sábado, mayo 13, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday May 13, 2017

The practice of presence and gratitude is absolutely guaranteed to infuse magic and wonder into your life. ~Archangel Gabriel

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Driving To My New Life - 5-13-17

I am starting my Multidimensional School today, so I will be too busy to post too often. But here is a message for today...
Driving To My New Life
Sue Lie and the Arcturians

Hello everyone, this is Sue Lie. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the school that we are running within this NOW. I wanted to share with you a message that I received from the Arcturians.

We had just gone down to LA to close up everything and kind of finish that life, and we were driving up to our new house in the country. I felt that there was a message, but, of course I didn’t have any paper, but I did find a pen, and a small booklet of paper.

Blossom Goodchild - May 13, 2017

Hello there, once again. I expect there are a million people eager to ask you a million questions … yet, I choose to leave the floor open and see how our conversation flows today. (When I meet a friend for a chat, I don’t think up questions to ask, I just enjoy the company).
As indeed, Dearest Blossom, we always enjoy our communications with you.
Are you doing many things at once, as we speak?
Of course.
Like what?
We are BEING … and BEING, although this means ‘Doing nothing’ actually encapsulates everything.

John Smallman - Saúl - El despertar de la humanidad involucra exponer y liberar todos sus asuntos medulares - 05-03-2017



Aquí en los reinos espirituales estamos en total alerta ya que el momento del despertar colectivo de la humanidad se acerca. Como están enterados, solo existe el momento eterno del ahora aunque experimentan un tiempo lineal continuo y a veces aparentemente interminable – tiempo sin fin a la vista – pero incluso para ustedes en su forma humana habrá un fin para el tiempo al entrar en total consciencia de la Realidad del siempre presente momento de ahora.

viernes, mayo 12, 2017

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Crystalline Sound & Hope - May 2017

The Crystalline Sound & Hope
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn 

Copyrights Duly Reserved 2017 to James Tyberonn & Earth-Keeper

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service.

Dear Humans, among the creative artistic works available to souls in the Cosmos, the Living Omniverse and Omni-Earth, none offers more benevolence than that of music expression. Certain forms of what may be termed as classical & 'new age' music, in your present vernacular, actually stimulate and regenerate life force and the synchronicity of cells within the human brain and body physical. In so doing, this form of musical crystal-patterning will actually entrain the 'trinity' of body-mind and soul. These patterning's will also balance and stimulate the chakric system in ways far beyond your current understanding.

Mahala - Planet Alert May 2017 - May 12, 2017

The full moon on May 10 was a very powerful one. It was the climax of the Mercury/Uranus conjunction that started on April 28, 2017. The period of time from April 28 to May 10 was very challenging because of that conjunction. Mercury rules transportation and communication and Uranus rules sudden unexpected events. How did you experience this past period of time up to the full moon? Did it feel like Mercury was still retrograde? A Mercury/Uranus conjunction makes it feel like Mercury is still retrograde. This caused lots of computer problems, phone challenges, and lots of accidents.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday May 12, 2017

When you have gone through a period of intensity, be it energetic or otherwise, it can be difficult to focus on anything other than how uncomfortable you are. But there are key elements that do help minimize your discomfort and help you move through the challenging time with the greatest amount of speed, support, grace, and ease possible. Those elements are surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, allowing and gratitude.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 12 May 2017

It seems that the negative forces are being driven out of their underground bases and unable to maintain global control. The cleansing will continue until they no longer represent a threat to Humanity, allowing greater control by the Forces of Light. It can only be a matter of time before their control over your news sources is released, and enable the real news to be given. Up to now you have to scan the Internet for the truth when many websites feed you false information. However, if you have already identified those sites that are reliable, you will at least have a reasonable idea of what is really happening.

So much news is waiting to be released and it will cover the events of the last seventy years or so that have been covered up. In general people will not just be amazed but actually shocked to believe that the truth has been held back for so long. The Illuminati have prevented you from evolving and at the same time they have “stolen” your money to fund their enormous secret projects. It is not just free energy that would uplift your lives immediately, but advanced technologies such as the food replicator. At a stroke these two advancements would lift people out of poverty and starvation. However, do not despair as it will not be much longer before beneficial changes will be introduced, and you will then know that the Light is in total power.

The Illuminati are ruthless and stop at nothing to hold onto their power but they have now more than met their match. While progress is being speeded up many beneficial projects are going ahead, and preparations have been made for the coming time when they can be publicly announced. Your main timeline is strong and leads to Ascension, and it can be confirmed that nothing can now stop it from fully manifesting. It still looks certain that major events will be announced and commence before the end of the year. Certainly rapid progress is being made that will enable the Light Forces to achieve their objective to get matters underway very soon.

