viernes, octubre 02, 2015

Alcyon Pléyades 30-3ª: Doble juego político. Luz fotónica en rosales, naves, plantas gigantes, hadas

SaLuSa - 2 October 2015

You have just passed the 28th.September, a significant date because a number of events were either coming to a conclusion or reaching a peak. It did not impact itself upon you but in general terms has as you say ”raised the bar”, but as time passes many of you will begin to notice significant changes. Clearly the higher vibrating energies cannot help but bring changes about. Although your Press is controlled and you do not get to read all of the important news, you will nevertheless note that the awakening of Humanity is spreading. You now question what is taking place on Earth rather than automatically accept what is placed before you. You are beginning to awaken to the truth of your existence, and see beyond the lies that are often presented to you as the truth. There are great souls on Earth working for the Light and they are coming forward to give you truthful accounts of your past, and what the future holds. We will never tire of telling you that you are great Beings of Light who are about to enjoy the awakening. Some of you will be shocked and find it hard to believe how you have been duped for so long. However, the advice from us is to quickly move on and spend your precious time promoting positive changes. The dark Ones have sealed their own fate and will have much to learn if they are to return to the Light. Certainly every encouragement will be given to them, as no soul is considered to be beyond salvation.

jueves, octubre 01, 2015

Lena Stevens - The main theme for the month of October is BALANCE -

This month we are striving to balance our lives in a way that serves us better and brings all the bits and pieces we have been juggling into a new and more balanced configuration and alignment.

Our faith and trust (themes of September) have been tested, challenged, pushed, revealed, expanded and rewarded. And now it is time to give up the struggle and surrender ourselves to the more natural flow and balance that wants to emerge.

The most significant area of striving for balance is between “doing” and “being”. This month become aware of your tendency to infuse everything with “doing”. Even when you pray, contemplate, focus on intentions, or “do” a meditation, you are still in “doing” mode. Receptivity needs be 100 percent if you are going to receive. You can only fully receive while “being” 100 percent receptive.

Jennifer Hoffman - October 2015 Energy Report - October 1, 2015

Finally, we have switched over to a new month and new energy. These last few days of September have been really tough as we processed the energy of the eclipses, retrogrades, astro aspects, and saw them reflected in the world stage. We also had a very large energy download in September’s final days that felt great at first, then we all had energy hangovers as we tried to process and align with these new higher frequencies. We’re on target with our individual and collective path, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. So with all of that behind us, you would think that October would be ‘all systems go’ and it is, sort of. October is going to be a month for learning about alignment and resonance, where we have to first take action on the inner levels to be able to see the outer results that we want. It isn’t a matter of patience, it’s a matter of intention, seeing the process through from beginning to end, and keeping the outcome in the forefront when you need to remember why you’re doing this.

Benjamin Fulford - September 29, 2015: Blood Moon events turn out to be Vatican and Rothschild theatrics

Although the big Vatican/Rothschild love-fest at the United Nations is continuing even as this weekly goes out, it is already clear that the hopes for massive changes in how we run this planet have not been realized. What we saw instead was theatrics, the reopening of old wounds and vague promises to do good things by 2030.

The biggest insult to the intelligence of people around the world was Chinese President Xi Jinping’s promise to spend $1 billion a year until then on fighting poverty. On a global scale this is less than chickenfeed and amounts to about 0.0003 cents per day for the world’s poorest people.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain - October 01, 2015

I come to you this day to bring you a piece of news. There is so much taking place in the background that only those who are involved with it can have any idea what is taking place and what will come from it. I am St. Germain, and I am following what is being done to clear away all of the debris before it can come forward and be shown to all of you. I can see why it has taken this amount of time to clear away.

Lee Harris - October 2015 Energy Forecast: Transformation at the Speed of Light - October 1, 2015

Embracing Your Multidimensionality
Hello and welcome to the Energy Forecast for October 2015.
Before we get started, let's just take a few breaths together.
(Lee breathes deeply in and out)
Transformation at the speed of light: This is very much where we find ourselves right now, as individuals and as a collective.
One of the ongoing themes for you this month will be noticing how many things you are going through in one day, one week, one month. This can lead many of you, particularly after the intensity of this past summer, to an October that's going to require you to take a little more space, a little more stillness.
You might want to sleep and rest more than you usually do. Some of you might find that your high-intensity exercise or physical routines need to just come down a notch or two—so that you can actually learn to balance everything that is pulsing through your system without necessarily stirring the pot some more.

