sábado, marzo 21, 2015

Dianne Robbins - There is a Spaceport inside the Hollow Earth - Mar 21, 2015

All Planets are HOLLOW, with openings at the North and South Poles. They have put a force field over the Polar Openings to camouflage the entrances to protect them from land and air sightings. Over 95% of the starships that people see, come from inside our Hollow Earth, and not from other planets. These starships transport supplies to TELOS, a subterranean city inside Mt. Shasta in California, and to the other 120 Subterranean Cities located a few miles beneath the Earth’s crust, called the Agartha Network.

The lenticular clouds that people see hovering over Mount Shasta are created inside the Mountain to camouflage the coming and going of cargo ships from inside the Hollow Earth.

We Can Easily Come and Go Through the Openings at the Poles

Our Spaceport is located inside the Hollow Earth, in direct alignment with the openings at the North and South Poles. We are not stuck on the Earth as you are, but can leave whenever we desire. We are not limited in movement, and can travel throughout the Universe at will. There are no physical constraints, for we apply the Universal Laws of Energy and use the already existing highways throughout the Universe. We can’t get lost, for all is mapped out and all is in constant communication with all in existence. We just tap into this “live” network that is always broadcasting and move through it effortlessly.

Judith Kusel - The Call to Greatness – living our visions and dreams…. 2015 onwards. - March 21, 2015

If you can just close your eyes for one moment and just still the mind, what is greatest vision that you have for your life in 20 to 50 to 100 years time from now on, and then where is this going to be in context with the New Golden Age, which isnow truly being anchored in?
A few weeks ago I have given a gigantic vision:  I was standing in front of a massive pyramid, which had been newly built.  I emitted luminescent white-golden-platinum light from within and the whole podium on which I was standing, with my Divine Other was lit up with this same luminescent light.  This pyramid and the two alongside it, which were smaller and the four further down below, were all encased in a sacred geometrical layout, and all were luminescent with the color ray they emitted.
In between all of these, in the street, below, etched with hanging garden and labyrinths, were people. 

Fran Zepeda – Pure Love Activation from Mary Magdalene – 21 March 2015

 Picture of me 5 (2)Greetings, It is I, Mary Magdalene, infiltrating your very Being with pure soft Love energy, expanding throughout your cells and incorporating your Whole Being. I AM the softness of pure energy with which you have a match – The Love of Creator in every cell of your Being – The Love expanding with pure, soft lilting essence taking over your very Being – The pure soft color of Gold and Magenta planted and anchored and expanding to infinite possibilities.

Aisha North – An Equinox Update – 21 March 2015

AishaNorthMarch 20, 2015
Once again we are delighted to have the opportunity to commune with you in this manner. For we come with a message of joy, one that will be called out from the mountain tops, not just in your realms, but in ours as well. For now, the waters have parted and the risen will arise, the New will come forth and the old will fade away for never to return. The advancement of the light is such, no like has ever before been seen, and so, what you have sown, you will finally harvest. For you are the ones who brought the light to these shores, and you are the ones who will reap the benefits first. But it is also through you that the benefits will be equally distributed amongst the masses, given in equal measure to all who care to embrace it.
You see, once more it is the humble who shall rise, the ones who had no thought for greater glory, merely the humble aspiration to become ONE again. For it is this singular goal that will elevate All, as you have chosen to forgo the accoutrements of the outer trappings of fortune. For you are indeed the more fortunate ones, the ones who have chosen to be just so, the ones who have taken upon them the mantle of going against the flow of outcries, the ones who have taken upon them to go where no man has gone before, and to do so carrying merely the simplest of guidance, the one that emanates from the very core of your being.

