miércoles, diciembre 13, 2017

John Smallman - Jesus - As humans many of you think or assume that you were born without any input or choice in the matter.- December 13, 2017


As Christmas approaches and the year draws to a close, much is happening for all humans at a level that is far below their conscious awareness, and this is bringing into their normal conscious awareness discomfort, unsettling thoughts and ideas, and much confusion. For a very long time people have been accustomed to burying or denying extremely painful experiences that they have undergone in order to carry on with their lives and the commitments that they have taken on. It has

The Rainbow Bridge and the Family of Light (Silver Solstice Series: Part Five)

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Power Day 3: Powerful Cosmic Re-Alignment Codes, Crystalline Grid Upgraded & Now StarGate Synchronization is Full-on - 12/13/2017

HUGE Photonic Integration and Upgrades Continue. Codes after Codes "loaded" and activated in our body and fields too. How we "link up" to the Crystalline Grid of Our NEW Earth, Gaia, Galactically, SOULaris and entire planetary/cosmic systems depends on how much of a priority INTEGRATION and EMBODIMENT are to each of us here.

Jennifer Hoffmann - Informe de Energía de Diciembre 2017 - 4 de Diciembre 2017

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Nos encontramos en el último mes de 2017 y, si volvemos la vista hacia los últimos 11 meses, veremos que tenemos mucho que celebrar porque, aunque ha sido un “paseo salvaje”, también hemos conseguido muchos progresos. Cuando oigo a miles de personas hablar de un “despertar masivo” al describir lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo, sé que hemos tenido un gran éxito.

Nancy Tate - Message of the Moment From Horus - Dec 13, 2017

Message of the Moment From Horus

12-13-17: There is only one way to bring peace to this world and that is first to bring peace to yourself then send it out to the rest of the people. That opens up the ability and desire of so many people to move in a direction that means the rest of the world will follow in a peaceful loving manner. That is the basis of being in the wonder of the power of love. I am Horus and I have some news for you. There is a group of people in the southern part of this world that are meeting with each other in the aspects of the world and sending out their essences of Peace, Joy, and Love to all of this world in a constant manner. It is already affecting the nearby area of where they are, and it is moving in a rapid pace so as to bring that essence of Love to all of the population.

Thank you so much dear Horus,

Much Love, Nancy Tate

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Be pleased with your progress and with your light. You are advancing steadily. Now, enough with the fear. What if you reached a point in your destiny where fear no longer existed? Where you trusted each moment of life to bring you to higher realizations EASILY. You are going higher now, in truth and in wisdom, as you afford yourself the gift of releasing your fear.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 13, 2017

Many of you understand the importance of balance, but think it is one static place you must find. But balance is not one unmovable alignment. True balance comes from movement and flow.

martes, diciembre 12, 2017

Time Shifts and Memory Codes (Silver Solstice Series: Part Four)

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 12/12 Portals Opened on 12/11 for Recoding/Integration Today - 12/12/2017

All of these new codes are available to all who are ready to integrate these on a cellular and body template level and synchronize fully with their field to connect up further to the Crystalline Grid of our NEW Earth and Galactically too. This is a Gateway, a passageway of opportUNITY for each. To open up fully, release/transcend all "old" linear/fixed/held onto/stored mentalities, programs and limited beliefs. We've begun the "cycling through" to see what is not fully aligned on our highest levels of consciousness and align it all ourselves... from within.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - December 12, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

When you truly understand the purpose of all things

you will come home.

What if each image is needed?

What if every step is leading you closer?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 12, 2017

May you replace your worry with intention, your wounds with healing, your fears with faith, your lack with abundance, your loneliness with connection, your hopelessness with dreams, your judgment with acceptance, your anxiety with peace, and your yearning with love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – December 11, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Powerful Light Bringers!
We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again, and to share insights on an issue that touches all of your lives etherically, if not in outer ways.
We have recently received a question from a grandmother in Australia, who out of Love for her granddaughter, is distressed at the amount of bullying occurring now.
This dear one asks why bullying is happening to so many children and young people. Her granddaughter she describes as a lovely girl, a high school student, with dark hair.
She is being bullied for having a mixed racial background and fair skin, which even her friends comment on.
The grandmother comments, “These people cannot accept people who are a little different,” and that she “cannot believe the intelligence of people who do this sort of thing, but feel most bullies have been bullied at home.”
We would say, that for one, there is currently an atmosphere of bullying, based on the old fear paradigm, coming from some of the most vocal and authority-claiming channels on the planet.
Namely, those referred to as world leaders who take making threats and issuing dangerous proclamations to be the chief hallmarks of leadership, strength, and military might.
Now, on the other side of this bragging, pomposity, and unthinking outbursts, there is a miracle occurring. 
And that miracle is the beginning of the end of aggression as you know it; the end of victim-making and victim-playing in the great drama that has been third dimensional Earth life.

