viernes, junio 17, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - It Is Time... 6/17/2016

It is time for you to let go of the belief that you are broken, need to be fixed or anything is wrong.... It is time for you to take your power back, from inside and stop allowing the old ways, the old programs to run in your own reality world. It is time for you to listen to your own distortions, see what you were not willing to before. It is time for you to step-up, be visible, shine your light and STOP PLAYING SMALL. It is time for you to share your gifts, stand in your power and look for the magic out there. It is time for you to FEEL FULLY and let the old go...

It is time for you to hear your own stories, pay attention to your own focus, see what you are spreading, watch the energy transmit out of you and see how it affects and touches others. It is time for you to be RESPONSIBLE for your transmissions...

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Jumping Huge Timelines... Moving On Faster... 6/17/2016

Many are going to see old programs being "nipped in the bud" faster and more abruptly as more realize how much lack energy there was within all. Many will be shocked at how fast we are all moving on from the old realities now. The "need" to keep those old realities in place is gone. The desire to keep playing the old games... gone. The desire for more is stronger, the depths of our being requires more from our relationships... we have no desire to continue the old way. We can see where within us that was created and we just stop. This can seem "abrupt" to those still playing the old programs....

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden - The Transition of Gaia ~ New Earth Frequency Update June 2016

new earth
Greetings and Love,

We are Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein representing the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimensional Frequency of Light.

We would like to share with you the dynamics of the energies that are presently occurring within the Earth and how you may be affected during this time as great accelerations are occurring for everyone, within and around the Earth.

2016 truly has been a powerful year but yet all the years leading up to this time have created the availability for each of you to experience more frequency of light than the previous years. The changes that are occurring presently are beyond the scope of understanding within the human mind but yet so many individuals are looking to information that will assist them to UNDERSTAND from their mental body. Sometimes as a human you just have to let go of the chatter to really find the true answer. It is an element that has to occur from your Divine Mind, your Higher Self, into the focus of your physical existence.

Mike Quinsey - 17th. June 2016

The Earth is alive with secret activity but little of it reaches your ears, because the dark Ones still control the Press in spite of the fact that their power is quickly weakening. However, desirable changes are still taking place, and the next major one will be when the new Republic of the United States of America can be officially announced. A new President has already been appointed which along with dramatic changes will give power back to the people. It has been a long hard road for those involved but well worth the effort. It will bring freedom from those who would hold you all in bondage. The "silent war" over who controls the Earth and its people is coming to an end very soon, and you will be relieved to know that the threat hanging over your heads has been removed. To be prisoners on your own planet would have been bad enough, but plans had been made to drastically reduce the population. Some of you have learnt who is responsible and in time all will be revealed to everyone so that you understand what had been planned for your future.

jueves, junio 16, 2016


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Amados maestros, en el pasado muchos se han confundido cuando utilizamos los términos “Guerreros de Paz” y “Guerreros de Luz” o lo que se pueda asimilar a una terminología militante. Aquí de nuevo, hay muchas interpretaciones diferentes y diferentes facetas de la verdad. Desde la caída de la tierra y de la humanidad en la densidad y en la separación y el dolor, hemos luchado diligentemente por ustedes y con ustedes. Hemos luchado contra las sombras de la ilusión y la negatividad creadas por sus creencias de temor de la conciencia colectiva, culpa y menosprecio. Hemos luchado para asistirlos en la reconexión con las muchas facetas de su verdadera identidad y para ayudarlos a recordar cuán magníficos son.

Hemos cumplido diligentemente las órdenes y directivas emitidas por nuestro Padre/Madre Dios y el Creador Supremo, “Asistir a nuestros niños en su regreso a la luz y para reclamar su herencia divina”. Sí, hemos estado involucrados durante eones en una batalla entre la luz del creador y las sombras de la humanidad, pero nuestras armas han sido el amor, la compasión, el entendimiento y el apoyo a medida que ustedes transitan los valles de la desesperación, y buscan alcanzar la cima de las montañas de esperanza e iluminación.