Jennifer Hoffman - Actualización de energía anterior a Octubre del 2015 Parte 1 - 28 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La actualización de energía de Octubre se publicará el día 1 de octubre de 2015.

Este mes deseo hacer algo diferente para celebrar que septiembre termina y el comienzo del nuevo mes, que también llega con un nuevo revestimiento energético. Durante los próximos 3 días podrás encontrar en esta página ejercicios de energía especialmente diseñados para ayudarte a enraizar, a volver a tu centro y a reordenar tus energías, para despejar y liberar de tu campo cualquier residuo que haya podido producirse durante Septiembre. De esta manera podrás sacar el máximo partido del potencial expandido que nos presenta el mes de Octubre.

RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “La Evolución De La Forma Corporal y La Ascensión En Conciencia”

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Amados maestros, la conciencia colectiva de la humanidad se esfuerza por reconocer la dualidad extrema que penetra la Tierra. Cada persona a algún nivel, está librando la batalla para alcanzar mayor auto percepción, que debe incluir el abrazar tanto el lado de la Luz como el de la sombra del Yo, a la vez que se empeñan en regresar a un ámbito aceptado de dualidad y polaridad. Cada uno debe reconocer y reclamar su lado de sombras, sus demonios simbólicos internos, para que ellos también, puedan abrazar la Luz de la transformación. El sufrimiento humano es el resultado del pensamiento rígido, un sentido de superioridad y juicio de los otros que lleva a la separación en lugar de a la unidad y a la tolerancia respecto a los puntos de vista opuestos. ¿Pueden aceptar la premisa de que sus formas negativas de pensamiento también buscan liberación? Ellas surgen a la superficie de su conciencia, buscando la iluminación y la verdad, al igual que ustedes. Ustedes deben asumir la responsabilidad de lo que crean, momento a momento. Los pensamientos y acciones negativas resultan en creaciones distorsionadas y en caos.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Cocinero Cósmico - Chicagoland - Woodridge, Illinois 26 de Julio de 2015

Saludos, queridos, soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Querido Ser Humano, no estás en nuestra dimensionalidad y lo reconocemos. No puedes vernos como te vemos nosotros. Parece que se aproxima una prueba y tú lo sabes. Sin embargo, no es una prueba del Ser Humano sino más bien una prueba de la energía. ¿Cuán lejos irás con la energía divina que estás descubriendo dentro de ti? ¿Cuánto extenderás tu mano para encontrarte con la mano del Creador dentro de ti? Eres una pieza de la Creación benévola de la Tierra, disfrazada de Ser Humano en forma corpórea, no sabes de tus semillas creativas ni de cómo llegaste aquí. Eso es quién eres. Y sin embargo, en esa forma lineal, sigues haciendo todas las preguntas lineales comunes: "¿Cómo hago esto o aquello? ¿Cuántas veces lo debería hacer? ¿Con qué frecuencia? ¿Por cuánto tiempo?”

Kara Schallock - Energía del Eclipse - 30 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Tenían expectativas respecto a la vida después de esta serie de eclipses y del Equinoccio? ¿Pensaron y asumieron que todo está listo ahora en lo Nuevo, nuestro Feliz Para Siempre?; sólo para descubrir que la vida no ha cambiado mucho. Ha cambiado, pero les cuesta verlo así. Recuerden, la vida no les sucede a ustedes, todos somos seres soberanos. Eso significa que depende de ustedes el utilizar Nuevos Ojos y comportamientos y tener nuevas actitudes. Si están decepcionados, miren de nuevo y vean a través de una nueva perspectiva. La vida ha cambiado; solamente si eligen no mirar con sus ojos de 3D. De hecho, ustedes pueden sentirse algo agitados. Vean, si todavía tienen asuntos que liberar, entonces depende de ustedes el hacerlo. Este no es un show mágico, donde ustedes de pronto se encuentran en un lugar totalmente nuevo; no obstante hay quienes sí se encuentran en un lugar nuevo. Ellos han hecho su trabajo, han liberado la vieja forma dualista de ver las cosas. Ellos experimenta la Verdad de lo Nuevo; esa de la Conciencia de Unidad y de un Flujo en el cual no hay lucha o la tontería del cotorreo mental que todavía nos retiene en lo viejo como si el ego separado dijera “vean, no es cierto, la vida sigue siendo igual que siempre”.

