martes, diciembre 16, 2014

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Dec 16, 2014

Ummac Dan
11 Chicchan, 4 Mol, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come with more news for you. At present, the mechanism for giving you your blessings has been activated. Our liaisons report that the first aspects of this process are underway and no hitches have been encountered. Our Earth allies are confidently using a delivery system, which has been well tested over the years. It is our desire to have a number of important elements in place well before the arrival of Christmas. In this regard, we have contacted those who are in charge of these various projects and been told that a number of special circumstances are being employed to ensure the success of these various deliveries. We know that these deliveries are under the jurisdiction of those who are completing the adjustments needed to forge a new and much fairer banking system. It is this new system, which is to handle the bulk of the deliveries that are to bring you your blessings. Thus, the first part of these deliveries is to prove conclusively that these many prosperity and humanitarian projects are indeed unstoppable. Our desire is to use these first deliveries to prove to all that the power of the dark is truly over.

Brenda Hoffman – Saviors Are SO Yesterday – 16 December 2014 - Los Salvadores son TAN del Ayer

Dear Ones,
It is likely you do not comprehend how much you are shifting the Universes. Even though you continue to believe yourself a very small piece of earth, your power far exceeds your beliefs.
Since it is likely that you view yourself as one cell or atom in the totality of all, it is time for you to understand how one cell, one atom can shift the Universes. Perhaps you, the cell, accept a cancer mutation into the totality of you. That one mutation attracts (like attracts like) other cells also wishing to experience a cancer mutation. Then those like-minded cells join together to create enough cancer energy for an illness within your totality.
So it is for you now. You are attracting like-minded beings or cells, if you wish, to the point that you are mutating earth beings, and thereby the Universes, away from fear and to love. Love has always been a Universal key.

Ute Possega-Rudel – Our God-Self: The Cause For Fundamental Change – 16 December 2014

VIDEO (recommended)
The fire of changes is heating up every day. And many of you are feeling to be at the edge of great happenings, in whatever way and in whatever direction.
However, my dear ones, in the midst of it all, did you forget Who I Am? Did you forget the Source in which all of this is happening, all these revelations, all these changes, all these exciting news, and even all these dreadful things that are surfacing now?
Did you forget to unite with your own Eternal Source at the root of your being, while taking all your wondrous actions? But how can you  succeed with true Happiness without being at your Divine Root?
Remember, fundamental change for true humanity happens first of all in the deep of Consciousness. The more you allow to be drawn back to the Source of all Being-ness, to the Source of all Existence, the Divine Consciousness that I Am, the easier and the quicker and more profound the change can happen, a change that opens the door to an entirely New Adventure in human history.

lunes, diciembre 15, 2014

Steve Rother - Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar - El ciclo de 26.000 años - El siguiente planeta de la existencia - Dic 15, 2014

~ Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar ~

Nota: Este mensaje ha sido editado y vuelto a canalizar en algunas secciones con la supervisión de El Grupo para una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos, queridos…

Bienvenidos y saludos desde el Hogar

Desde lejos les observamos todo el tiempo en la Tierra, y penetramos en su mundo cuando nos lo permiten. Cuando se abren a que eso suceda, no estamos aquí para decirles qué camino tomar, ni para dirigirlos por el camino más corto hasta la siguiente parada. Simplemente les invitamos a re-cordar, porque esa es una de las claves. Es de lo que queremos hablarles hoy, es algo de lo que ya les hemos hablado antes, pero ahora vamos a avanzar un paso y compartir lo que está ocurriendo en el planeta Tierra en estos momentos. Como ya dijimos, el final de marzo será un momento muy importante para los seres humanos de todas partes. Algunos sentirán que la energía se desplaza con fuerza, y es posible que incluso se sientan liberados, como si finalmente se desprendieran de una carga. Sin embargo, la mayoría no va a experimentar esa sensación. En los niveles más elevados se puede sentir el cambio mayor. Sin embargo, la mayoría de la gente sencillamente sentirá que es un día normal aunque todo esté cambiando. En verdad no se trata tanto del día en que cambia, sino de que hay una gran cantidad de energía alineándose para este movimiento en particular. Así que vamos a explicarlo.

Steve Rother - Re-minders from Home - The 26,000 Year Cycle - The Next Planet of Existence -

Beacons of Light—December

Channeled live 2014_11_22

The 26,000 Year Cycle

The Next Planet of Existence


Greetings dear ones. Welcome and greetings from Home.

We watch you on Earth from afar all the time, and we reach into your world when you allow it. When you open the space for that to happen, we’re here not to tell you which way to turn, nor to direct you to the shortest path to the next stopping point. We simply encourage you to re-member because that is one of the keys. What we wish to speak of today is something we have spoken of before, but now we will take it a step further and share what is taking place on planet Earth right now. As we mentioned before, the end of March is going to be a very important time for humans everywhere. Some of you will feel the energy shifts strongly, and you may even feel released as if you have finally let go of a burden. However, most will not experience that sensation. It is the higher levels that may feel this shift the most. Yet most people will simply feel like it is a normal day yet everything is changing. In truth it is not so much about a single day that is changing, for there is a great deal of energy aligning for this particular movement. So, let us explain.

