miércoles, diciembre 13, 2017

Nancy Tate - Message of the Moment From Horus - Dec 13, 2017

Message of the Moment From Horus

12-13-17: There is only one way to bring peace to this world and that is first to bring peace to yourself then send it out to the rest of the people. That opens up the ability and desire of so many people to move in a direction that means the rest of the world will follow in a peaceful loving manner. That is the basis of being in the wonder of the power of love. I am Horus and I have some news for you. There is a group of people in the southern part of this world that are meeting with each other in the aspects of the world and sending out their essences of Peace, Joy, and Love to all of this world in a constant manner. It is already affecting the nearby area of where they are, and it is moving in a rapid pace so as to bring that essence of Love to all of the population.

Thank you so much dear Horus,

Much Love, Nancy Tate