
Eliza: Chinook Wind
In the Pacific Northwest where I have made my home all my adult life, we get warm winds in the winter. The indigenous people have called these winds, Chinook winds. From the tropical regions of the central Pacific come these winds, bringing mild temperatures and thaws to the colder regions of the Inland Northwest. Outside there is such a strong wind blowing, knocking down empty garbage cans, opening gates and ripping the dry frozen leaves off of the trees in a last minute autumn blur of motion.
Last night my heart was thawed out, not by a wind, but by the warmth of a friend’s heart. She took the time to sit with me for an hour or so as I moved through some more intense emotional clearing.
When I first took on this accelerated clearing project, I thought I was capable of passing through it without a hitch. I was a bit cocky. I hit an especially rough patch last weekend, which threw me completely off balance. All my healing and spiritual energy training went out the window. I was under attack by a tsunami of emotions rising up and threatening to submerge me under their waves.
When I threatened to give up everything, my friend gently reminded me that my ego mind was in the midst of a great purging. Apparently in having so many masculine lifetimes, with my share and more of disappointment, frustration and danger, I had succeeded in “stuffing” away my emotions so I would be strong enough to face any challenge. And now, in the course of releasing these same emotions, I have been feeling rather overwhelmed by them. For as my friend reminded me, I have been more comfortable living in my mental body and not actively engaging in emotions… so consequently now I had to deal with them as they have begun to release from the formerly hidden crevices of my emotional body.
My friend told me, “You are one who views, analyzes and then views again to dig deeper… you have (experienced) great pain; it cannot be stuffed away, but must come forth to be healed now…”
Apparently I have been one who has made great self-sacrifice of my own heart-felt desires, setting them aside as I worked for others, in many lifetimes.
My friend continued, “This is so close to the final release, it makes sense that you will feel such immense pain that is the opposite polarity of all that you are…”
Let’s face it folks, I was feeling a bit raw, but was humble enough to listen. I hurt. And I knew that I needed help. There is a time when any person needs to surrender to the realization that in this process you cannot do it completely alone. That is where people like my friends can step in and do their part. In turn, when they need assistance, I can stand strong and able for them. It is a process of give and take, in full heart-felt cooperation.
While in the midst of my emotional storm, I shut down my heart and was no longer sensitive to the energies of my star family. Sensing this, I closed down even more, but there was enough of a glimmer of connection to reach out the next morning.
Some of my readers are probably scratching their heads in wonderment and asking why does someone who has “ascended” feel this miserable and wretched? Where is all this anger, grief and sense of being abandoned come from?
The answer is simple. The main source of any emotional disturbance such as the one that I recently suffered through is the illusion of separation from Source. This is the core reason for pain and fear. And facing my emotions without being overwhelmed by them is proving to be my toughest battle. And one that I am realizing I cannot face alone or chose to…
When one feels they are alone, the sense of being abandoned by loved ones tends to grow rather than diminish. One can be strong for others, but in the dark moments of the night, the shadows can grow, hanging upon the heart and drawing one’s frequencies down into a pit of self-created despair. So it was for me for a short time…
If you have been following my latest posts, you will realize that I have tapped into knowledge of some pretty intense lifetimes. I hope that by sharing my experience that some people realize that knowing one’s past lives is not a romantic experience. In knowing my past lives, spots and all, I have also become fully, consciously responsible for clearing the karmic patterns of those same lifetimes, instead of just clearing general karma for oneself and one’s genetic inheritance.
As such, I have become responsible for releasing the emotional detritus of these same lifetimes and all attendant thought-forms, including those of self-blame, concern for loved ones, disappointment, frustration, grief and fear. It has been a nearly overwhelming vision of suffering from other lifetimes and even this one…
For only one lifetime… if I pause for a moment to consider that I was one of the leading instigators of the French Revolution, I shudder to think of all the destructive forces that were unleashed upon the body of France through that time period. It was not my intent that the country be plunged into civil war and terrorism, yet it did, primarily due to forces beyond my control. My own family suffered as a consequence, losing beloved members to the Terror. I spent five years in prison myself… I who was of an ancient martial family loyal to the kings of France, was considered a traitor to the King and Queen and in polar opposition, a threat to the more rabid elements of the revolution.
It is not a surprise that I have been feeling a backlash from the revelations of just this particular lifetime or of many of the rest that I have shared here. And so, now, I need to use all my strength, determination and focus to release these same emotions without allowing myself to be overwhelmed by them.
