miércoles, agosto 31, 2016

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael, The Council of Radiant Light - Divine Expression. Start Now - August 31, 2016

Freedom is the way home.
Freedom is how you know yourself to be in alignment with who you truly are.
When you are feeling free, you are feeling yourself as you are at your essence.
This is divine light and truth. Let it guide you into more clarity and the experience of your own wholeness and inherent capacity.
The realignments that you seek are activated by your own wholeness. We work, always, in accord with your own wholeness. For you are a sovereign being and in our function, supporting and participating in planetary ascension, we serve your divine essence.
As you live letting your essence guide you, you come into accord with you in ways that make your life easier, better, more open, more alive and ultimately freer.
In this realm of focus, you have access to tremendous freedom. This is not the case in all time/space locations in which you can be or are, actively participating. It is one of the reasons that Earth has so much magnetism as a location to create. Everyone who enters here knows that there will be spectacular diversity and challenges to remembering and yet the promise of that spectrum of opportunity coupled with freedom is a powerful lure.
The reason for this is that you find out more about who you are when you create in a material setting from a pure perspective of consciousness. You get to experience the discovery of you. This is thrilling and all of you know what we mean. You’ve all had moments in your life when you discovered something truly wonderful about yourself. Something you could do, or love, something you didn’t see before and was reflected back to you and gave you a jolt of joy. There is nothing more fabulous in embodiment than discovering your capacities and the things that call to you point out the path to open up your capacities.
As you follow your spirit increasingly, without hesitation, you come into a unity of spirit in which you know what to do and what matters in each and every moment. You then can create without inhibition for all that you are inspired to create is coming from a higher will, a vast clarity that is attuned with everything. With this awareness, divine timing becomes prevalent in your experience and you enjoy an ease and grace-filled unfolding of your life.
This is a wonderful experience to create for yourself. We encourage you as you enter the eclipse cycle and this powerful month of expanding potentials to create a way of being in your experience that allows you to discover yourself more and feel freer. All of this can easily be opened up as you learn to follow your spirit.
When we say, “follow your spirit” we mean - follow your inner knowing. The light within you that is experienced as knowing is your essence, present within you and lighting up your way. Showing you through feelings and clarity that is present within you, through resonance and affinity with things you encounter, what furthers you and what doesn’t. This is what we would call, “the spiritual signature.” When there is a signature for you, then what you are encountering will feel exquisite and your energy will be high. This is the kind of thing where you feel immense enthusiasm. For the signature is clear and present. When you are feeling that something doesn’t feel right to you, it’s because there is no signature; meaning it’s not a fit for you now. It may be a fit for you later. It may not. But learning to pay attention to where there is a signature and where there isn’t is how you learn to follow your spirit. You also can learn by listening to what feels right to you and acting on it. The more you take action on your inner knowing the more you amplify your inner knowing. You know that when you pay attention to something, you amplify it. By paying attention to your inner knowing you increase that signal, its communicative powers. By taking action on your inner knowing, in accord with your inner knowing, you bring forth a fuller expression of you, in the material.
The leading edge, the life possibilities for ascending humans at this time, have many pathways. One common theme among the leading edge way showers is a strong and unremitting call to authenticity. The ability to persist with things that do not fit you is diminishing, if not already seeming to be unavailable to you. This is a good thing. We know it’s scary sometimes, because as it fades, you don’t know how to carry on with things you are living which don’t fit you, but which you think you need. You’re sometimes afraid to lose the things that don’t fit you because you’re afraid the things that do won’t work, or you don’t deserve them, or you don’t know yet, how to make them real and alive for you.
We understand this, but this is part of stepping into your truth - to dare to live what calls out to you. It is a way of allowing the light within you to gift you, guide you show you and open up your life to more aliveness and joy. You will need to take action and possibly learn and grow in new ways to express that which calls out to you and create a life that fits you better. Why not begin to do that now? For the call to your own inner truth is only going to intensify as the path of awakening continues.
Life on Earth is shifting from an experience of duality and separation, from feeling you are broken and in need of healing, into a state of DIVINE EXPRESSION. This is a profound expansion of potentials for humanity and with this, each of you will feel the increasing need, and we mean literally a need, to be transparent and true to yourself.
The energy required to sustain things that are not a genuine expression of your natural state will only increase. For in actuality, what you are doing is standing in resistance to an increasing flow of immense incoming energy from all that is and all that you are, when you stand in opposition, refusing to live your truth.
There is no way around this for the light is growing in your world and your planet is blazing a trail into different dimensional expressions and qualities.
We suggest that it’s time to get on board with this if you’ve not already. It’s time to get on board with freeing yourself up and handling the bumps that may arise as you readjust your life to fit who you actually are and stop trying to be someone else in order to make other people happy or because you’re afraid.
Choosing things out of fear never works and they never make you happy. They cannot last and they will not help you to feel alive and joyous. Fear based choices simply generate more fear and amplify the fear-based beliefs and thought-forms you so desperately wish to be liberated from.
How then, do you do this?
Begin now, on this day, with this ripening new moon, with this solar eclipse, to reset your attitudes and orientation to being human. Consider embracing the idea that you are here simply to express the divine as you, and to do so to the hilt! For your joy! For your expansion! To discover more about yourself in the way you can in an embodied experience. To share and light up the lives of others with your presence and your uniqueness. But most of all, beloved friends, to fulfill yourself in form. To know the joy of creating here, with freedom and naturalness, bringing the mastery of your innate wholeness into the realm of human expression. Divine light, as LOVE. For this is a love-planet. This is a love-realm. And you, being you here, fully and freely, is articulating the divine light, as love, through you.
We are with you always and we love to co-create and support your intentions and desires for experiencing your own wholeness. We are here in part, to hold the vision of you being you. Do remember to ask for what you need and to believe you can have it and to take action on what feels right to you and calls to you. Even if it’s new. Even if it seems far-fetched and unfamiliar. Just begin. Start fresh.
Start now.
You are love.
We know you as divine light. We offer you these truths, in love.

