domingo, diciembre 14, 2014

Sanat Kumara: You Are Complete and Whole Whenever You Dwell Within Love – Channeled by Fran Zepeda 12.14.14
Sanat Kumara:

Greetings to all on this auspicious day, another rung in the ladder of your deep Awakening and Ascension. And to you I give my strength and purpose and Love of all Humanity to hold and cherish in your hearts.
It is to this end that I address you now – the Love of all Humanity, the Love of all Beings of the Celestial and Galactic Realms, the Love of Creator – and that, dear ones, is the crux, for that brings you to the inception of your experience with Oneness.
It is this day that I address you into and from your Hearts to hold a vision for Humanity, a vision so encompassing that it takes over your consciousness – A vision of Love for all, and Harmony for all, and the creation of your dreams from deep within yourself and consciousness, utilizing all the gifts and abilities that are lying deep within you, and for some still dormant.

Natalie Glasson ~ Archangel Zadkiel ~ Twelve Days of Unfolding Truth


I am an Archangel of Transformation, Guardian of the New Age, and Keeper of its Wisdom. I am Archangel Zadkiel. I extend my energy in waves of transformational magic to enchant, inspire, and awaken your consciousness of truth.

As an Archangel of the Angelic Kingdom, it is one of my purposes to protect and connect into the consciousness of truth of the Angelic Kingdom, distributing sacred knowingness to where it is guided to be by the will of the Creator.


Begin the day in Love, 
carry on the day in Love, 
and end the day in Love! 


Beloved Ones!
Great and intensive controversies characterize these days. 
You are challenged and you perform your service on the bridges 
of Light, on the levels between worlds and in this world, as it is 
portrayed to you, in the “matrix of illusion”.

sábado, diciembre 13, 2014

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Solstice and Uranus Direct” – 13 December 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. A very potent time here. Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, everything sort of coming up, but more notably that Winter Solstice happening when Uranus is going direct.
It has been retrograde for about five months so going direct in a fiery sign of Aries on the Solstice, 12-21, plus then we have a few other energies occurring that day that I think are going to produce interesting effects.
As always as a lightworker, as a conscious developing soul, be sure to make your intent clear of what you do want. That is very, very, very important and focus only on the positive, don’t give power to what you don’t want.


From the Book: "Master-Dialogues"
Volume I, Chapter 7 

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb

Report: It is late in the afternoon. I am home 
alone with my beloved Son NOAH (He is presently 3 
and a half years young). We sit comfortably at the table 
and have a small snack, as Noah suddenly asks me: 
«Do you see ghosts?» Whereupon the following dialogue 
JJK: No. I do not see them, but I feel 
when they are here.
NOAH: Also evil ghosts?
JJK: Yes.
NOAH: What do you do then?
JJK: Then I chase them away with my 
Light sword – head off and done.
NOAH: Do they go away then?
JJK: Yes, because they must.
NOAH: Are you afraid?
JJK: No, the evil ghosts are then afraid of me. 

And you Noah, do you see ghosts?
NOAH: Yes.
JJK: What kind of ghosts?
NOAH: Evil ones.
JJK: What do you do with the evil ghosts?
NOAH: Then I take my Light sword (thereby 

he points to multi-colored wooden stick, which 
he likes to use) and I chase 
them away, I kill them.
JJK: Are you afraid of it?
JJK: Do you also see good ghosts?
NOAH: Yes, also good ones.
JJK: What do they look like?
NOAH: Green, red.
JJK: Where are they?
NOAH: Upstairs (He points to the two 
bedrooms of his older brothers, which 
are located on the upper floor.)
JJK: This means that they protect your brothers?
NOAH: No, all children of this world.
JJK: Are there many of them?
NOAH: Yes, many. (End of dialogue)

Beloved Ones, 
The significance of this dialogue appears in the 
concluding sequence «All children of this world».
Yes, all children of this world enjoy and receive 
comprehensive protection, so that they can survive 
this time and the events of this time well and foremost 
without new emotional, mental and spiritual injuries. 
No matter which child where and how it suffers damage 
and no matter how it leaves this world, far-reaching injuries 
of their energy body are mild and as soon as these Beings 
arrive in the Light, will be healed instantaneously. 
The protection of Heaven and the accompaniment by 
a vast number of Light Beings, which these small human 
Beings and great wise Ones receive, is absolute.  
The multitude of Angels and the multitude of Light 
Beings serves this mandate from God, because children 
are in their innocence, those, who are easiest to be 
reached for the intentions of the dark forces and are 
their most desired victims.
This fact is counteracted by this divine mandate. 
Because those, who misuse the innocence of a single 
child for evil purposes, will on the day of judgment 
become aware of what crime has been committed here 
and what kind of reconciliation is connected with this 
It is the children, who breathe Life into the new time 
and it is the children, who heave the new world into 
the ocean of innocence. 
In infinite Love

The light world publishing and the author do not lead any 
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages 
published on this website.

