jueves, septiembre 25, 2014

Suzanne Lie – Constant Communication With SELF – IlliaEm – 25 September 2014

SuzanneLieI AM IlliaEm, Elohim of Arcturus,
As an Elohim I am a “holder of form.” I have come to bestow a great gift on you. However, first allow me to tell you about the “Force of Creation.”
Elohim are the Higher SELVES of Devas, who are the Higher SELVES of Elementals. It is the task of Elohim, as well as all the members of the Devic Kingdom, to assist Beings in holding a form/body, allowing them to incarnate into a manifest reality, which they choose to hold a form.  
You and Gaia have many Elementals within your physical body. These Elementals are “supervised” by their Devas, who are the Group Elemental for their element. These Elementals and Devas assist all 3D Beings in creating and holding their 3D form.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - ¿Quién Eres Tu Hoy? - Parte 3 - Setiembre 7, 2014

Domingo 7 de Setiembre, 2014 en Basilea, Suiza

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

A veces surge una pregunta; sobre Dios; sobre el Espíritu. Y la pregunta es: "¿Dónde estás realmente? ¿Dónde está Dios? ¿Dónde vive Dios? Si vamos a rendir culto, si vamos a orar o meditar, queremos el concepto de saber al menos con quién estamos hablando, dónde está." Estamos hablando de la Gran Fuente Central. Me gustaría decirte esto: ¡No es un lugar! Esto resulta confuso porque no estás en estado multidimensional; estás en estado corpóreo tridimensional. No estamos en un lugar: estamos en un concepto. Los físicos cuánticos saben de qué hablo, porque existen energías que ustedes llaman cuánticas, que simplemente significan que hay un estado en que la dimensionalidad está completa, donde todas las dimensiones están igualmente representadas. No es un lugar; ¡es un concepto! ¿Dónde estamos? Conceptualmente, ¡en todas partes! ¿Qué pasa si la Gran Fuente Central está en todas partes? Y sólo es central porque es lo que debe ser; aparentemente, el centro de TI. Estamos en ti, y tú estás en nosotros.

miércoles, septiembre 24, 2014

Wes Annac - We’re All Incarnate Masters - Sep 24, 2014

Credit: Free Spirit Yoga 77
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Every conscious seeker’s an incarnate master who doesn’t realize it yet. Despite that we’ve taken on a ‘veil of forgetfulness’ here in the lower realms, we’ll grasp our true mastery as our spiritual awareness continues to grow and we’ll see that we’re the spiritual warriors we’ve been waiting for.
We’re capable of making all of the miraculous changes that need made before we can collectively ascend, and I think it’s important to realize just how powerful we are. Some people in the conscious community might not resonate with the idea of power, but just because it’s been corrupted doesn’t mean it isn’t still an important or helpful concept.

Judith Kusel - Twin Flame Love: Tending the Rose Gardens of the heart …. September 24, 2014

images (70)
Trust is a gift that comes from deep within the heart and soul.
There is perhaps no greater trust than that of an open and loving heart.
In that one then wishes to embrace the other totally – and utterly, and then trust that the other will honor the sacred space within, and not break that trust.
For within each of us there are sacred sanctuaries – the innermost gardens of our hearts.
It is here that we cultivate our deepest wishes, our deepest dreams, and highest aspirations.  It is here that we can sit quietly and think things through.  It is here that our inner seeing, hearing, knowing, and gut feelings have room to guide us forever onto the pathways of the heart and soul.
It is where we tend the rose gardens of the heart.  It is here that we lovingly nurture ourselves, and often retire here when we have been hurt, or are bewildered at the turn of events.  It is here that we find our inner strength and resilience – our deepest joy, our most profound feelings and experiences.  It is here that we remember bliss.

