jueves, junio 22, 2017

2017 IS STRANGE Part 11 // JUNE

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message June 22, 2017

Dear Ones, as you are in the process of co-creating, there may be some twists and turns in the unfoldment. This does not mean things are wrong in any way!

The Dissolution of the Process of the Veils (Solstice Stargate 2017)

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Taller de Canalización - Yellowstone, 5 de junio de 2017


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Yellowstone, 5 de junio de 2017

Taller de Canalización del lunes 5 de junio

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta noche mi socio ha presentado algunas facetas de lo que ustedes llaman canalización, y estoy aquí para decirles que pueden estudiar esto todo lo que quieran, y escribirlo, y llegará el día en que ya no se necesite. Hacia allí se dirigen.

De modo que hagamos un momento de pausa y pensemos en la historia del estudio de la canalización. Yo definiría la canalización que ahora oyen, como un ser humano que está en contacto con el conducto que va a la Fuente Creadora, y ha practicado salir de su propia manera, dejando de lado todas sus emociones y su intelecto, y ser como una pizarra en blanco pero con todas las herramientas de interpretación y comunicación. Un artista haría esto; maestro pintor, compositor, tiene que tener las herramientas para pintar, para componer. Pero cuando conectan con el conducto, por allí entran cosas que ningún ser humano podría hacer por sí solo.

Ron Head - The Council –The Invitation - June 22, 2017

The Council – The Invitation

Have you considered inviting your SELF to the party? What do you suppose it would be like if he or she were living this lifetime as you? What if, instead of having you be here as a sort of memory challenged scout ship, your higher SELF was looking out through your eyes and creating all that you were seeing? What if you lost nothing in the process, and instead gained all of the things your soul truly has hungered for in every lifetime?

James Gilliland ~ Callers, the RV, ECETI Conference, Spiritual Protection

miércoles, junio 21, 2017

Sheldan Nidle - 20 de Junio, 2017


4 Cimi, 9 Kayab, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Todo sigue avanzando a su ritmo. Los que están a cargo de la contabilidad segura y del adecuado reparto de moneda confían en que sea completado de manera puntual. Los únicos retrasos están siendo causados por los métodos elegidos para terminar las complicadas tareas asignadas. Estamos seguros de que varios procedimientos están siendo realizados con eficacia. Simplemente seguid teniendo paciencia y estad preparados para recibir los fondos de prosperidad en el momento adecuado. Los que están dirigiendo el programa de abundancia no solo están comprometidos en completar la RV y el GCR, sino también en establecer la República Americana NESARA.

Kara Schallock - Solstice & Divine Masculine - June 20, 2017

We are in the beautiful phase of the Solstice. It is masculine in nature. What this means is that it is not the old masculine of push and control, but that of the New Divine Masculine; that part of us that supports and acts on our dreams and visions; that which gives form to illusive Soul desires and upgrades our cells and DNA, as well as giving form to Light encodings. The Divine Masculine takes action in Courage and purpose. While we have integrated the Divine Feminine; this does nothing; we need both Feminine and Masculine to be balanced. With Balance, we have dreams and visions that are acted on. There is purpose in all we do, as we fully integrate our Divine Masculine with no ulterior motives; only the desire to support and serve our Divine Feminine. The Divine Masculine does not hide His Heart in a cave, for His and Her Hearts are one Heart. The Divine Masculine within us wants to act and bring to manifestation all the guidance of the Goddess. He wants to serve Her in all He chooses to do. He does not act without Her guidance. As we embrace our Divine Masculine fully, we bring our visions and guidance to fruition. This is the Solstice Purpose.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Inter-dimensional Communication - 6-21-17

Inter-dimensional Communication

The Arcturians through Sue Lie

Dear Arcturians,

Do you have a message for me today? I do know that there is always a message, but I just need to ask. Therefore, I am asking now…

Dear Suzille,

Yes, you are correct in that we do always have a message for any one who wishes to communicate with us. Thus, we wish to remind anyone who may be reading this communication that we, the Arcturians, as well as ALL your Galactic Family, are always ready to communicate with you.

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 6-23-17 - June 21, 2017

Dear Friends,
New Moon is Friday, June 23 at 8:31 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

On the heels of a very powerful Solstice comes the New Moon. What better way to anchor some of your new reality. What are you doing differently in your life? This is a good time to revisit the intentions you refined at the beginning of the month. Take an inventory of your reality checks; of what opened up for you, what is still in question, what you eliminated, what you committed to, and what is different in your experience of your reality? If you have gone through a painful separation in your relationships ask for and set an intention for healing. If you are experiencing great openings, opportunities and abundance, have gratitude for it but at the same time focus on setting up the details of how you will support this new reality on the physical level. As you reach for the next level, remember to get help and support from the right places.