Meanwhile chaos reigns over many parts of the world, as the new energies are stirring things up until they are able to settle down. There is a sorting out, and the lower vibrations have to rise up otherwise there is no place for them at the new levels where they simply cannot exist. However you are rapidly reaching that turning point and from thereon a bright and peaceful future beckons. Those souls that cannot lift up their vibrations will feel uneasy and at times unable to come to terms with what is happening, lacking the understanding for it to be otherwise. Their belief system cannot comprehend what is behind the changes, and in many instances have little or no interest in them. Their needs are however being catered for and at the appropriate time they will move onto a new path to further their evolution.

Never fear for those who are not at your level of understanding. Everyone will find themselves in the right place and it cannot be otherwise, as it is determined precisely by your individual vibrations. So all souls will find themselves exactly where they can continue their experiences at a rate that suits them. There would be no gain or usefulness in moving to a higher level until you are ready, and achieve it through your own development. The Earth throws up some tough challenges and these are your route to a successful experience on your journey to Ascension. It is worth repeating that you are never set tasks that are beyond your capabilities.

Virtually every day of your life opportunities however small will present themselves, that give you a chance to lift up your vibrations. Your challenge is then to keep them there and build on them so that you continue to keep rising up. Sometimes it is small things that can mean so much to another person, such as a kind word or a helping hand that makes them feel worthy and wanted. Good deeds often cost you nothing but at times you may gift an amount to help those in need, and if everyone helped others in this way poverty would soon disappear. The lack of the spreading of wealth together with actions taken by the Illuminati, has meant that the wealth of the world is in the hands of a very small minority whilst millions barely exist lacking the basic needs to survive. These situations will change very soon and re-valuation of the currencies will go a long way to bringing about a fair distribution of wealth.

The Human Race are strong people having grown up in the toughest of civilisations. Many have become dedicated to their tasks and breed success because of their intent to overcome the obstacles in their way. Progress has been quick and all experiences have been to the benefit of the whole. Some still find it hard to grasp the true reality they live in and spend life after life learning their lessons. Help is always given but in no way imposed upon anyone. Remember that freewill is sacred and to be honoured by all souls and it is a matter of concern where it is ignored, and those who do so are having to learn the karmic lessons that result as a consequence of their actions.

Where there are close relationships or family links it can be generally taken that they will continue regardless of any changes brought about because of the end times. Past lives will show that they interchange roles from one incarnation to another so that they evolve together. You incarnate in either of the sexes so that over a period of lives a balance is maintained, but naturally on some occasions it also involves karma. Be assured that the Higher Beings who oversee your progress can see the larger picture and have absolute control over all matters. So you can understand that events are happening in a controlled manner regardless of how they appear from the outside. Freewill is still honoured but is satisfied by having been incorporated into people’s life plan, and in this way does not affect the greater plan for your evolution.

Keep your eyes firmly on your immediate goal so that you can successfully proceed without being distracted by outer happenings. Knowing that you are nearly home as your cycle comes to a close should give you the necessary strength to achieve a successful conclusion. What celebrations will take place and how enjoyable it will be knowing that all is well and that the negative forces can no longer interfere.

If you are able help those who are lost yet know or feel that big changes are happening, try not to overwhelm them with the details and give only as much as you know they can comprehend. Most souls are sensitive to change and know that something is happening but may be unable to understand what is taking place. The main point to put over is that beneficial changes are taking place and that there is nothing to fear. The future of the Human Race is in safe hands, and after the Earth has been cleansed and renewed a glorious new era will commence.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Hi Friends, I shall now be going to take a break for the next two weeks. So my next message will be on the 2nd June. I am off as usual to visit my two sons in Devon in the beautiful West Country of England. So I am looking forward to a nice relaxing break.

The rest of this year should be very interesting and by the end of it the first major announcements should have been made.
Wishing you all a great Summer time - with Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Sandra Walter - May Gateways: Embodiment of the Highest Light - May 12, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our initial May Gateway passage brings the strongest unification of Gaia grid systems, Ascending HUman Heart Grid, Crystalline Grids, Solar Gateways and Cosmic Stargates yet. The cosmic combination lock clicked into place this week and opened interdimensional doorways of purer, higher light. Again. The expansion is palpable to most, as well as the Gateways to the Primary Christed timelines.

jueves, mayo 11, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Qué quiere Dios? - Ámsterdam, Holanda, 3 de mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Ámsterdam, Holanda, 3 de mayo de 2017

Nº 4 - ¿Qué quiere Dios?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es la cuarta canalización del día, y continuamos la serie. Reacción de Dios ¿es eso posible? Actitud ¿es eso posible? Asociación; posible con la humanidad. Hay muchas preguntas sobre Dios que no pueden responderse. No se puede porque no hay manera posible de que la mente humana pueda concebirlo. Por mucho que lo intenten, con todo lo que tienen, sencillamente no es concebible.