miércoles, septiembre 30, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Pre-October 2015 Energy Report - Day 3 - 30 September, 2015

The third October preparation energy exercise is the useful, comforting, and powerful Affirming your Divine Sovereignty exercise. Use it to remind yourself that your are a divine sovereign human, are guided, supported, and protected in every way, and you are always connected to your source and the Source, which is always connected to you.

Exercise 3: Activating your Divine Power & Connection Energy Affirmation

This is my favorite energy affirmation, that I have been using and sharing with you for many years. In a single sentence, you affirm your divinity, connection, empowerment, sovereignty, and protection. This is a strong affirmation and when you use it you will feel the difference in your energy. You can use it daily to remind yourself that ‘I AM divinely guided, connected, secure, and protected, in all ways, and in all things.”

Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to

Ron Head - The Council - What Happened? - September 30, 2015

councilThe Council

It is now a bit of time since the super moon and the equinox that was said to be many things. Congratulations. You’ve made it. Somehow it seems as if the world did not come to an end. And somehow, even though you do not seem to be able to put your finger on it, you feel that something is different. Well, you are correct, it is. And if you allow us, we will put our finger on it for you.
What has happened is that you have entered yet another area of higher frequency and it is affecting you and helping you to raise your own vibration and become even more of the highest possible being that you can become. This has actually been going on for some time. This universe operates in cycles and waves, as you know. And you have simply moved onto a higher plateau, if you will.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Blood Moon aftermath and a message from Merlin - Sept. 30, 2015

How was your experience of the Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse?! We have received a beautiful opportunity to align ourselves with higher volumes of Divinity to embody. And what a momentum it has been so far... filled with still lingering equinox blessings and a deliberate Cosmic wave which has swamped the Earth with a Magical storm of Bliss, fulfillment, equilibrium and alignment which on itself has created a new doorway towards the essential energy of creation: the marriage between matter and antimatter and the merging of the Feminine and Masculine to create a rebirth. This rebirth has been created by all of you on a whole new and other level than was the case prior to that. It continues and is endless.

Kara Schallock - Eclipse Energy - 30-Sep-2015

Did you have expectations about life after this series of eclipses and the Equinox occurred? Did you think and assume that all is now set in the New; our Happy-Ever-After; just to discover that life hasn’t changed all that much? It has changed, yet it takes you to see it as such. Remember, life doesn’t happen to you; we are all sovereign beings. That means that it is up to you to use New Eyes and behaviors and have new attitudes. If you are disappointed, look again and see through a new perspective. Life has changed; only if you choose to not look through your old 3D eyes. In fact, you may feel rather agitated. You see, if there is still more you need to release, then that is up for you to do. This isn’t a magic show, where you suddenly find yourself in a completely new place; yet there are those who do find themselves in a new place. They have done their work; they have let go of the old dualistic way of viewing things. They experience the Truth of the New; that of Unity Consciousness and that of a Flow in which there is no struggle or the meaningless mind chatter that holds one back in the old as if the separate ego is saying, “See? It’s not true; life is still the same old thing it always has been.”

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Ascension, Descension & Embodiment AS Light - 9/30/2015

Aloha dear awesome amazing beautiful exquisite family of LIGHT and ever expanding brilliant and pure LOVE!

ANOTHER SUPER ENERGETIC night and day as we continue rotating the "type" of frequencies (Light) activations, depending on what is to occur. Some are many at one time that activate everything while others separate and target specific areas and purification/cleansing "needs".

When we "started" this journey, it was to get the heart open, as that is the very first thing that has to occur. Then it moved to the mind, then the physical body (while all are always occurring, there is a "process" of our evolution too.) Many do not understand how intricate the process is and how every moment, every particle, every breathe is a part of Awakening, Remembering, Ascension and our Evolution BACK into who we are....