Wes Annac - Transcending the Ego and Finding the God-Self – Part 2/3 - Dec13, 2014

Credit: Pinterest
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Continued from Part 1
As Ramakrishna also tells us, the ‘I’ we’re familiar with isn’t intended to be our physical selves, but Source him/herself.
“By discriminating you will realize that what you call ‘I’ is really nothing but Atman. Reason it out. Are you the body or the flesh or something else?
“At the end you will know that you are none of these. You are free from attributes. Then you will realize that you have never been the doer of any action, that you have been free from virtue and faults alike, that you are beyond righteousness and unrighteousness.” (1)
As long as we empower the ego, he tells us, we’ll continue to live in the illusion of polarity.

viernes, diciembre 12, 2014

Karen Dover - The Anchoring of TRINITY / Christ Consciousness in TRUTH - December 12, 2014

The old 3D earth created construct was created out of the lower dimensional frequency bandwidths that seek to teach POLARITY and DUALITY, this has seen us in our human form anchor the concepts of “high/low”, “left/right”, “hot/cold” etc.  This has also led us to accept the concept of the human SOUL as being all that we need to align with in order to co-create with the universe. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth frequency realities.
There is much talk about the return of “Christ Consciousness” and the birthing of the New Earth,  indeed it is not possible to co-create without ANCHORING Christ Consciousness within our heart space. For those of use who have chosen to walk the path of the “unknown” the route to the return of TRINITY has often times been one that appeared challenging.  Many of us have turned our backs on the “religious” teachings of the old 3d earth created construct without understanding that we need not make the “either/or” choice. It is not “religion” or “no religion”, for CHRIST is TRUTH, he is the connector if you will to GOD, the TRINITY is the GOD/JESUS/ENERGY in TRUTH.

Sandra Walter – December Update – Increasing Momentum – December 12, 2014

sandra-walter-300x239Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The grid merge is anchoring nicely ~ magnetics are adjusting as expected. You may feel like it is lift-off time, with sensations of rising like a big balloon (even more so than before.) Hydrate, rest and center in the stillness; especially those with vagus-vertigo who feel spinny. It is a wavy energy as the magnetics and plates adjust, and the 5D under-water sensation is palpable.
We celebrate our 12-12-12 Anniversary; blessings upon those who captured codes and were forever changed on that prestigious day.
Do you see the effect of this sequence of events? The personal revelations of 2014? How the merging of grids calls forth the templates of the Golden Race DNA?

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - Energy Update 12/10 - 12/12/14 - Clima Cósmico - Actualización de la Energía 10 a 12 de diciembre de 2014

Hello friends. Today's been quite an odd day. I just couldn't really get it together though I did manage to get some things done. I actually walked away from the checkout line without my groceries, and I haven't done that in a long time. The checker laughed and said, "I hear ya. Today feels like a Monday to me." I then heard from a friend that she was also rather "dragging @$$," so I checked in.

I was reminded we are in the window of the 12:12 Stargate. FYI, Stargate period are times of greater spiritual opportunity in the Cosmic Weather. They are indicated by the astrology, numerology and also the energies themselves.

Méline Portia Lafont – Reminder And Reflection Of The Moment From Merlin – December 12, 2014

Aah, let us speak of this grand awakening of yours for it is a grand one indeed you know. Yet your mind seems to not perceive it as such because you are still inclined to look for some validation. Now there is nothing wrong with that my good friend(s), although I tell you that there is no need for proof outside of yourself as all is already within you. You can feel it, yes! You know this by heart and I understand that but I see that your human self is sometimes calling for something to occur outside of you as it wants to be served with an approval or an idea of creation into a physical proof.
Now let us not prolong that what is yours to come, by waiting for these signs and proof of how good you are on your way, hmm?! It is shown to you through this  expansion in awareness where you feel you are becoming the world and the world is becoming you. It is this overall sense of being one giant world of consciousness and through the experience of more trust, growth and understanding of things. It is a sudden insight and flash of a moment where clarity rules and where you feel at peace with yourself as well as within.

Wes Annac – Transcending The Ego And Finding The God-Self – Part 1/3 – December 12, 2014

wesannac2Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
The ego’s an innate aspect of our consciousness that can be used for benevolence or malevolence. Most people who hear the word ‘ego’ associate it with someone who’s full of themselves; who brags about their accomplishments or acts like they’re better than the people around them.
The ego’s usually associated with people who are so confident in themselves that they tend to be overbearing, but there’s much more to it and its mechanisms than simple self-centeredness. As strange as it might sound, the ego’s actually necessary for us to survive and function in the lower realms, and it can only fill us with selfishness if we let it.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 12 December 2014

AishaNorthThe times they are a’changing, and for so many of you, these are no longer words devoid of meaning. For not only the time, but everything about you has started to change now at such a rapid rate, you would be hard pressed to keep up with it all. So again we say that no matter what happens in this upcoming period, try not to try at all when it comes to hanging on. In other words, allow the flow – or perhaps we should use the word flood – to take you with it, for the more you resist the harder the pressure will become. So once again the optimum option is to desist resisting and to allow the magic to unfold at its designated pace, no matter how fast paced it may be. And believe us when we say that at times, everything around you and indeed about you will be reduced to a blur, a seemingly indistinguishable mass hurtling forward at such a speed, you will feel like no more than a cloud of particles merging with the energetic environment around you.