And the end of the forms of social, economic, and political categorizing that begin in childhood.
Children are mind-controlled to view their peers as competition that must be either enlisted to their private army of comrades, or challenged and fought against as a potential social or personal threat.
We do not call that miracle simply “the end of the old forms of masculinity.”
We call it the Return of the Divine Feminine.
What you see occurring to this and many millions of other children, young people, and adults, is not an isolated social condition, but an outpouring of the lower, ego-based self.
This Shadow Self is rising in vibration, and after eons of being manipulated through fear and survival instincts by the lower order, is desperately trying to maintain its hold on human consciousness, yet failing to do so.
This downfall has been viewed by the lower realms as a temporary setback, as those who inhabit those dimensions do not read rising Earth vibrations as anything other than that which they can perhaps tune to their own preferences and use for their own ends.
Yet they are mistaken on this point and in their appraisal of the current phase of human evolvement, as they have been mistaken on many points all along Earth’s current timeline.
We would not say to this dear one’s granddaughter, “Just ignore them, and it will stop,” as so many well-meaning educators and parents say to those who are bullied.
We would say instead, several things, none of which young people may accept as viable or doable by them, and yet, all of which carry their own powerful vibration.
These are not based on “getting into a tussle” with those who insult or injure, and yet, they do not ignore the issues.
It begins with a young person’s own inner perspective, difficult though it may be to stand up to that developmental need to win the approval of one’s peers.
For one, everything that a person experiences in this life is being used by their soul for its own glorious expansion, strengthening of purpose, demonstration of purpose, and inner growth.
Nothing occurs by accident—this child was not born with her beautiful features and coloring by accident, any more than any other child is born with features that simply fell to them, without their soul, higher self, and Spirit guides having chosen such.
It was by Divine design—as all are Divine Beings in the higher realms—that she and her soul chose this appearance, for beautiful reasons not yet revealed to her Earth consciousness.

Carrying that knowledge of higher purpose with her—even if she cannot name it yet—will raise her circumstances in her eyes from one of accident or social betrayal to one of, “They don’t know my path yet, and I don’t know my path fully either. But their judgment of who I am and why I came has nothing to do with me.
“They are frightened by what they consider to be their own imperfections. So that if they comment on my appearance in a negative way, it is because they feel that will place them above me somehow. But it can’t.
“There is no social hierarchy. That is a lie and an illusion.
“All are precious and equal in worth. And the invaluable uniqueness of each person means that all are equal in beauty.”
For another, this dear grandmother is correct when she notes that many who bully are bullied at home.
Children are taught bullying first as a form of victimhood for themselves or another family member, and then as a form of self-expression to ensure what they view as self-protection. Or as a their role to play out socially.
They are also constantly mentally trained to think in terms of threatening, macho aggression in film, digital gaming, video, and television scenes, that “prove” the toughest guy always wins.
More than flashing images, music, and clever dialogue, this is also a function of the technologies employed in media, created to entrain and manipulate the viewer.
The “tough guy” worship and indoctrination is not only a denunciation of women’s and girls’ humanity and intrinsic worth.
It is a denunciation of the Feminine aspect of the human spirit and psyche, and of the Universe.
Sports, education, social events, religious training, social training, family dynamics—nearly every aspect of a young person’s life is structured so as to assure them that the Feminine elements of nurturing, compassion, kindness, patience, inclusion, the design and gestation of new ideas, and the intrinsic self-worth of each person are pathetic ideas for “losers” and “geeks,” and not what a real soldier or “winner” would do.
And so everyone, whether they feel they are justified in it or not, tends to learn some form of categorizing and judging others in ways that makes the Other small, perhaps even a caricature, while desperately narrowing potential growth of their own self-image.
Young girls learn to take up competition against one another to prove who is most worthy of the most confidently macho of the boys.
This social division and reinforcing of the aggression trait is in another ploy to ensure that family traits then reinforce the warped masculine—the Wounded Masculine of the one who has lost half of their own spirit and psyche to a culturally supported lie.
And yet—see what has unfolded in recent weeks, particularly in the United States, where so many women have come forward to give account of sexual assault or harassment suffered from male colleagues, bosses, or social contacts!
Witness their bravery, their claiming of their higher self, their intrinsic worth, and the worth of all that is Feminine!
None of this is accidental.