Se hizo la pregunta: ¿Cómo es la mente de Dios? ¿Qué quiere Dios? ¿Quién es Dios? Esas preguntas ni siquiera se pueden hacer. No hay "quién"; no hay un lugar donde esté Dios; no hay una mente de Dios. Esos son conceptos humanos. No hay realmente una consciencia de Dios, porque Dios no es humano. Pero hay mucho que sí podemos contarles.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Creating New Foundations So You Can Thrive in Changing Times - May 11, 2017

Dear Ones,

There are moments in life when you need to acknowledge the power working through you and dedicate your lives to something greater. In times of challenge in life, it is especially important to remember what you are truly devoted to, and what it is that you are dedicated to experiencing. It is then that you can participate in creating a new foundation of Well-being that allows you to resonate deeply within your heart with what brings you more fulfillment and a greater sense of meaning and purpose.


We awoke to StarGates activating and synchronizing and an UPGRADE to our StarGate Systems too! The actual StarGates are being gridded with Crystalline/Diamond Light Encodements, which is exquisite wow.....

These StarGate systems were "suppressed", offline and defunct for so long (because that was our chosen human experience/experiment here). As Crystalline Gridkeepers & Gatekeepers we are continually working to upgrade/integrate/activate/hold and anchor more for all of us as ONE here. While we intentionally & continually vibrate higher to hold this immense light and these intricate encodements in our own Physical Body Templates/Forms and keep our fields Pure and Clear. This allows us to integrate faster and easier.... and to synchronize instantly as we do.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Toda enfermedad es la niebla de la consciencia - Ámsterdam, Holanda, 3 de mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Ámsterdam, Holanda, 3 de mayo de 2017

Nº 3 - Toda enfermedad es la niebla de la consciencia

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunas personas han preguntado respecto al canalizar. Dijeron: "¿Dónde está el hombre, cuando la canalización está en curso?" Nosotros decimos que él se aparta, y esa es la verdad. El Espíritu no se adueña de su cuerpo. A través de años de práctica, ha aprendido a entregarse y hacerse a un lado. Y lo que luego llega a través de él, es lo que ustedes oyen ahora. Pero al principio no era así en absoluto; no había confluencia de sintaxis, era un inglés muy malo. El Espíritu le mostraba cosas, y luego él las recordaba y las repetía en la canalización. No era como ahora.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Empaths Back on the Planet: Your Role Here as Peacemaker on Gaia - May 11, 2017

Peace Makers Call into Action of service The dark serves the light
You are vital for peace on the planet to take root. There are myriad expressions of the human DNA experiment on Gaia today. Because of certain influences of the creator gods, what appear as negative aspects are being played out on the Earth plane where man’s inhumanity to man and the greater whole is still being acted out.
Many humans do not truly understand that being in service to others, they are truly serving themselves and the greater whole. They are still mired in dogma, forcefully holding onto what little power they think they have for fear of losing all control, not realizing that in order to access the high road (true power), letting go of everything one thinks one knows is key.

Kryon - Amsterdam Channelling - 2017

Kryon - Glendalough Excursion - 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday May 11, 2017

Surrender, faith, flow, and trust are the energies that take you from simply having a dream and it becoming reality. It is the movement part of manifestation. ~Archangel Gabriel

Alcyon Pléyades 56: Drogas, narcotráfico, guerras inventadas, colonialismo, EEUU-Corea, III Guerra

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 07-05-2017


Queridos lectores, de nuevo venimos con amor y con la mejor de las intenciones por vuestro avance espiritual.

Aunque la evolución del mundo parece estar estancada, sin cambios, e incluso retrocediendo, sabed que las intensas frecuencias de la Luz fluyendo en este momento hacia Gaia están sirviendo para exponer las creaciones tan escondidas de esa consciencia de consenso no iluminada, basada en la dualidad y la separación, que ha mantenido y sigue manteniendo a la humanidad en la esclavitud.

Kryon "How Spirit really communicates" 2017