Crop Circles 2016 - Ringslebenstr, Großziethen, Germany - 15th June 2016 - UFO Deutschland 2016

Suzanne Lie - the Arcturians - Message From Your Inner Whale - June 16, 2016

Dear Readers,  I received over a year ago, and somehow came to my attention today, so I decided to finally post it because it is information is for NOW.
Message From Your Inner Whale
The Arcturians
Dear Arcturians,
I woke up with a message from you. If I repeat what I remember, can you complete the message? Also, can you comment on the vision I had of a huge whale with wings in the deep ocean?
Dearest Suzille,
We answer these questions for you and for your readers. Our message begins with, “The shift is NOW, but you can only perceive it when your consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond.” We do wish to remind you that when we say “NOW,” we are NOT speaking of the 3D now in which is the “time to do something.”
When we say NOW, we mean it is “the NOW in which you can leave the illusion of time.” Within this NOW you can experience the Shift because your consciousness is calibrated to the fifth dimension.
The forces of darkness that have worked against Gaia’s ascension since the fall of Atlantis have lost their battle to control Earth. However, the “cleaning up” process will take more 3D “time” to be completed. Fortunately, many of our volunteers are opening portals to the fifth dimension, and holding their portals open.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Fully Abundant or Lack Physical Realities... All BIRTHED, Grown & Materialized from Within YOU...Fully Abundant or Lack Physical Realities... All BIRTHED, Grown & Materialized from Within YOU...Fully Abundant or Lack Physical Realities... All BIRTHED, Grown & Materialized from Within YOU...Fully Abundant or Lack Physical Realities... All BIRTHED, Grown & Materialized from Within YOU...6/16/2016

You shall all always be faced with challenging your own limited perceptions, seeing and releasing YOUR old programs, expanding BEYOND YOUR own limited perceptions, transcending all from within, shifting into a higher vibration, anchoring more light than before, BEing MORE Divine Essence Purity Powerful Love, Mastering all things non-physical and physical here, seeing what you could not before, doing what you didn't believe possible before, pushing your own limits, BEing the WAYSHOWER, Holding the Light, and RE-CREATING your own NEW Earth reality from inside and IMPLEMENTING it into your physical reality, after BIRTHING it from inside of you, nurturing it, growing it, expanding it and putting it out there so it can reach, touch, assist, inspire others ... in a multitude of ways.

Ron Head - The Council - When are you going to forgive? - June 16, 2016


When you look at those around you, what do you see? Do you see cheaters, liars, sinners, even terrorists? Or do you see creations of the Divine that are perfect in their true selves? Do you confuse acts, thoughts, and words with the beings themselves? Do you realize that in doing so, if you do, you are thinking that they are unforgiveable, and by extension, so are you? You cannot hold another separate from the Creator and still rise to Oneness yourself.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de Energías para Junio 2016 - 1° de Junio 2016

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Nos encontramos ya a mediados de 2016 y, si tienen la sensación de apenas haber avanzado a lo largo de este año, es probable que tengan razón en determinadas cuestiones. Hasta ahora, es posible que el año 2016 nos pareciera un extenso período retrógrado, en el cual cada paso hacia adelante iba acompañado de varios pasos hacia atrás. Sin embargo, este mes la energía se despeja y tenemos una doble vibración de 6 (junio es el mes 6, 2016 es un 9, y 9 + 6 = 15, cuya suma nos da 6). Por lo tanto, podremos ver más movimiento, un mayor afianzamiento de energías de vibración superior, aunque siempre con una condición: debemos estar internamente alineados antes de actuar. La energía de Junio podría compararse a una rosa (los pétalos exteriores sólo se abren cuando los interiores ya están desarrollados), y también es el mes en el que las rosas comienzan a florecer. Los cinco retrógrados de Mayo nos ayudaron a situarnos en un lugar determinado; ahora entramos en un nuevo mes que nos ofrece todas esas nuevas opciones y nuevas oportunidades que llevábamos tiempo esperando, y durante el cual sentiremos grandes deseos de avanzar.

