though hands of Angels join together in circles of light around you, keeping you protected and nurtured. When you walk, you are carried by these Angels “lest you strike your foot against a stone,” as is said in Psalm 91.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 8, 2018

APRIL 8,2018

Dear readers, we greet you with love and gratitude for your hard work and continuing efforts to bring more Light and awareness to a world in chaos.. Present times are intense in many ways for everyone, both those who have awakened to truth and those who have not.

You are wayshowers, the ones bringing Light into the minds of so many feeling confused and lost as much that has constituted foundational belief systems begins to crumble. You are bringing the energy of truth to mass consciousness simply by living from your own highest level of awareness.

Judith Kusel - The Mass Upgrading on Planetary and Galactic Core Levels - April 8, 2018

As souls we are now going through a massive re-awakening period, to a much higher degree and at much higher frequency bands than ever before. We are called back to the higher truth within our own soul, our soul mission and purpose and the reasons why we incarnated onto planet earth.

On planetary level the Earth is going through a massive galactic and solar upgrade, and thus her vibratory frequency bands are now fine-tuned to bring her in highest alignment to the galactic core. As she is thus being upgraded, we cannot afford to lag, or else we will not be able to hold life on her anymore.

sábado, abril 07, 2018

Blossom Goodchild - Mensaje de la Federación de la Luz - 6 de abril de 2018

Blossom: Hola, amigos míos. Estuve ocupada toda la Semana Santa y no pude encontrar tiempo para conectarme con ustedes. No solo estaba ocupada... Fui muy afectada por las Energías y en honor a la Verdad ... ¡no me sentía bien! ¿Podrían hablar sobre estas Energías? ¡Lo Positivo y lo Negativo!

FOL: Bienvenida, Queridísima Blossom y todos los que han elegido leer estas palabras. Estamos ansiosos por hablar de tales cosas ya que somos conscientes de la desconexión que uno puede sentir a veces y nos gustaría ofrecer formas de ayudar con el sentimiento de re-conexión.

Mike Quinsey - 6 de Abril, 2018

Queridos amigos, aquí hay otro mensaje que contiene mucha información necesaria y que es importante para los que intentan elevar sus vibraciones. Kryon toca de pasada el despertar del Dios interior, la consciencia de una nueva energía que podemos esperar que sea sanadora y de cambio, y se está creando el equilibrio. Kryon dice que “la Compasión es el Rey”. Hay sorprendentes noticias sobre nuestros ancestros, y tenemos la primera señal de decenas de miles de entidades y de seres llegando a la Tierra para ayudarnos, y de que está siendo inundada de Luz.