miércoles, agosto 09, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cinco Alineaciones - Reedición - Ginebra, Suiza, 17 de mayo de 2017

"Cinco Alineaciones"

Esta canalización fue dada en vivo en Ginebra, Suiza, el 17 de mayo de 2017

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces se agrega o condensa la información. A menudo lo que sucede en vivo tiene implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje realzado dado en Ginebra, Suiza.

The Quantum Awakening Newsletter Aug 2017 Aug 2017


***from your Hostess of Light
*** MERCURY RETROGRADE: Slow down and listen to the past
*** The sands of time slide through the entrances & exits of all that is Sacred

From your Hostess of Light

As we wine and dine and fool ourselves into believing everything we read is truth, we come to an intersection of time that demands our undivided attention. Warning flags and ciphers are every where. the blind followers continue to feel their way thru the dark forest of upcoming events. The bread crumbs are strewn about by nature forces that come to confuse the senses. Like a grand magicians final act the universe says look at me, as I cloud your senses. Look at me as I mesmerize your children, look at me as I shroud what is already invisible.

Lee Carroll - Kryon Bulletin - August Issue

August Issue


So here we are in August, and as I write this, I'm currently on our eleventh Cruise, and the third time cruising Alaska. If any of you are on Facebook with our attendees, you already know that something has happened on this cruise that is completely out of the normal: The weather we are experiencing is more than good. It's completely out of the realm of normal for this time in Alaska.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Sirian Lyran Lion's Gateway: NEW Star Codes & Coordinates have been Delivered to Each's Field for Full Integration & Implementation Now - 8/9/2017

Yesterday (8.8.8), a huge portal/gateway opened up and released new "Star Codes & Coordinates" to each of our individual StarGates/Systems/Fields for integration into our Consciousness/physical body form (and Gaia's too!).

These give us the ability to travel further than ever before, to access so very much more and to integrate like never before. We increase clearing old timelines/cellular programs/distortions of the old, the limits, the mindsets the "hold" that anything once had and open up to understanding/seeing beyond even more veils of amnesia as these expedite to dissolve.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Releasing The Matrix--Introduction - 8-9-17


Hello Dear Readers, Below is the beginning of my next book:



I just moved into a new house. That is a “new house” to me, as the house is actually quite old. I inherited this house, from my Grandmother who had lived there her entire life. The house is very big with many rooms, as well as a cellar and an attic. The cellar had far too many spiders, but as soon as I was settled in, I decided to explore the attic.

Jennifer Hoffman -The AHA Moment - Help and Divine Assistance - Aug 9, 2017

You can probably remember every time you have looked up to the sky in a moment of panic and helplessness and asked for help. And then waited for something to happen. Sometimes it did and sometimes it did not. It’s in those ‘God help me’ moments that we desperately want the sky to open up, angels to come to our rescue, and having a magic wand would definitely be a big plus. But while we get a reminder that we are sovereign in our reality and need to act in more powerful ways, sometimes we get an ‘AHA’ moment and see the pathway out of the chaos. And it’s in that moment when we realize what ‘AHA’ really means.

Episode 2 | Asara's Tokyo Vlog: The One With Tips For Lightworkers Ft. Roger Hanson

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 9, 2017

Dear Ones, stepping into your own mastery means trusting your ability to be the empowered expert on you. Other people may have many ideas about what you should or should not do. Most of that advice will come through the filter of what would be right for them. Feel into their advice, thank them for caring, but always do what feels right for you. No one will ever know your own path and soul's desires like you do. ~Archangel Gabriel

James Gilliland - "We're in for a Wild Ride" - August Update 2017

James Gilliland August 7, 2017

The Sun is cooperating with the Earths desire to ascend. It is as if the whole multiverse is behind this event. We are living in exciting times, just remember you bought this E ticket and Gods/Goddesses don't do boring things. You will be called upon to do your part.
- James Gilliland

Looks like we are in for a wild ride. According to Heart Math and its monitors the magnetic fields of the Earth have quadrupled. The Shuman Resonance has jumped from its normal around 7 hertz to 200 Easter then 530 the past few days. Obviously there has been some divine intervention on Earth not just in shielding but in the vibrational lifting.

Laura Pleiadian - 8 ~ 8 PORTAL ~ August 8th, The Lions Gate - Aug 9, 2017

8 ~ 8 PORTAL ~ August 8th Most Powerful!
Activating NOW!!
The Lions Gate is the time of Year ~ When the Sun and Sirius Align and the Earth is BATHED in their LiGHT.

NOW ~ Everything is inside YOU ~ so you have access to ALL of the LIGHT all the TIME through your Original LIGHT.

YOUR body is inside your consciousness.

YOUR Blueprint ~ activates YOUR PLAN. Your DNA responds to what is for YOU ~ to Be and to experience.