Sarah Varcas - 4 y 5 de Junio 2016: Luna Nueva en Géminis - 3 de Junio 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Compartiendo al Verdadero Yo

La luna está nueva el 5 de Junio, en el grado 15 de Géminis, a las 3:01 a.m. (Universal Time). Conjunta a Venus y en el vértice de una Yod (letra hebrea) formada por Plutón y la Luna Negra Lilith, esta Luna Nueva augura desarrollos inesperados que podrían facilitar sorprendentemente el progreso, a pesar de las condiciones que indican lo contrario! No tomen nada como cierto ahora. Recuerden que el universo nace de su propio diseño, de nuestras percepciones que son inevitablemente formadas por las circunstancias, y de nuestros juicios sobre ellas. Simplemente no podemos ver el panorama completo, y mucho de él está destinado a permanecer como un misterio. Los eventos cercanos a esta luna catalizan el movimiento de una vieja preocupación, pero en una nueva dirección. Por lo tanto, estén preparados para recibir nuevos comienzos en el aspecto inicial de obstáculos y/o desarrollos no anticipados.

Benjamín Fulford - 14-06-16. Ya están disponibles o bien la entrega del poder de los Estados Unidos y la ONU o bien su obtención hostil

16 Jun


Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Actualización especial: Los Rothschilds finalmente se pusieron en contacto.

Esto es lo que un miembro del SDB en Asia informó acerca de lo que le dijeron los Rothschilds acerca de la situación: “Son las 04:40 horas aquí. Finalmente me puse en contacto con ellos. Ciertamente una hora rara. Hablé con el secretario personal de Nat.

Estoy segura de que la llamada fue desviada. Esto es lo que me dijo, “somos conscientes de lo que usted y su contacto en Tokio desean. Estamos de acuerdo y están trabajando con los otros miembros de la familia para hacer que esto suceda. También somos conscientes de lo que está teniendo lugar actualmente.

El “Golden Lily’s” está listo para ser cosechado. El primero de los 3 está siendo preparando ahora. El grupo que cree que lo va a conseguir, no lo harán. Se integrará en el traspaso al nuevo plan. Cada distrito tendrá sus propias reservas para su nueva moneda.

Pamela Kribbe - Mary Magdalene -The Learning Process of the Soul - June 15, 2016

Dear friends,

I am Mary Magdalene. I greet you all with joy and a feeling of connection.

You are all committed to an inner path with great determination. The only thing that brings you real fulfillment is when you begin to hear and understand the voice of your own heart and soul. That is, for all of you, just as important as the oxygen you breathe, just as basic as the bread and water which feeds your body in order for you to stay alive. And that commitment means a shift of consciousness has already taken place in you, which for many of you was the case before your birth in this lifetime. Your soul found itself in a certain phase of its development, its evolution. It felt it was now time for an earthly incarnation in which your soul could truly let itself be seen; a life in which your soul could really flow through the earthly reality of everyday life.

miércoles, junio 15, 2016

Christine Day - Message from the Pleiadians June 2016 - June 15, 2016

We hold you close as you move forward beyond the veils, and allow a deepening communion brilliant energy to enter your consciousness. This is the time for the sacred to unfold within you. Now is the time for your own sacred space of consciousness to open, ‘like a flower to the sun’. The reflected brilliance of the sun continues to work within you, and through you. As the veils lift, the revelations are given to you through your consciousness. There is nothing within the brilliance that you are not a part. You carry the sacred naturally within each physical cell of your body.

Now is the time for you to set in motion, to actively open into a next stage of receiving through your Conscious breath, that which has always been yours to claim. Through your conscious choice you reach forward with your awareness and bring your Conscious breath, like a soft wind, into the brilliance that is contained beyond the veils.