I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light and the Galactic Dragons
Copyright © 2009-2016, Ailia Mira | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Abrirse a un Akasha Mayor - Indianápolis, Indiana, el 21 de agosto de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado, palabras que he usado por largo tiempo. A algunos les parecerá repetitivo explicar otra vez de qué se trata esto, pero hay algunos que necesitan oírlo tal vez por primera vez. La canalización no es una toma de control del ser humano; es una fusión. Y esa fusión no es algo inusual, realmente no; implica lo que ustedes ya tienen, pero activado a su máximo nivel. Involucra lo que ya tienen, activado a su máximo nivel. Ahora bien, en un momento voy a llegar, otra vez, a cerrar el círculo. La canalización no es rara ni es inusual, solo es rara e inusual para ustedes, porque una sociedad cuyo ADN solo opera a una fracción de su potencial completo, no es capaz de ver más allá de sí misma. Ustedes no saben lo que no saben, y con esto quiero decir que aún no han visto su propio potencial, no realmente.

Algunos de los presentes en este salón están recién tocando la superficie de una expansión asombrosa. Excede la tercera dimensión de ustedes; empieza a volverse multidimensional y eso les resulta raro. Pero quiero decirles que estar en 3D es lo que pasa cuando su ADN no funciona con su potencial a pleno.

Selacia - Inicios y Finales -Consejos para la Energía de Septiembre- - 29 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Laura Gualtieri

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Continúan acelerándose cambios importantes en nuestro planeta durante el próximo mes, generando nuevos niveles de despertar espiritual y una mayor transparencia de la información que estaba previamente oculta. El Eclipse Solar junto con la Luna Nueva del 1° de Septiembre prepara el escenario para algunos ciclos significativos de comienzos y finales. Estos se sentirán tanto a nivel personal como planetario; la gente en todo el mundo recibe el empujón de la naturaleza para re-evaluar lo fortuito de la vida.

Nuevos Comienzos y Finales

Los eclipses solares se caracterizan por catalizar nuevas aperturas y finales. Se trata de un ciclo natural que afecta a todo el mundo. No hace falta saber de planetas ni de astrología para que nos afecte. El empujón de energía simplemente sucede, estemos conscientes o no de esto.

Jenny Schiltz - The Accelerated Timeline has been Chosen - August 31, 2016

We come with the exciting news that indeed the accelerated timeline has been chosen. Each of your higher selves were questioned and the consensus was that as a whole, humanity is ready for this big step. The higher energies have begun already and those most sensitive among you are already feeling the shift. It is important that each of you bring forth the highest possible reality within your own personal being. To consciously make sure that all of your being, your thoughts, words and deeds reflect the highest timeline, one of full embodiment.



Algunas veces sentimos como si estuviéramos al borde del ir dentro y fuera del tiempo.

Lo que hemos oído dentro es que una vez que llegamos a cierto grado de alineación con nuestro Ser pentadimensional, comenzamos a ver la realidad como ella es, en el AHORA, en vez de las percepciones tridimensionales en las cuales vemos la realidad como "ella debería ser", o "donde deseamos que sea", o "como ha sido en el pasado".

Justo AHORA, dentro de cada pensamiento, dentro de cada segundo del tiempo y con cada emoción, estamos creando nuestra realidad. Estamos también comenzando a descubrir que son nuestros mayores desafíos los que nos fuerzas a seguir nuestro propio destino.

