jueves, junio 29, 2017

Jamye Price - July Ascension Energies – Integrating Time - Jun 29, 2017

June Review

June was an interesting one. With the energies, change was in the air, it has been increasing throughout this year. June brought to light what was within. Hopefully, you found yourself observing with a bit more detachment. It’s not always easy. Don’t expect pure detachment, pure immersion or pure separation constantly. This time is about anchoring a new way and it most often comes in waves. Just keep following your compassion and strength to greater focus on Love.

I’m seeing a new level of empowerment integrating that is holding the energetics of wayshowers/anchors/Lightworkers in greater support as humanity opens and awakens. It’s an interesting experience. Keep doing your internal work (May’s energy was also supporting that clarity) as you strengthen your focus to flow more strongly into the world. We are beginning to live more and more of “Being the change we are waiting for.” Keep up the great work!
July Energies

Sheldan Nidle - 27 de Junio, 2017

11 Ben, 16 Kayab, 13 Caban

¡Selamat Balik! Está sucediendo un apasionante grado de progreso a pesar del inmenso requerimiento diario de prospección contable para la distribución de los fondos. Mientras todo esto continúa, es evidente que el actual sistema bancario con sus limitaciones está causando un retraso, que es por lo que está claro que se necesita un nuevo sistema bancario. Es desafortunado que aunque estéis al borde de una más que amplia prosperidad, estáis clavados a la misma burda e inadecuada realidad de un sistema bancario más viejo y más limitador. ¡Sin embargo, la contabilidad y las realidades que acompañan al nuevo sistema están claramente llegando a realizarse!

John Smallman - Saul - You are vaster than the universe! - 06/29/2017

As you are all very well aware, enormous changes are occurring all across the world as the awakening process gathers further momentum and the Tsunami of Love intensifies, calling all of humanity to awaken. It is time for you to awaken, it is essential that you awaken, and as you do you can and will delight in the experiential knowing that you are indeed One, One with each other, and One with your divine Source, Mother/Father/God. Untold joy will fill your hearts as all fear, hatred, bitterness, resentment, self-disparagement, and any sense of “worthlessness,” or of “not being good enough,” just falls away and dissolves in the infinitely powerful “solvent” – Love.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday June 29, 2017

Your survival brain is always concerned with what might happen with change. It likes to look at worst case scenarios so it can be prepared for any potential dangers. This is not necessarily a bad thing! It is only detrimental to you if you stay in the energies of what may go wrong.

Lauren C. Gorgo - LOVE Prevails: enter the world of Heart - Jun 29, 2017

Happy summer (!)…winter to those down south..and good heavens (literally) what. a. season. awaits. Confounding to think that we are already entering the second half of the year…it feels like forever and yet a night since we entered this universal 1 vibration, and now here we are, mid-pivot thru another major turning point, another grand completion.

We spent the majority of this month engulfed in the Pentecostal fires , burning off the residual dross from our causal life, including the crucifixion/resurrection journey to arrive here…transmuting some very old cell memories associated with the expiring (karmic) template….all this in preparation for another season of radically accelerated change.



Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss the oneness of creation and its importance to the expansion of your consciousness.

All life forms begin with the Creator. Life is in a state of oneness in this undifferentiated form. Each cell carries the Light and essence of the Creator, and this is imprinted within the cell. This ensures that the consciousness of original essence is always within the cell.

miércoles, junio 28, 2017

Selacia - Navigating July Energies - Tap Your Power to Create - June 28, 2017

Navigating July Energies
Tap Your Power to Create
by Selacia

After months of intensity, you may feel like you need a long vacation and regrouping at this midpoint of the year. To be sure, the unusual has morphed into the usual and what before had been unthinkable is showing up with regularity. In this article I'll give a higher perspective of what's really going on and some key energy cycles you will want to know about in order to fully tap your power to create your best life.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - How your sovereignty affects others - June 28, 2017

The Council of Radiant Light, through Ailia Mira

Hello, Dear Friends,

We greet you in love. Today, we want to focus on willingness, willingness, specifically, as it relates to choosing sovereignty. We know that it's still challenging for you to give yourself permission to really be sovereign, to mind your own business, to see others as sovereign and in doing so, cut yourself loose from obligation and expectation that you're responsible for how other people are living, or for how other people's lives are going.

Natalie Glasson - El Morya - Cómo Su Ser Está Asistiendo A Su Ascensión - 11-05-2017


Bendiciones y saludos queridos míos, Soy el Maestro El Morya, y les traigo la Voluntad Divina y el Plan Divino del Creador sobre una poderosa ola de energía para que penetre y se sintetice con su Ser. Soy conocido como el Maestro del 1er. Rayo de Luz. Mi propósito es distribuir la Voluntad Divina y el Plan Divino del Creador a través de mi Ser a todos ustedes. El Creador está emanando constantemente una guía, asistencia y propósitos múltiples para todos, en general e individualmente. El Plan Divino y la Voluntad Divina del Creador son similares a un mapa sagrado que ya existe dentro de ustedes y que puede ser activado para recibir una mayor guía y una intervención divina en su vida. La Voluntad Divina y el Plan Divino del Creador tienen muchos niveles de conocimiento, iluminación, entendimiento, y guía, y lo que ustedes reciben depende de que estén dispuestos a expandir su mente y perspectiva, a recibir, y a escuchar interiormente. 

Steve Rother - The Group - Transitioning into Spiritual Mastery - June 15, 2017

Greetings from Home, dear ones

We join you this day watching from afar. We must say first of all, we are so incredibly proud of the work that you are doing, of the energy that you have brought to this beautiful game of free choice. Humans are absolutely astounding.
First, know that you have done well. Many of you are so incredibly interested in all the details—how many times have I incarnated on Earth? What have I done before? Where is my energy now? Dear ones, you already have all of that information. You are what is important now; what you bring to life by looking at it, what you work with, and at this point your energy is starting to really accelerate. Now we have shared much of the information about the proverbial line in the sand, the 50-year mark that is remaining on the timeline of planet Earth. That does not mean that humanity will end; what it means is that humans will change form in some fashion—all of you. But you have been doing that anyway, have you not? You have been stepping toward light body, elevating your spirit and the Earth. The challenge here is that you have been trying to measure the Earth as a rising vibration. Even the Schumann resonance had a new high recently and everyone was very joyous that things were getting better. And then we sort of dropped a bomb by stating that, in fact, from the Earth’s perspective she is transitioning.