Ronna Herman - Archangel Michael - Evolution of the Bodily Form and Ascension in Consciousness - September 30, 2015

Beloved masters, the collective consciousness of humanity is striving to acknowledge the extreme duality that permeates the Earth. Each and every person, at some level, is fighting the battle to attain greater Self-awareness, which must include embracing both the Light and shadow side of Self while endeavoring to return to an accepted range of duality and polarity. Each of you must recognize and claim your shadow side, your symbolic demons within, so that they, too, may embrace the Light of transformation. Human suffering is the result of rigid thinking, a sense of superiority and judgment of others, which lead to separation rather than unity and tolerance for opposing viewpoints. Can you accept the premise that your negative thought forms are also seeking release? They are rising to the surface of your consciousness, seeking illumination and truth, just as you are. You must take responsibility for what you create, moment to moment. Negative thoughts and actions result in distorted creations and chaos.

Blossom Goodchild - Sept 30th, 2015.

Good morning. I have no agenda in particular … for I KNOW you chaps have it already sorted. Have you not?
Indeed we have. We thank you for your assistance in bringing through our quota of messages and we regulate them from a place of KNOWING … that we … in OUR KNOWING of who we are … give reference to that which we FEEL will serve humanity to its fullest capacity .
Therefore, may we suggest that today, we speak to you about your continual upliftment … about the process in which you are encountering in these very days …
By all means … go ahead. Again, I am feeling you would like to speak through me … is this the way it is to be from now on?
Not necessarily and yet, we can monitor the Energy that is uplifted as one listens to our words, on a more profound level than when one is merely reading the words. Each does one good … yet, the Sound Vibration … as we have said … offers a greater Energy to the soul and therefore, assists us and yourselves in the changing into Higher Vibrational living.
It’s no problem for me either way. Whatever is best. I am set up and ready to go.
Once again we come through in this way via the lady Blossom … to offer words of encouragement … to offer words of upliftment … to offer messages of hope. To assist your Being in THE KNOWING OF WHO YOU ARE.
Many of you may be saying to yourselves … ‘Yes, thank you. We are aware of this … for you have said it many, many times!’
The lady Blossom is finding this banter rather amusing … for indeed, it is so … and yet, she understands … throughout the years of bringing our messages through … of the reasons why we continue forth in the same vein … in the same manner.
We wonder though … how many of you have cottoned onto the fact … that throughout these years of listening to our words … of reading our messages … your Vibration … along with ours … along with ALL THAT IS … has moved into a Higher position. Therefore, we maybe offering you the same words and yet, they come from a HIgher place of our Beingness … and they are received by you from a Higher place of your Beingness.
Do you see? Do you FEEL the difference? Do you accept in your Truth that you are no longer who you thought you were in the years before this day? You are somebody different. Do you understand of this?
Let us try and explain. You come into this Earth plain … you are born into this world … this beautiful Planet of yours … time, after time, after time … to experience LOVE in ALL its forms. In the lower Vibrational existence of LOVE and indeed … the very Higher Vibrational existence of LOVE … within the Energy system that you are able to receive, within the boundaries of your Earth plain.
You cannot receive a Higher Vibrational form of LOVE whilst in the physical format … if it does not exist upon your Earth’s Vibration. The lady Blossom is already questioning us … for she is saying to us that ‘Surely, this is not so. For when one removes the self from the physical … indeed, Higher Vibrations can be met, can they not?’  And we are saying ‘Indeed … but we were speaking to you of the physical format … and is it not so Dearest Friends … that it is while you are in your physical format that you become so frustrated … because you are not able to experience the LOVE that you FEEL you are waiting for? The LOVE ENERGY that we speak of.
'Why is it' … you say … 'that we can only reach these Higher Purer Energies when we decide to switch off from who we are in the physical form?' This is your dilemma is it not? And yet, we are now explaining to you … that the Energies … as we have spoken of … are pouring into your Earthly grid … THROUGH … your Earthly grid … for there is no other way. They are of a Higher Vibrational pull.
Therefore, as these Higher Energies are allowed … we would say … have been given permission … we would say … to come and merge with the very Energies that exist upon your Planet NOW … within your Planet NOW … as they merge … YOU … in your physical format that you find so frustrating … are able to lift your Vibration Higher and Higher … and on and on it goes. Deeper and deeper into your Being. And so as this takes place … you understand more OF your Being ... And as you do so … you move into a Higher part of yourself. Therefore, you are no longer who you used to be.
Dearest Ones … understand. These Energies that are coming through into your Planet NOW … shall become the Highest they have ever been. Even from long, long ago … before things went awry … and a little downhill … to say the least … shall we say.  Even before ALL that … the Energies within your Planet Earth were never on a level that they are turning out to be NOW … as your days move forward ... allowing you to discover the absolute beauty of your Truth of Being. And not only, Dearest Ones … shall you discover the beauty that lies within you and you therefore, allow it to shine out to ALL that is … not only that … yet, along with this beauty … comes the discovery … when we say of 'who you are' … of what you would term as ‘miracles’  … as ‘miraculous events.’
And when we speak of events in this particular moment … we are not speaking of incredible events that shall appear in your skies … No, no! We are speaking of incredible events that shall be performed by you! Miracles that shall be discovered from deep within you. And how much joy shall be emitted from your Being …out to the ALL as these wonders are discovered?
The lady Blossom is saying ‘How? How do we discover these miracles from within?’ And we say Dearest Souls … we say ‘You discover these miracles … when you stop trying to Be that which you are not and allow yourselves to Be that which you are.’
That which you are is LOVE as you know … and all you need to do is Trust in yourselves. You do not need to Trust in anything. You do not need to Trust in our messages. You do not need to Trust in anything other than yourselves … for you … yourselves … are all you need to Trust in. For you … yourselves … are it … you are LOVE. EVERYTHING IS LOVE so therefore … why do you need to Trust in something else … when all you need to do is Trust in yourself and the LOVE that you are ... and allow yourselves to BE THAT LOVE … simply by Being you.
How many of you beat yourselves around the head? How many of you damage your souls … through your own self demise?
When we take in … that which you are … When we acknowledge the Energy that is of your Planet Mother Earth … we beam Light to a greater degree … through the honour we give to you … FOR ALL THAT YOU DO … FOR ALL THAT YOU ARE … FOR ALL THAT YOU WALK THROUGH ON YOUR JOURNEY.
Our Light Shines Brighter because of YOU. YOU … THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG … who were chosen when volunteering. You … Each One … were chosen … as we have told you many times. You were chosen because of the Light that you are … to come down here and see your mission through. This mission of raising your beautiful Planet into a Higher Vibrational Light of itself.
YOU ARE DOING THIS …and yet, the time span for you seems eternal. Because you are caught up IN the time span. Yet, from our point of view … where there is no time … we do not get frustrated as you do. For we see the bigger picture. We see … if we put it in terms as we do so often … of the jigsaw puzzle and how many, many, many more pieces are falling into place.
WE LOVE YOU …. Thanks Be to ALL.
 End of session.
Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Self Forgiveness – A Special Visualization with Lord Adama - September 30, 2015

