lunes, enero 16, 2017

John Smallman - Saúl - Dios está en su interior, punto - Diciembre 18, 2016

No hay razón para estar con miedo. El miedo es de la ilusión, irreal, una reacción a la incertidumbre que solo les quita su energía porque se enfoca en el futuro, distrayéndolos de vivir en este momento de ahora que es el único tiempo que existe. Ahora es donde necesitan enfocar su atención y sus sentimientos y al hacer eso estarán completamente conscientes de su estado de presencia justo ahora. Intenten mantener este estado constante de la consciencia presente para que estén totalmente vivos y alertas y entonces estar abiertos a los codazos intuitivos, la guía sabia de aquellos que los cuidan desde los reinos espirituales.

John Smallman - Jesús- - Ustedes son Amor y nada más - Diciembre 15, 2016

La Unidad que es Dios, la Fuente, la Suprema Inteligencia, la Gran Sabiduría, como a menudo se les ha dicho, es AMOR. Solo existe el Amor. Abran sus corazones a él. La única razón de que no lo sientan o lo experimenten es porque están cerrados en el miedo. Tienen la sensación de eso, sensaciones momentáneas que se sienten muy bien pero continúan cerrándose cuando las distracciones de la ilusión atrapan su temerosa atención. Por favor ABRAN SUS CORAZONES. Su confianza en el plan divino es esencial. Básicamente dentro de ustedes mismos sí confían pero siguen retrasando la evidencia de eso. El despertar de la humanidad es inevitable, divinamente asegurado y está tomando lugar justo ahora.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 15 de Enero, 2017

Saludos, queridos amigos. Una vez más venimos con amor para conversar con vosotros, conscientes de todo lo que estáis encarando en estos tiempos de rápido cambio. Muchos de vosotros estáis en proceso de integrar energías de altas dimensiones que pueden haceros sentir agotados y confusos porque hay asuntos físicos y emocionales conectados con el proceso de limpieza que sale a la superficie.

Todo el mundo está sintiendo los efectos de las nuevas y más altas frecuencias de Luz que están fluyendo sobre la Tierra en este momento. Incluso los que no tienen interés en tales cosas no pueden evitar sus efectos. Esos queridos que no entienden la naturaleza espiritual de lo que está sucediendo en este momento interpretan sus experiencias de acuerdo con su sistema de creencias, creyendo normalmente que tienen problemas físicos, emocionales o mentales.

Anna Merkaba - Magenta Star Astral Chakra Activation – The Ankh Key – Starseeds – Andromeda - January 16, 2017

Greetings Everyone! I hope that all of you are doing phenomenally well and that this year has started off beautifully for you. The channeling that you are about to hear is talking about something very interesting, the effects of the latest energy influx on STARSEEDS and the color MAGENTA.
There’s a lot that I wish to share with you. In this message I will talk about the color Magenta and what it means. The Magenta, Soul Star, Astral Chakra, 8th chakra or Alto Chakra as it is sometimes called. I will also talk about the Sacral Chakra and the reason that you may be feeling various changes relating to sex and intimacy at this time. How the color Magenta can help you. The ANKH key and why it is important at this time. I will also share an etheric seal with you to help balance out your sacral charka and a musical Soul Star Chakra Attunement created with the 528 HZ Miracle Healing Frequencies, to the help you to balance, activate and connect to your own Soul Star Chakra! As you can see there’s a lot that I wish to share with you today, before I do so however, here is a channeling that I have received from the Andromedian Counsel of Light

Selacia - Relaciones en el Año del Gallo - Consejos para Sanar Heridas, Encontrando Armonía - 7 de Enero 2017

Traducción: Alicia Virelli
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Las relaciones tendrán protagonismo en el Año Nuevo chino del Gallo que comienza el 28 de enero. La construcción de esa dinámica está en marcha ahora, afectando tanto las relaciones personales como las relaciones entre los ciudadanos y la élite del poder. Un ejemplo clave es en Estados Unidos, donde un nuevo liderazgo se está preparando para tomar el poder el 20 de enero - agitando incertidumbres y disturbios sin precedentes. Este es un momento único para que todos nosotros estemos vivos. Continúen leyendo para saber lo que esto significa para sus relaciones personales y su experiencia relacionada con el mundo exterior.