DL Zeta – Solar Eclipse/Equinox Combo Opens Portal Of Divine Potential – 21 March 2015

DLZetaWe stand at a crossroads of the old and the new. This is a crossroads that offers the opportunity for awakening and rebirth through a portal of divine potential that has opened before us. This portal extends well into the rest of 2015 and will transport us into the next phase of our personal and collective evolution.
This powerful and unique portal opens with today’s total solar eclipse in the final degree of Pisces followed closely by the spring equinox. Astrologically speaking, this is the most powerful period of 2015 and today is the most intense day of this period. You may experience a powerful release and feeling of completion during this time followed by the sense of new doorways opening in consciousness.

viernes, marzo 20, 2015

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - New Moon Report for 3.20.15

Keywords: Darkness. Light. Fractal Technology. The Endpoint of the Chrysalis. (Re)birth.
Hello friends. It’s also the Solar Eclipse, Spring (Fall) Equinox and Power Portal Report. A New Moon making contact with a Solar Eclipse is always a powerful play of opposites – endings and beginnings, sometimes in a dramatic fashion. It’s important to remember the impacts of eclipses can felt for weeks and even MONTHS after the fact. When combined with the power portal of a Spring (Fall) Equinox, it is not only a collective initiation, but also an end/beginning point of epic proportion. These energies however, will probably not smack too many people upside the head in cosmic “shakabuku” fashion. So why is that, you ask? We’ve been soaking in them for the past two weeks distinctly, and perhaps even further out than that. This my friends, is the when the curtain comes up to the Big Show and something tells me all of this high weirdness and personal discomfort was worth it. The Keepers often advise us to “Travel Light” when entering into a Gateway/Portal of this type and for this New Moon/Eclipse that advise couldn’t be more relevant.

Patricia Cota-Robles – Be The Light Of The World – 20 March 2015

patriciacotaroblesBE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD
by Patricia Cota-Robles
MARCH 20, 2015
There were three very powerful Solar Storms that bathed the Earth in highly charged particles from the Sun. These Storms occurred on March 7th, March 11th, and March 17, 2015

The Divine Intent of that monumental influx of Light was to accelerate the cleansing process Humanity and the Earth are now experiencing. This process is pushing the negativity and our human miscreations from the old Earth to the surface, so that this misqualified energy can be transmuted back into Light. This is a critical and necessary step before the patterns of perfection for the New Earth can be encoded on this Planet at an atomic cellular level. Only with the completion of this purging process will we be able to tangibly experience the wonders of the New Earth on a regular basis in our everyday lives.

Judith Dagley – In Preparation For Vernal Equinox, 2015: Understanding The Illusion Of NOW – 20 March 2015

Judith here. You have heard it all, I’m sure… what a powerful week we are in… that we’re actually planting seeds that will become our future for the next several years… that only after six months or so will they have germinated enough for us to even SEE what we have sown.
Sounds like an enormous responsibility, doesn’t it, having such total sovereign authority over our lives (even if it’s what we thought we wanted, lol)– especially for those who’ve been feeling pretty crappy about some things that are going on in their lives these days. If you, by any chance, might be one of them…
First of all you’re not alone. There are about five billion others who feel pretty crappy about something or other, just like you do. (Some even feel a whole lot crappier than you do, btw.) Second of all, whatever is manifesting NOW has nothing to do with whether or not you’re going to screw up the next next seven years or so of your life!

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Pondering To Be Or Not To Be Creates A Quagmire of Vacuums - March 20, 2015

Imagine yourself sitting upon a beach looking toward the peaceful watery horizon. At the point that you imagine the ocean has ended, stretch your awareness to include more ocean. See with the divine part of your ocular abilities that is not often used. Stretch your view of what appears to be the end of anything.  Extend it again and again until you see the future in fullness.
Do not settle for what is. Extend yourself past the boundaries of all that you can imagine 'you' to be. At that point, at the edge of your imaginings, is where the true 'you' begins. What you have fleeting about you are holographic trappings. Telepathically align yourself with what is yet to be seen in form. Energetically you have activated dormant extensions of your soul and personage into a point that they no longer lament what has passed. You coagulate and correspond to the highest level of light, the apex of your being as you exist this minute.