At the same time, my emotional body was being stimulated by the energies of the full moon, as well as etheric plate adjustments going on across the planet. We are all affected most profoundly these days by the unbalancing effects of the strange climatic changes, the complicated currents in our society, the frustrations dealing with the dying embers of the old paradigm and so on. These are challenging times for anyone…
Tonight, I am at peace, having again regained a sense of belonging and balance. I feel the strong energies in my body which indicate to me that my star family is present in spirit. My heart has re-opened to their presence, allowing them to assist me in this healing process. In each moment, hour and day, I learn and relearn that I am not alone and never have been alone. The idea that we are separate from our Source has always been an illusion, but one that is strong enough to set even the strongest individuals among us into moments of self-doubt.
I have been fortunate to have friends who have proved extremely supportive, overlooking my moments of forgetfulness… always reminding me of my inner strength and determination to move through these clearings at top speed.
My path is an accelerated one and not suited for all who read these pages. There are many paths to heaven and mine is certainly not the only one. Take from my experiences what little wisdom and knowledge that you can apply to your own process, but realize that your experiences will be different than my own.
I have been a Wayshower. I have been told that my time is nearly done here, but I still share so those coming behind me can benefit it.
There are many second wave light workers who are doing great work in assisting others on their way to ascension. Search out those whose energy, knowledge and frequency levels correspond to your own. Take responsibility for your own process and realize that for many nowadays, one teacher only will no longer serve. The changes are coming too rapidly for many “systems” to keep up. There is no one “right” way to go forth into the higher dimensions, other than striving to keep your energies balanced, between your heart and higher mind. And understand that you will experience, as I have, some rough moments, but that you can also transcend these and continue on your way.
We are loved by many whom we cannot see or even feel. I am reminded by my friends and the felt presence of my star family that I am never alone on this journey. There are just those occasional moments when self-doubt rises up in a moment of “weakness” threatening to overwhelm the hard-won peace and balance.
There really isn’t any weakness in anyone attempting to ascend. It takes guts, pure and simple, determination, focus and a really strong will. It also takes surrender and the willingness to be humble enough to admit to occasionally needing assistance… like at every moment possible.
You may have noticed that I am willing to state that, “Hey, folks… I’m not perfect!” And yet, that perfection exists within the heart flame that is enlivened by the Christ energies that give life to the spirit within… that keep me going forward and returning, determined to do it better.
In planting seeds in the spring time, a farmer knows through experience that some seeds will germinate and others won’t. You just have to hold the immaculate concept for the crop to come, as well as providing the needed nurturance through careful watering and cultivation. So I continue to observe and participate in this process of ascension… as the remaining portion of my human awareness still lingers in this world.
When my friend told me that family had gathered around Lady Tazjima to comfort her while I was experiencing my recent difficulties I was suddenly reminded that we are one. Before the re-blending process began, we lived our lives as separate beings with little awareness of each other. Now we are fully connected, joined together like conjoined twins. What I feel, she feels. This is an awareness that can expand to include all those who surround you or even live upon this planet… or beyond, so interconnected are we via the web of life. Those who have truly opened their heart and have released the need to judge others, will feel the oneness in their hearts.
I am not one to paint a rosy or false picture of the effort it takes to go through ascension, dear ones. Yet our world is changing, although many challenges remain. Still, when one views the passage of the last 12,000 years since the last golden age, it is amazing to see what man has accomplished in the last few decades.
Domination of this world by technology is not the answer. There has to be a balance and sensitivity for the needs of the planet and its life forms beyond just satisfying the fleeting demands of mankind. Our world is a system that is not functioning at its capacity right now. Our world is out of balance due to the greed of mankind. Much destruction has occurred at the instigation of a tiny minority of beings who are out to control the entire world for the satisfaction of their uncontrollable greed… which stems from a profound sense of separation from all that is good within, from Source.
As I struggled with my own inner darkness, so must our world and all those who live here. I experienced a recent dark night of the soul. With the help of my friends and family and my own determination, I have come through the experience unscathed and stronger, more aware of what I need to do when I next sense the energies beginning to become ruffled. Hopefully I will be more mindful the next time and succeed in using all my spiritual tools to overcome any challenges with ease and grace. And greatest of all these tools is the knowledge that I am not alone, ever, even in the darkness moments of self-doubt and affliction.
So when you begin to feel overwhelmed and there will be those moments… make the call for assistance from the angels, from the Masters, from your Higher Self. And you will be answered in an instant, for those who love you dearly are always at your side, waiting for you to give permission so that they might assist you and lend you their strength as you move through the cycles of releasing and clearing that are so much a part of the ascension process.
I wish you well upon your own journey. And if you need help, call upon the angels to bring you a Chinook wind to thaw out your heart, to bring warmth and kindness back into your life. Be kind to yourself, dear ones, for you are Love and loved greatly.
I AM Lady Tazjima
©All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com