When you can remain open to the influence of spirit and the uncountable guides who attempt to help you through your difficult and painful experiences, you’ll connect with an infallible sense of joy, wholeness and completion.
Your willingness to enthusiastically contribute to your conscious revolution will grow as much as your greater perception, and your passion will skyrocket as you embrace the creativity that helps you raise your vibration.
Some seekers use things like channeling to find a higher state of consciousness, while others embrace other creative routes like art or music, which is itself art. No matter what you do, it’ll become easier and more enjoyable when you can say open and follow the guidance your intuition gives.
Living your life with no judgment and no attempts on the part of the ego (which you’re learning to see more as a friend than a foe) to hold you back will make everything easier as you gradually yet directly raise your vibration and the vibration of the rest of the planet.
You’ll have to be willing to let go of the rigid perceptions many of you have been trapped in, and this requires aligning with your heart and staying in that omnipotent, limitless space.
You touch upon infinity when you can remain in your heart and let the otherwise overbearing aspects of the ego dissipate, and realizing that unconditional, non-judgmental love is the most potent and helpful force in the universe will lead you to diminish the unhappiness and unawareness that have permeated your minds and hearts.
Stay open and aligned as much as you can, and know that you’re constantly guided and supported. You have all of the support and assistance you need, and letting the rigidity of the mind fade will help you in your quest to say open, aware and active.
Channeled through Wes Annac, December 29, 2015
www.cultureofawareness.com / link to original article