Lemurian Light Council - Mind blowing information about the actual energies on the planet - June 15, 2016

By Amu Raea


In this article we are going to talk about the cosmic cycles of the planet, the precession of the equinoxes (and the photon belt), the magnetic grid and its energetic points, the nodes and the nulls, we are going to put several pieces of the puzzle together as everything seems to be moving now at god-speed. We recommend that you make sure to understand these concepts first before starting to read this article.

I write this with the mind blowing, going in all directions at the same time. Thoughts about the magnetic stucture of the planet, how it is being manipulated and how we can transform it. All reasons coming together, the pieces of the puzzle are exploding within my mind with vibrating rememberance, creating infinite thoughts flowing like there are tons of ideas on how we can create an entire new reality.

Let me clarify about the cycles and the precession of the equinoxes. Our Solar System, is part of a larger system that is called the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters which are rotating around their Central Star, named Alcyone. Our Planet rotates around the Sun every 365 days, our Sun makes a revolution around Alcyone every 25630 years, and Alcyone makes a revolution around the Center of the Galaxy every 225 Million Years.

Trey Smith - Entities: the REAL DIMENSION of Angels, Ghosts, Demons & Shadows

Magenta Pixie - Dreamtime Travel and Communication (Meeting the Ambassadors)

SolaraAnRa - the Pleiadian Councils of Light - June Solstice 2016

People of Terra, we, the Pleiadian Councils of Light, come with an energy update for your planet. You seek these reports, do you not, in order to be assured that there is indeed positive progress on your planet? We wish, as always, to be of energetic assistance ~ to assist you in raising your frequencies so that you may fulfil your missions as agents of Light on Gaia. We assist through our channel in the form of guided meditations; through activations or chambers of light ~ and sometimes, as now, with a news report.

Rest assured that this news is undistorted for we have no agenda other than to inform and reassure. You can feel this through the encodements within the message ~ a feeling of love and expansion ~ the very opposite of the fear and contraction which results from your mainstream media which is designed to imprison you in a cage of fear and impotency. And so, let us begin. Open your hearts as you read this dear people, so that the intelligence of your heart dominates over your ego-mind. And So It Is.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Five Concepts for the New Human - February 7, 2016 at Alberta, Canada

Greetings, dear ones, I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Again we tell you that the name magnetic service is a metaphor, for the magnetic grid of the planet contains that which we call the posturing of consciousness. We’ve told you before that you could not live here on this planet without it. Early on, we told you that the magnetic attributes of Earth had to change because of the coming consciousness shift. That was in order for all to be ready for what’s coming. That’s the service that I originally came for and now that it has been accomplished by my grid group, I am simply a messenger.

People have said, "Well, where do you really come from, Kryon?" I told you this morning that I am not an entity and I'm not singular. It's a Human bias that considers messages to only come from a singular source. Instead, I’m from the creative source, just like you are. I represent the pure consciousness of love and compassion and I speak through this Human Being who you see sitting in the chair.

Benjamín Fulford - Special update: The Rothschilds finally got in touch - June 15, 2015

This is what the Rothschilds had to say about the situation to a WDS member in Asia:

“It is 0440 hrs here. I finally got in touch with them. Strange time for sure. I spoke with Nat’s personal secretary. I am sure the call was rerouted. This is what she told me, ‘ we are aware of what you and your contact in Tokyo desire. We do agree and are working with other members of the family to make this happen. We are also aware of what is currently taking place. The Golden Lily’s are ready to be harvested. The first of 3 is being prepared now. The group that thinks they will get it, will not. It will be integrated in the change-over to the new plan. Each new district will have their own reserves, for their new currency. Each district will be part of a basket of Asian currencies that are backed with various commodities. We will send our representative over to meet with you, as we know how to reach you. After that, you and your contact in Tokyo will be able to meet with Nat directly, should you desire. Please be on standby.’