Brenda Hoffman - La Regla de Oro - 2 de Enero 2017

Traducción: Mary García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Este es un nuevo año en el ajuste de cuentas de 3D y un nuevo nacimiento en el conocimiento 5D. De hecho, han aceptado nuevas energías, nuevos segmentos y ahora están listos para ir más allá de lo que sabían en 3D.

Esto no significa que estarán zumbando entre frecuencias o dimensiones, o puede que sí. No importa cuáles sean los detalles, porque cada uno de ustedes es un individuo. Cambiaron rápidamente su Ser los últimos meses para que estuvieran listos para su nueva vida.

Ron Head - The Council - Priorities - January 16, 2017/

The Council – Priorities

As you move further into the energies of this new reality that we have been speaking with you about, a word about your priorities may be in order. You will in fact begin to bring into manifestation many of the things that you have held to be impossibilities for so long. Many of these things were, in fact, impossibilities in the old paradigms. But huge change brings many new things into play that were only dreams.

Blossom Goodchild - January 16, 2017

Hello there my friends. So many loved your audio channelling with the Light Language in it last week. Thanks for that. What’s next on the agenda?
Welcome in ALL LOVE and LIGHT to ALL … FROM ALL. These days ahead are presenting well and information coming to those of Earth certainly is ‘upping the ante’ would we say?
What information and in what way?
The pure fact that Life itself is stepping up. The Quickening beyond Quickening’s is upon you and in three months’ time, you will feel as if only a few weeks have flown by.
Be vigilant about your thoughts Dearest souls and master the art of dismissing instantly, those that do not serve. In doing so, you can CHANGE YOUR WORLD into that of a much Brighter Light … would we say … within the blink of an eye.
Yes, I do see that. I know I repeat myself, yet, I guess the continual question on people’s lips is how to wake up those who still sleep, for there seems to be so many unaware or disinterested … or simply oblivious to the worlds affairs ‘through the looking glass’ … And we need many more on board in order to keep raising the vibration to the level required.

Brenda Hoffman - Creating a New World Order - January 16, 2017

Dear Ones,

Do not fret for your fears will not last even though world events appear not solvable or too heavy to contemplate. The 3D solutions you are familiar with are war and perhaps negotiation. Neither of which appear feasible at this time. Hence, your overriding fear is that all is lost.

You have forgotten that you are creators of the greatest magnitude. That out of the rubble, you will create a golden age of love and peace.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday January 16, 2017

When you are in the process of shifting a lot of energy in your body, sometimes you will create the experience of giving yourself a good knock to get any stagnant energy moving again. Your body is always looking to do things in the most efficient way possible, and there are times when the best way to get energy dislodged and on the move again is by experiencing a sudden fall or a minor accident. Not only will the impact serve the purpose of addressing any energetic density, it also serves the purpose of slowing you down to practice some self care and greater awareness, if that is something you require more of. As always, you are being guided in all ways, and what you might consider to be a bit of bad luck is actually the universe continuing to serve and assist you in your enlightenment process. ~Archangel Gabriel

Mark Borax - Informe del Clima Cósmico Reporte Especial de Año Nuevo - 12 de Enero 2017

Mark Borax

Traducción: Edgar Estrada
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

En numerología, el 2017 se integra hacia el número 1, el cual marca el inicio de un nuevo ciclo; Por otro lado, desde el 28 de enero, entramos al año oriental del Gallo; Y, por último, la mayoría de los aspectos planetarios para los siguientes 12 meses involucran a Júpiter. Estas tres principales características son instrumentales en el clima cósmico, a su v4ez que son bastante positivas y se refuerzan entre sí, indicando un tono elevado y un empuje inconfundible de evolución progresiva para 2017. Analicemos cada factor de uno en uno antes de mezclarlos juntos para pintar un cuadro a nivel álmico del siguiente año.