Pink with Ruby 800

This visualization/meditation is excerpted from Lord Adama’s Discourse, March 16, 2015. It represents the ability to heal deeply from the wounds of the past in order to fully command Divine Love and Divine Power within our physical creation.

Feel the Pink and the Ruby Red/Gold Flames blending together within the Heart and Solar Plexus. As you can see, when we get into the art of Self-Forgiveness, we are fully in our Inner Devotion of Self Love.

Dana Mrkich - Eclipse Lunar: Somos el Destello de Luz Que Hemos Estado Esperando - 27 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En dependencia de a qué fuente o medios de comunicación alternativos ustedes hayan tenido acceso en los últimos meses, aumentando hasta un punto máximo en los últimos días, se suponía que el mundo terminaría al día siguiente (de nuevo) o que estuviésemos a punto de ascender como un planeta hacia un nivel totalmente nuevo de conciencia mañana durante el Eclipse Lunar; después de lo cual la Nueva Tierra comenzaría ‘oficialmente’. ¡Guao, oficialmente, guao, mañana!

Yo soy la primera que amo y me gusta hablar de un buen momento intensificado y hasta de giro en este viaje de una experiencia progresiva, constante, evolutiva en la que todos estamos embarcados. No hay la menor duda de que cualquiera y todas las alineaciones astrológicas y llamaradas solares añaden poder a las olas de conciencia que se derraman ahora sobre este planeta – olas que se irán incrementando en fuerza en el futuro predecible.