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll en Newport Beach, California, el 7 de diciembre de 2014 - Parte 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Unos pocos momentos atrás han experimentado las frecuencias de los minerales naturales del planeta, fundidos juntos, en formas profundas y canalizadas, para presentarles esa vibración que puede ir directamente a la esencia. Y el mensaje que en esa meditación se entregó una y otra vez fue: ¡Recuerden! Es el tema de este corto mensaje. Pero para los que están escuchando y no están en este salón, el salón está lleno de almas antiguas de un tipo particular.

Jennifer Hoffman - 5 Steps to Living In Joy - Dec 15, 2014

Have you ever carried a heavy box and then, when you put it down, your arms still feel the weight of the box? Or you pick something up, expecting it to be heavy, and then nearly drop it because it is much lighter than you expected? This has been a long, arduous, journey for everyone and we have followed the light to the end of the tunnel. Now that we’re there, we have to decide how to proceed. When all of our energy has been expended towards holding the light, what do we do when that is no longer necessary? Then it’s time to celebrate but even that means our journey is finished and we need to find something else to do with our time and energy. The voyage of light and dark has led us to wholeness and now we need to learn how to be in joy. (these irises joyfully bloom in my garden each spring, they are a great source of joy to me and to everyone who admires them. They are perennials, so they come back every year — joy is like that, it doesn’t need a reason but it does require an invitation when we are ready to receive it).

Wes Annac - Transcending the Ego and Finding the God-Self – Part 3/3 - Dec 15, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Concluded from Part 2 (Read the full article here.)
Abba Alonious tells us that the destruction of his ego was necessary so he could rebuild himself from the ground up.
“If I had not destroyed myself completely, I should not have been able to rebuild and shape myself again.” (1)
The ‘water of God’s grace’, Paramahansa Ramakrishna tells us, “cannot collect on the high mound of egotism. It runs down.” (2)
He also tells us that we won’t truly connect with Source until we renounce the self-serving ways of the ego.
“Unless one renounces the ego, one does not receive the grace of God.” (3)

Canalización en vivo de Kryon por Lee Carrroll - J.O.P.B - Kryon - Reedición - Sep 6 de 2014

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Esta información es de libre disposición para imprimir, copiar y distribuir como lo desees. El derecho de autor, sin embargo, prohibe su venta de cualquier forma excepto por su editor.


(iniciales de Joy - Oneness - Peace - Belonging : Alegría, Unidad, Paz, Pertenecer)

Esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para ayudar al lector y ofrecer una mayor claridad de comprensión. A veces incluso se agrega información. A menudo hay una energía implícita en la sesión en vivo, que brinda un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece el texto impreso. Disfruten, entonces, de este mensaje mejorado, entregado en Basilea, Suiza, el 6 de setiembre de 2014.

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El proceso de canalización es mucho más común que lo que creen. Yo sé quién está aquí; ahora mismo en este salón hay quienes saben cómo funciona la canalización. Cuando el sanador se aproxima al paciente, hay una comunicación. Es canalización, y el sanador sabe todo al respecto. A veces el sanador se hace a un lado y llega la información que el sanador necesita, a menudo verificada por el innato del paciente frente a él. Luego ambos comienzan el equilibrio, la danza de energías, y comienza la canalización.

Benjamín Fulford - 15-12-14. El informe sobre tortura abre el camino para la detención de los principales nazi-sionistas

15 dic
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

El informe de 500 páginas sobre la tortura de la era Bush, publicado por el Senado de Estados Unidos, marca un importante punto de inflexión en el poder de Estados Unidos. Si bien gran parte de lo que dice el informe es noticia ya conocida para la mayoría de los seres humanos conscientes, el hecho de que fuese emitida por el Comité de Inteligencia del Senado de Estados Unidos y el hecho de que se informase de ello ampliamente en los medios de comunicación de propaganda corporativa es muy importante. Por un lado, muestra que la facción nazi del cabal ya no controla los medios corporativos. Se confirma la información que me dieron anteriormente de que la facción Cohen del cabal había roto filas con la facción Bush.

Karen Dover - Physical reactions to the higher energetic frequencies - December 15, 2014

We in our human form have been kept out of the “evolutionary” cycle that expands ALL life within the universe in TRUTH, this has seen our human form kept within a vibratory frequency loop that has started to feed on itself. The human vehicle was never designed to “break down” and it is the result of the anchoring of the lower dimensional frequencies that many human vehicles do begin to break down.  ALL is frequency in the universe, so the emotions that you are taught to keep tight hold of begin to work AGAINST the human vehicle which is designed to allow the FLOW of energy through, around and within.