domingo, enero 15, 2017


Mahala - Planet Alert Mid January 2017 big event this month in the United States is the inauguration of Donald Trump as president. This will occur on January 20, 2017. I looked at that chart and I see that Pluto (the transformer) will be on 17 degrees Capricorn. I find this interesting because we are in the year (20)-(17), which is the Tarot Card of the Star. This card is one of hope and wonder and inspiration. In the realm of the star all is fresh and new, and all is innocence. This sounds wonderful for the people seeking spiritually, but will it manifest on the Earth as we perceive it now?

Lisa Transcendence Brown - A Personal Declaration for Where WE Are NOW - 1/15/2017

Today I share some of my own recent realizations about "things". It's so awesome to observe your self and all in your current reality, your exchanges and where all come from in that which they express/do. For me, I chose certain roles here to play out and I do these with all that I have. I invest my time, energy, money, things for all in my own reality, because it's what we do for each other and a part of how we share, inspire, open portals and show others that there are other ways, come together, bring others into unity consciousness, create a space for others to experience the pure awesomeness that is available when we are in full alignment and flow with our/the universe as a whole. Each experience shows us all something, creates something beautiful. inspires, empowers, supports and when current realities have played themselves out, we all go our own way, for the next physical form souls to come into our world/universe/space/dimensional realities.....

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it - January 15, 2017

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

All things in life are a part of the Universal Consciousness. This includes the desires of your heart. You have within you all that it takes to fulfill these desires and create the life you want to have. Know that each time you feel a deep longing, the seed of fulfillment is inherent within it.

There is a deep re-awakening within you, showing you a potential for all that you desire. This re-awakening results from your connection to God and the remembrance of the Angels who are guiding you always. As you commune more and more with this energy, your life will begin to take on the magical qualities you desire.

Kara Schallock - We are Source - 15-Jan-2017

When you understand that you are not separate from anything or anyone or from Source, you experience yourself and everyone and everything as pure Love. Therefore, you are aware that all you experience and share is Love. Even when you judge something as not being Love, realize that all is Love, even though it may disturb you. It only disturbs you if there is something within you that is not Love. Then you may let that go and fill up the empty space with Love. Be aware that all you create and share is that which you are...Love. When you see and understand that everyone demonstrates Love to the extent that they know they are Love; when you see the similarities and not the differences between you and all others, do you build a bridge of Love.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - January 13, 2017

Greetings dear friends. Once again we come in love to commune with you, aware of all you are facing in these rapidly changing times. Many of you are in the process of integrating higher dimensional energies which can leave you feeling depleted and confused as physical and emotional issues connected with the clearing process rise to the surface.
Everyone is feeling the effects of the new and higher frequencies of Light flowing to earth at this time. Even those with no interest in such things cannot avoid its effects. These dear ones who do not understand the spiritual nature of what is taking place at this time interpret their experiences according to their belief system, usually believing that they have a physical, emotional, or mental problem.

Selacia - Courage in Rooster Year -Tools to Powerfully Face 2017 Challenges

The past weeks have been like a dress rehearsal for what's certain to be an unprecedented year. No one really knows exactly how it will unfold, but it's clear we will have many historical firsts and an ongoing dynamic of both surprises and shocking events. Courage to walk through the fire of unknowns is essential. Continue reading to understand how this applies to you in the Chinese Rooster Year officially beginning January 28.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - January 15, 2017


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday January 15, 2017

Dear Ones, during times when people seem so divided, we urge you to look to the common denominators that link you to each other. Every single person who voted in the US election thought they were making the right choice for positive change. Feel into that. You all want change for the better!

All human beings want to be heard, want to continue to improve their lives, want to be safe, to be honoured, to be loved and acknowledged, and to know they matter. How they perceive the best way to get there will differ, but the underlying desire is the same.