Traducción: Fara GonzálezDifusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos maestros, nunca antes han tenido tal maravillosa oportunidad de servir a la humanidad y al Creador. Están en una encrucijada en su proceso evolutivo, porque el mundo que han conocido en el pasado está desvaneciéndose lentamente. Como Chispas Divinas del Creador, se les dio un gran regalo, un cofre de tesoro de Esencia del Creador para utilizarlo en la forma en que deseen. Comenzaron esta vida con una porción de Partículas Adamantinas de Luz (la Esencia del Creador Supremo) almacenadas en su Corazón Sagrado, y también una reserva escondida dentro de su Chacra Raíz – el Átomo Simiente de Fuego Sagrado a veces llamado Kundalini representado como una serpiente enroscada. Siempre han tenido acceso al Fuego Sagrado almacenado dentro de su corazón; sin embargo, ustedes tienen que recordar cómo utilizar sus “Llaves al Reino” para encender y utilizar efectivamente esta fuente de poder de Luz Divina. La Kundalini o Serpiente de Fuego es un asunto diferente, porque ustedes deben despejar el 51% de la energía distorsionada que han creado en el pasado para acceder a este potente reservorio de Luz Divina del Creador. Para alcanzar este estado, deben armonizar los patrones vibratorios de sus cuerpos físico, emocional, mental y etérico al grado en el cual su signatura energética resuena a los armónicos de la mitad superior de la cuarta dimensión y dimensiones superiores.

Huge UFO - ROD and other types of UFOs near our Sun in a review of the December 5, 2014

Illuminati 2015: Predictions!! We must reach mass awareness! WATCH NOW!!!

SaLuSa 12 December 2014

What exciting prospects lie ahead because you can rightly look forward to some revealing times, and positive indications that the long awaited changes are coming to fruition. We appreciate the reasons for your caution, and feel sure that given time you will have no doubt that you are leaving the old Age cycle behind. It has run its course and there is no way back for those of the dark forces who have supported it. Naturally there will still be obstacles to overcome, but their ability to maintain it has been sorely diminished. You can expect them to try and prevent the news becoming widespread, but it is of such importance that we will not allow it to be stopped or interfered with. There may be minor problems, but you may be assured that a wonderful future is assured.

Satans Illuminati Beast (Super) Computer Exposed!! 2014

jueves, diciembre 11, 2014

Eliza: Chinook Wind - December 11, 2014

Eliza: Chinook Wind
In the Pacific Northwest where I have made my home all my adult life, we get warm winds in the winter. The indigenous people have called these winds, Chinook winds. From the tropical regions of the central Pacific come these winds, bringing mild temperatures and thaws to the colder regions of the Inland Northwest. Outside there is such a strong wind blowing, knocking down empty garbage cans, opening gates and ripping the dry frozen leaves off of the trees in a last minute autumn blur of motion.
Last night my heart was thawed out, not by a wind, but by the warmth of a friend’s heart. She took the time to sit with me for an hour or so as I moved through some more intense emotional clearing.
When I first took on this accelerated clearing project, I thought I was capable of passing through it without a hitch. I was a bit cocky. I hit an especially rough patch last weekend, which threw me completely off balance. All my healing and spiritual energy training went out the window. I was under attack by a tsunami of emotions rising up and threatening to submerge me under their waves.
When I threatened to give up everything, my friend gently reminded me that my ego mind was in the midst of a great purging. Apparently in having so many masculine lifetimes, with my share and more of disappointment, frustration and danger, I had succeeded in “stuffing” away my emotions so I would be strong enough to face any challenge. And now, in the course of releasing these same emotions, I have been feeling rather overwhelmed by them. For as my friend reminded me, I have been more comfortable living in my mental body and not actively engaging in emotions… so consequently now I had to deal with them as they have begun to release from the formerly hidden crevices of my emotional body.

Jahn J Kassl - THE SEED REAPS, SANANDA - Dec 11, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,
The great sowing of the seeds of ascension reaps,
the harvest is rich. The yield is great,
the good soil brings forth fruits in abundance,
humanity inherits Life.
Beloved Ones,
No time is like any other, yet this time lifts off from all 
times, because time and space specific laws are dissolving 
in front of your eyes and are discarded.
This world is in the middle of dissolution, you yourselves 
are attuned to your departure and oriented toward your 
ascension – the heavenly Father comes, in order to lift you.
The seed of ascension reaps in these days.
While the harvest withers in many fields, 
healthy wheat grows in your fields.
The number of fertile fields is insignificant, 
significant is the yield of the harvest, is the 
Light that you are and that emanates from you. 
The seed reaps and satisfies all Life. 
The great thanks of Creation are due to human Beings, 
who have established the kingdom in Heaven on this soil, 
while in many places it has been neglected and has been 
Human Beings and God are unified in Eternity.
I am

Recognition and Dissolution of Foreign Energies – MASTER KUTHUMI:

The light world publishing and the author do not lead any 
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages 
published on this website.