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff: The Quality of Perfection Mar 20, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love that is known as perfection.
Through the action of their individual free will and reason, each human being determines their own spiritual destiny based on their choice to engage in a process of self directed growth.
Each day they align to the Creator’s plan for their life, and strive to make their soul the real master of it. In striving for perfection, they are willing to surrender the human personality to their divine soul essence.
They strive to be their authentic self, the pure and true self that is endowed with the dignity and majesty of the Creator, and seek constantly to be in alignment to the will of the divine as they live their daily life on Earth.

jueves, marzo 19, 2015

Some of clarifications about the Avatara / written by the Enlightened Master on 19th of March.2015

I will add some clarifications about the Avatara:

Avatara is a divine being prepared to be the embodiment of the consciousness of the divine at the physical level at the right time…

As for all those whom I mentioned that will return to earth , yes they will return as ascended masters after the event, however; the embody of Avatara is not due to any Old TimeLine, It is an event node in the new TimeLine…..

CERN WATCH: Extra Dimensions and Gravity's Rainbow

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - El Mega Equinoccio y los Eclipses - El Astro-Crisol - Marzo 2015

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Arcángel de la Luz. En esta sesión me uno a Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Los saludamos en un vector de amor. Maestros, compartimos información importante en esta reunión, información específica para el tiempo presente. Hablamos de un eclipse y de un equinoccio increíbles que ocurren en unos pocos días. Como siempre, queda en ustedes discernir qué les resuena y qué no... porque ustedes son realmente Maestros en preparación.

Queridos, el año 2015 es un año absolutamente apasionante desde lo astrológico. Los eventos astrológicos en esta fase inicial del Nuevo Planeta Tierra están diseñados para que así sea, porque está en proceso una transición increíble. Les decimos que los cambios son asistidos, embellecidos y manejados por medio de patrones astrológicos y radiación solar. Los eventos que ocurren cada año, como los eclipses, solsticios, equinoccios, trígonos, alineaciones planetarias, cometas y meteoros, comenzaron a llevar codificación geométrica cristalina desde el inicio del Disparador Cósmico de 2009, y estos embellecimientos crecen en impulso en 2015, ¡Año Tres del Nuevo Planeta Tierra!

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Planting the Garden of Your Soul - March 19, 2015

A Message for Spring Equinox from Archangel Gabriel
Dear Ones,

Planting the Garden of your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-create what you need to harvest a more bountiful future.

The northern hemisphere will experience the Spring Equinox on March 20, a season of new birth and renewal. If you are in the southern hemisphere, planting your inner garden now will allow you to create a winter focus that will bloom in its proper time. Equinox is the optimum time to plant your personal garden of powerful intentions within your being. This timely action will bring great rewards as you till the rich and fertile soil of your soul, elevate your thoughts and activate new life within and around you.

Lena Stevens - ACTUALIZACIÓN DE EQUINOCCIO/LUNA NUEVA 20-3-15 - Mar 18, 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Nueva es el viernes 20 de marzo a las 3:36 AM Horario de Verano de las Montañas (MDT). Hay un eclipse total de sol al mismo tiempo visible en el Lejano Oriente. El equinoccio de primavera es también el 20 de marzo a las 4:45 PM MDT. Este es obviamente un momento muy poderoso y debe honrarse y no desperdiciarse.

El equinoccio es siempre un tiempo de reinicio, renovación y establecimiento de un buen contenedor respecto a cómo quieren mostrarse al avanzar hacia la novedad de la primavera. Cuando tienen una luna nueva a la vez, hay aun una oportunidad más poderosa para anclar este nuevo inicio. Cuando hay un eclipse, lo intensifica todo. Así que tengan cuidado con lo que piden y cómo lo piden. Asegúrense no estar pidiendo inconscientemente algo que no quieren. Hemos estado en un tiempo engañoso emocionalmente donde los fusibles entran en cortocircuito y la gente se vuelve reactiva. Hay mucha energía que puede utilizarse para el conflicto o de forma productiva para avanzar. Asegúrense que sus intenciones no se basan en reacciones negativas sino en la inspiración y en un deseo de crecimiento positivo y mejora en su vida.