Consciously OPEN and receive the GREATER Light YOU ~ that is the PURE YOU.

martes, agosto 08, 2017


Happy Full Moon and Lion’s Gate energies!

The Full Moon of AUGUST 7, 2017 was a partial Lunar Eclipse. Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses bring issues in our lives to fulfillment. Our emotions are heightened, and there is often some drama involved with the house, sign, and any contacted planets activated by the eclipse.

Sun-Leo; Moon-Aquarius.

The “crisis” that these eclipses tend to elicit is a crisis of “lack”, a time when we suddenly realize a great need or want. The impact of the crisis can act to sever relationship or make changes that we must undertake. With these energies it’s possible. But it can also bring two people together with a sudden awareness of a great need for each other. Although Lunar eclipses are more relationship-oriented than Solar eclipses, they are not always about relationships between two people. They can trigger awareness of need in other areas of our lives, such as our relationship to work, to our health and bodies, and so forth.

Diane Canfield - Lions Gate Opens Sirius/Sirian Influences Drawing Closer-While Entering the Eclipse Gateway of High Energy - Augst 8, 2017

Blessings Beloveds,

We have just entered the Gateway of the Eclipses yesterday as well as Opening of the Lions Gate today. The Eclipse Gateway lasts from August 7 to August 21st. The Lions Gates is open from August 8 to the 12th.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Lion’s Gate Sirius Activation ~ Enter The Realm of the Lion and the Lioness ~ August 8, 2017


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We enter the realm of the lion and the lioness “she who protects at all costs.” The stars line up to show us the way home as we look up and away for a portal of escape leaving the harshness of the world behind. The fearlessness of the next step of our journey is nonnegotiable and not refundable. It addresses all that sits at the foot of our heart and still casts a shadow of doubt. The essence of rigel and regal comes forth to escort the bride of light from the star Sirius allowing her to shine upon the threshold of a new Light that asks you to deal and reshuffle all that you once thought to be truth.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 8:8 - El Portal del León

Entramos en el reino del león y la leona, "la que protege a toda costa." Las estrellas se alinean para mostrarnos el camino a casa mientras levantamos la vista buscando lejos un portal de escape que deje atrás la crueldad del mundo. La intrepidez de la próxima etapa de nuestro viaje no es negociable ni reembolsable. Aborda todo lo que se halla al pie de nuestro corazón y todavía arroja una sombra de duda. La esencia de Rigel y Regal* se presenta para acompañar a la novia de luz desde la estrella Sirio, permitiéndole brillar sobre el umbral de una nueva Luz que les pide que encaren y reacomoden lo que alguna vez pensaron que era verdad.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 8, 2017

Dear Ones, the universe is always shifting to serve you and to respond to your thoughts and desires. If you are getting mixed results, how can you further clarify what it is you wish to experience?

Sheldan Nidle Update~8-8-17~never lose sight of what you wish to create...

7 Men, 13 Pop, 1 Ik

Dratzo! Many signs now indicate that we are actually moving closer to the much-anticipated deliveries. The numerous delays and their accompanying glitches have reached a most critical point. We continue to fully expect your promised deliveries to occur. This process, as noted in previous reports, is taking far too long to successfully execute. The constant delays by the deliverers is appalling. At times, their frequent excuses would appear planned. The distribution process should not be a hit-or-miss procedure. It would be much easier to work in large and complete delivery batches to achieve a success.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – August 8, 2017

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings to all on this August 8 Lion’s Gate!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

And we see much at work, much Change occurring—and we say this with a capital “C” because this is not the sort of Change you have witnessed before now.

Previous to this new era, you saw “change” in your world in the very narrow sense of the term—a new ownership of an old system, a new perspective on an old idea, or a new way of doing something to improve productivity or convenience, to an old end.

lunes, agosto 07, 2017

Rollright Stones CROP CIRCLE 2.7k 60p

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 4 de Agosto, 2017

Las vibraciones siguen elevándose y las almas de más bajas vibraciones están encontrando poco a poco que es más difícil tratar con ellas, y como resultado se están desorientando. No hace falta decir que ellos dejarán esos niveles cuando suceda la Ascensión y se trasladen a otro nivel en el que se encuentren cómodos y a su gusto. Naturalmente, los que estáis elevando vuestras vibraciones no sentiréis efectos adversos, al contrario, os entusiasmará y os elevará. Todas las almas que sean capaces de aceptar las vibraciones superiores encontrarán que su vida se hace más placentera y recompensadora, y serán atraídas hacia almas compatibles con ellas. Lo similar atrae a lo similar, y así es en lo que os concierne a vosotros, aunque por razones kármicas muchas almas de diferentes niveles pueden ser parte de vuestras experiencias. En realidad, el karma tiene preferencia sobre otras consideraciones, porque es un factor importante en vuestro desarrollo.