Cuando somos capaces de percibir la realidad dentro del AHORA, en vez de alguna versión del pasado o esperanza por el futuro, comenzamos a darnos cuenta de que hemos creado nuestra vida para que sea una realidad al borde del AHORA de la quinta dimensión.

Ron Head - The Council - Unity, Oneness, All That Is - August 31, 2016

If we may offer a small bit of advice at this time, it would be this: develop a habit, a new habit. Change the way you think of yourself.

Now there are a great many ways you could do that beneficially. And it is true that most of you who will read this have been occupied with this sort of thing for a very long time. But we are suggesting a specific change that will be important even until the very moment of your rapidly approaching consciousness expanding event.

What we wish you to accomplish is the moving of the concept of oneness with everything from the realm of intellectual understanding, and perhaps even agreement, to an experiential knowing.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Del Eclipse Al Equinoccio: El Ultimo Acto De Recalibracion - 29 de Agosto

Traducción: Gabriela Sánchez Lara
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Las energías del Nuevo mes están comenzando a arribar, anunciando la entrada de algunos esfuerzos de reequilibrio de superhéroes (masculino-femenino) que tendrán lugar en nuestro sistema, en la parte baja del cuerpo, preparándonos para el 2017…. Un año donde el planeta va a necesitar de todas las personas posibles que se encuentren ancladas en la divina neutralidad.Estamos moviéndonos hacia un periodo de enraizamiento, una profunda integración del nuevo ciclo de creación acelerada, que se amplifica exponencialmente a través de la Puerta de León, y se vuelve totalmente visible en el equinoccio del 22 de Septiembre, siguiendo inmediatamente después del último eclipse del año.

Christine Meleriessee - MASTER DJWHAL KHUL ~ Understanding the Cycle of Rebirth with the Solar Eclipse -


Rev. Christine Meleriessee with Master Djhwal Khul bringing forth an understanding the the Solar Eclipse on September 1st, 2016.

Background Information: As we enter a new phase moving into September’s energies, we are being hit with yet another portal of light that is truly assisting the planet and humanity to look deeper into themselves. In the early morning hours (2:03 AM Pacific, 5:03 AM Eastern, 09:03 GMT) on September 1st we will be experiencing the New Moon energies in Virgo with a powerful Solar Eclipse.
As I was researching from many astrology articles, this phase we are stepping into will represent Endings and Beginnings, it is a time of Rebirth of allowing our Soul’s Essence to become more within our physical existence. The challenge will be is whether you are able to walk through the storm of the old to find the new creative process to begin.
Virgo rules the awareness within the body but can also see the flaws that occur within the Physical, Emotional, and Mental Levels. It is important during this phase to allow the movement of Virgo to assist you to become the higher essence that you desire to hold within your full consciousness through the physical, into the subconscious, and super conscious which is the Higher Self.

The Solar Eclipse brings to you the ability to walk through the new doorway of your Higher Essence by creating the change you need to experience in all phases of your spiritual development.

Kryon "Rewriting The Past" 2016

Benjamín Fulford - 29-08-16. Alemania hace un movimiento para cambiar el juego: prepara la guerra para derrotar a la mafia jázara.

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/08/29/germany-makes-game-changing-move-prepares-for-war-to-defeat-khazarian-mafia/

Durante las últimas semanas las ruedas de la geopolítica han estado “batiendo el barro” durante un “alto el fuego” de verano que ahora termina.

El gobierno alemán ha hecho una ruptura decisiva con la mafia jázara y ha ordenado a sus ciudadanos que acumulen suministros de alimentos de emergencia para 10 días en preparación para una guerra de independencia, según fuentes tanto de la CIA como del MI6. Además, el gobierno alemán está movilizando 600.000 milicianos en preparación de esta guerra, dicen las fuentes.

El detonante de esta movilización fue una petición del gobierno de controlado por los jázaros de los Estados Unidos para que Alemania aceptara un ataque de bandera falsa masivo en su territorio como una excusa para un dominio totalitario. Las fuentes coinciden en que los alemanes han decidido rechazar esta petición y en en vez de eso se están aliando con los rusos y uniéndose efectivamente al Reino Unido y a Turquía en un movimiento occidental dirigido contra el gobierno estadounidense controlado por los jázaros. Esta información puede ser confirmada en una serie de declaraciones del gobierno alemán vistos en los medios corporativos.

Estos incluyen el anuncio de la solicitud de suministro de alimentos de emergencia, una declaración del ministro de Exteriores alemán de que Alemania necesita trabajar con Rusia y una declaración del Ministro de economía de que el acuerdo comercial TTIP no funcionaría (como un barco muerto en el agua).