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Dream a Bigger Dream - Mar 19, 2015

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of manifestation.
As many of you are becoming increasingly aware of the limitations you have thus far placed upon yourself, you are also now capable of shedding these limitations.
You are beginning to see more clearly than you ever have before. You see, when you become conscious of any belief you then have the ability to release it, to alter it, or to replace it.
So many humans have not dared to dream big for fear that they will always remain disappointed that it never manifested. This is what we would like to touch upon in our discussion with you today.
We wish to remind you to dream your dreams without restriction, without the limitations you have no doubt placed upon yourselves. We can assure you, each and every one of you are quite good at manifesting. However, many of you have not yet mastered the art of manifesting your desires.
For many eons humans have allowed their fears to run wild, and as a result those fears, rather than the dreams, have been what has manifested.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Equinox Eclipse Energies – 19 March 2015

AishaNorthMarch 18, 2015 in Channelings
Once again you stand before a momentous occasion, one where you will benefit greatly from a coinciding of two celestial events. For this time, at the time of the year when the placement of the celestial body that you inhabit relative to your Sun’s seems to put everyone in a state of perceived balance, you will be visited by another event that will affect the impact the energies that these two simultaneous events will have, not just on you, but on all. You see, this upcoming instance of the Moon covering the entire width of your Sun will have a profound effect on all, as it will greatly enhance the amount of beneficial energetic missives that will be able to penetrate all the way into your system.
Again our words may seem to be unduly convoluted, but what we are trying to convey to you all is this; it is not by accident that this upcoming solar obscuration will coincide with the date that you call the Equinox. For on this day of perceived balance, the Moon’s obscuration of the Sun’s disc will serve to ignite quite a few energetic connectors within you all, connectors which have been lying dormant waiting for just this moment to arrive. Again, this will not be news to any of you. After all, what is this journey if not a seemingly endless succession of such ignitions and activations? But this time, it will be a series of events that in turn will serve to put everything into a very new perspective indeed – and yes, we do mean that in every sense of the word.

Benjamín Fulford - Big public announcements and news events make it clear Khazarian rule is ending - Mar 16, 2015

There can be no doubt now that the global Khazarian crime syndicate is being dismantled by white hats in the US and Europe along with their BRICS allies. This can be seen in the many extraordinary events that have been taking place both in public and in secret.

Perhaps the biggest, and hardest to deny, indication that something has changed has been the British governments’ decision to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a founding member. What this means is that the British, and the City of London Financial, district have split with the US financial oligarchs who own the Federal Reserve Board, the IMF and the World Bank. The other thing is that, starting on March 20th, the British bullion banks will cede control of the daily gold price fix to regulators, paving the way for control of the gold market by the BRICS. This means that London, Singapore and Hong Kong financial markets are moving to the new financial system. This leaves only two of the world’s major financial markets, Tokyo and New York, under Khazarian control. As you will see below, Tokyo too is about to break free.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 
Nearby is the Kingdom of Heaven, nearby is the
reality in God, and the day, which changes 
everything, is close.
Why does it have the greatest significance that you 
turn again toward your own perfection and the redemption 
of all issues? It is, so that the process of planetary and 
societal transformation can be continued rapidly. Those 
human Beings, who create the new world within self, 
before it becomes visible on the outer, create the 
energy for the change.

miércoles, marzo 18, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Una fase se cierra y una enorme puerta se abre - 17 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Esta semana nos encontramos al final de un capítulo astrológico principal y al comienzo de uno nuevo también principal. Desde junio del 2012 Urano ha estado en cuadratura con Plutón no solamente una vez sino siete veces. Ambos sujetos son especialistas en transformación.