Anna Merkaba - December 21 – TWIN SOUL REUNION- DIAMOND GRID Frequency -METATRON - Dec 15, 2014

diamondgridBefore I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note about what is to occur.
So, what is happening is that we are being moved onto another matrix, and our bodies are literally being rewired to function on a diamond grid frequency or what is known in our world as the “solomon seal” the seal which contains sacred mathematical equations which are the building blocks of our reality, a sacred mathematical equation reflecting what is above so is below, intersecting 2 “polarities” (Physical) and (Etheric).
If you look at the diamond grid, the base of the structure of the diamond in the etheric looks like two intersecting triangles, it is identical to the seal of the Solomon, the formula which was used to build the Egyptian pyramids is the same as the formula for the diamond grid/solomon’s seal.

domingo, diciembre 14, 2014


Ancient Egyptian Advanced Technology Historical Facts.flv

Anna Merkaba - The new Matrix Part 2 – Further explanation of why you feel the way you do - December 14, 2014

cloudcodes1212142I feel to share this with all of you. I have received a very interesting question from someone today. The question is ” I have a questiong about the belt that was placed between humans and the matrix grid. Do the Reptilians/others know they are quarantined now? A woman whom is a soul reader as well reached out to me in a panic about infiltrators outside our universe creating chaos by using fear to get humans to turn on themselves and much disaster is coming here and now.”
All movements are known in the universe. Those with sensors to “see” know all that occurs. There are laws in this universe which most must abide by. All of these laws have indeed been disclosed to all the participants of this “game”. Those who wish not to abide by the laws eventually find themselves at a disadvantage. There is free will, and yet all must play according to the rules of the grander scheme. As free will works both ways, one may will to experience the dark side and they will find themselves on the end of that spectrum, or the light and will find themselves on the light end of the spectrum.

Blossom Goodchild – 14 December 2014

bloss arizona biggerWelcome to you, once again. A question that I would like to ask regarding those of us that have been chosen to be on this planet to help raise Mother Earth into her Higher position. White Cloud has often said that many, many volunteered to come, knowing what an important mission it is yet, only the strongest of the strong were chosen. Why is it then, that more than half the world seem to have slept through their alarm clock?
A warmest welcome to you and all who are of Light and by this we mean ALL. For ALL BEINGS are of Light. They cannot BE of anything else.
Although of course, they may ‘appear’ to be something completely opposite.

John Smallman – Jesus – You Will Be Overwhelmed With The Sense Of Oneness That Embraces You – 14 December 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Here, removed from the illusion as we are, we can see that humanity is most definitely moving forwards towards wakefulness, and that that movement towards will not be arrested.  Too many insane events and disclosures are now occurring to allow the nightmare to remain seemingly real.  When a dream becomes too intense or too seemingly real the sleeper wakens and dissolves the dream as he rubs his eyes and returns to Reality.  That is happening right now.  Just continue to hold your intent to wake up from the illusion, intend to be loving at all times, and to constantly hold the Light that you bear on high.
It is humanity’s collective intent that supports and maintains the illusion or that causes it to collapse and crumble.  That latter intent has been chosen, is strengthening and intensifying, and its effects are now becoming apparent.  Signs of its dissolution are everywhere, and the attempts to shore it up by those who would maintain the status quo are proving utterly ineffective.  Its foundations are disintegrating and are beyond repair, and you all know that, so do not allow yourselves to be drawn back down into the doom and gloom scenario of the illusion by the disturbing news that is reported by the mainstream media, and which is intended to keep you in a state of fear.  Instead focus on Love.

The situation at the Astral Level. written by the Enlightened Master on 14th of Dec.2014

New Update/ The situation at the Astral Level
By the end of Nov. 2014, the astral level was completely liberated from the Archons...

Between  [ 3rd of Dec. 2014  - 12th of Dec.2014 ], the process was in progress to heal the astral level after his liberation... During this period as well, the work was underway to finish the issue of cosmic anomalies that exist between the mental and the wisdom levels, in order for the blue pulse to reach the astral level without any barriers to complete the healing of the astral level, and this matter was very important before the ISIS portal activation, to help the completion of activating the ISIS portal successfully..

Sonidos Extraños en México / Strange sounds in Mexico

Karen Dover - “Sovereignty” versus the “I AM” - December 14, 2014

Today’s energies are increasing dramatically and mirroring that which resides deep within us at a very cellular level. Intense dreaming may help us also “decode” as it were that which is playing out “unconsciously” within our human life experience.  For within the old 3D earth created construct the human logical mind filters out that we incarnated into a body that was ALREADY CODED prior to our arrival energetically within it.  Within the old 3D earth created construct the ENERGY that YOU ARE in TRUTH has no say over the cellular structure of the human vehicle that is grown within the human female.  (This changes within the New Earth).  So many of us are filtering out the base cellular programming that is trying to re-establish itself within this our human life experience.
I have blogged about the “I AM” being a construct, this construct supports the construct that is termed “SOUL” and was created only for us to make sense of the outer waking reality that we were BORN INTO.  This reality is akin to a box, the human race is born into said “box” and the human vehicle is programmed via the “SOUL” to remain within the confines of said “box”.