With the Return of the Divine Feminine to this planet, the old lies, the old narrowness from which humankind sought to justify the beliefs it was fed by those aiming to disempower it, are so quickly dissolving, it is impossible for you to catch every demonstration of it, no matter how well publicized they may be.
Can you take a moment, right now, to think not in terms of what you Must do with the remainder of your day, or do tomorrow, but what would be most Joyful for you to do?
This is the blessing of the Feminine, moving forth with ever-increasing strength and pouring forth onto the planet with something like an Angelic trumpet blare.
This is what is required of you now—to move from the masculine, left-brain rational obsession of what job needs to get done, into the joyful expression of the heart-mind, and the depth of its connection to your very soul.
And its conscious connection to all Life.
That joyful thing you have been putting off—the music, the laughter, the time in Nature—is calling you, because it is pulling you to remember and reclaim your higher self.
And this is why you were intentionally separated from it for so long.
And so we would say to every young person (or adult) being bothered by others whose egos are weak and flailing, and who lack the self-Love to get through the day in any other way—we would say, What is that joyful thing you Love, and want to do?
What do you want to pour yourself into—what fascinates you most?
What draws you? What is your greatest passion in life?
If you do not know, you must find it, dear ones.
And when you do, you will be so caught up in the glory of expressing the Divine Being You are, Whom came to evolve into while still in a human body, that no insult will ever separate you from your joy.
Let them see you shining in your joyful life of living out your passion, whatever it is.
Let them view your empowerment as something they will realize they did not even know existed.

That is the way forward.
We send empowering energies of courage, inner strength, and Peace of heart-mind to all under any form of duress now.
The shadows you battle are from old, and the sword of your empowerment is well sharp enough to dispel them all.
Namaste, dear ones! We are right beside you, always.
Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

lunes, diciembre 11, 2017

L’Aura Pleiadian - Your FORM Glorified AS The Eternal Light BEING ~ You - Dec

Your FORM Glorified AS The Eternal Light BEING ~ You

Your Form, appearing solid, yet is the magnificent LIGHT of your consciousness.

Matter, impregnated with the VERY Origins of the Universe.

The Form and DNA as the frequency, of your Eternal Light, God Self.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Learning,Remembering Inter-dimensional Light Language - 12-11-17


Learning and Remembering
The Inter-dimensional Communication of Light Language

The Arcturians Through Suzanne Lie

Again, you may find your heart and mind hanging around our higher dimensional group of the Masters, Angels, Elohim. You see, “The beginning of the Beginning” is beginning.
We, the Arcturians are always with you and are playing an increasingly different role in what was once known as your “time.”

As the frequency streamers of the emergence of the “fifth dimensional concepts, feelings, and memories” come forth to integrate within your consciousness, you are beginning to release many of your third dimensional emotions and reactions to your Time and Space Operating System.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - December 11, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, December 11, 2017

Receive the blessings of your higher heart.

Receive its blessings.

While you are busy counting the chickens of the past

in fact, a new approach is being offered

and is readily available now.

Shanta Gabriel - The 12:12 Activation of Unconditional Love - December 11, 2017

Shanta GabrielThe 12:12 Activation of Unconditional Love

Dear Ones,

At the moment of 12:12 on the 12th day of the 12th month, the pure golden light of Christ Consciousness ignites the sacred vessel of your high heart with compassion and love.

Divine Love is an imprint pre-encoded for your awakening consciousness. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans are acting as lightning rods when they receive this immense download of Christed Light that anchors Unconditional Love into the Earth.

When your heart is open and there is a willingness to receive, the connection to your new thymus chakra becomes activated at the 12:12. This center receives divinity and awakens Divine Love in the sacred chalice of your High Heart.

Explaining the Two World Split (Silver Solstice Series: Part Three)

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday December 11, 2017

As you finish up this year and move forward into the energies of 2018, many of you think about changes you’d like to make in your lives. This is a wonderful practice! But did you know that making your new year resolutions before the solstice can help you be more successful in implementing those changes?

The Light Body Is Forming Through The Heart, Activated Through the Emergence of the Divine Feminine - Dec 11, 2017

By Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

At this time of high acceleration the light body has also accelerated in it’s transformation from the HUman Body. The light body forms through the sacred heart. The beginning phase of the light body formation starts with the opening of the Heart chakra. As it opens it then works to open even wider to let more LOVE in which then builds up to allow more LIGHT to develop inside of it. As more light permeates the Divine Heart, more compassion for all sentient beings develops and takes hold. This can also be referred to as activation of the Divine Feminine. The Divine feminine exists in all beings.

Brenda Hoffman - Betwixt and Between - December 11, 2017


Dear Ones,

You likely feel as if nothing will ever be right and whole again as if your life is stagnating with your dreams unanswered and the world in never-ending chaos. Even though you are beginning to sense new developments within you, that newness does not seem to change anything in your world.