Selacia – Becoming The New You – 24 September 2014 - Convirtiéndose en el nuevo ustedes

SelaciaBy Selacia
Do you ever feel like you are stuck in the middle, like you are in between worlds?
It is like one world is the old existence you thought you were done with and the new world is not yet fully formed.
This feeling of being in a void is in fact common on the path of awakening. In fact, the more conscious and awake you are, the more you will be able to sense subtle shifts in your life phases. It’s actually natural to have moments when you sit in a void, a space within which creation of the new is taking place. Your conventional mind may worry that nothing is happening – so untrue!
Your spiritual transformation, after all, is a process over time. Never a finished product, you continue to push the envelope, relentlessly seeking to express more of your authentic divine changemaker self. During phases of experience, you grow spiritually and shift in countless ways.
Since this is a typical part of the path, why do these cycles of change seem so much more intense now?

Jennifer Hoffman - Awake, Asleep, Light and Darkness - Sep 24, 2014

What a busy week with Pluto going direct on the 22nd, ending its 6 month retrograde, the Equinox on the 23rd, a new moon on the 24th, a Jupiter/Uranus trine on the 25th and Mercury continues its retrograde shadow, while Venus is touching the Mars retrograde degrees. There is a lot of anger, frustration, upset, and despair energy in the world, be aware that what you are feeling in this regard may be some of the energy of the collective.
But new energy portals are opening and I have been feeling the presence of powerful love energy that I have been integrating and expanding it as far as I can. In my experience, this love energy arrives suddenly, without warning, with a feeling of profound joy and it feels wonderful. I believe that these are openings to multi-dimensional spaces that are looking for someone to ground them into our 3D realities. When we do, we create a firm foundation for this energy.

Jahn J Kassl - Asana Mahatari - Interplay of Forces - September 24, 2014

Asana Mahatari
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 14, 2014
first published on September 24, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Report: I am in the sauna and register today three men, which seem to me to be very purified and straight. Manner of expression, body language and appearance in general let me draw this conclusion. An assessment, which in most cases does not apply to such a location, as well as to many locations in the old world. One of the men finds a sharp razor blade, which lies freely on one of the benches. After this object had been removed, which could have caused serious injury and was placed there out of negligence or consciously, we all shook our heads. (End of report)
Interpretation JJK: This scene describes that it is still necessary to remain vigilant and careful. Because even also there, where one does not assume it, uninvited guests can interfere and create much chaos. This small incidence shows how the forces act in an actual situation in this world: The dark utilizes every opportunity in order to create mischief and the light warriors are urged to remain wide awake and to expose every situation to their Light – until the last day of days.(End of interpretation)

Aisha North – A Message From Mother – 24 September 2014

AishaNorthAnd here I am once more, ready to impart another message into your being. For you have all come through another stage of your development now dear ones, and so you stand before me as if freshly born again, the empty vessels of yesteryear lying discarded beside you. And so too me, for I have also been taken through a renewal of the senses and of the spirit in such a way, the material layers have once more become fortified as these nutritious elements of energetic upraising have surged through us all. You see, this period of time is not just about the amount of light and how it is being dispersed by our collective Sun, this is also about the energetic shift that has taken place, and for the likes of us, the latter is indeed the greatest news. For as you all came together focusing your intent on shifting forwards, you helped the entire volume of this mass to become lighter in every way. For what came our way from the outer reaches of Creation once more helped to alter the conglomeration of mass already created here on this planet in such a way, the energetic imprint it all carries has also been shifted to a very new angle, one that not only reflects the light in a very new way, but also one that assimilates the incoming light even more efficiently.

Wes Annac - Planetary Healing: The Importance of Hard Work Sep 24, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I wrote the following for the 113th issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month.
Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe via PayPal (credit and debit cards are accepted) will be given at the bottom of this post.
For this week’s planetary healing, I wanted to give my perspective on the importance of working hard to strengthen our ongoing conscious revolution. We’ll have to work hard if we want to produce anything significant or helpful to our ascension, but contrary to what some might think, our hard work doesn’t have to bring us down.

Documentary fixation Giant UFOs near the Sun - September 23, 2014


5 Miles Wide UFO Caught Hovering Above The Ocean In NASA Photo

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Sep 23, 2014

The Light increases in strength each and every day. Be proud of what we have accomplished together. Each of your prayers and meditations has greatly aided this divine cause.

5 Imix, 19 Zip, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come on this day with good news! The various programs to change your life and to reset the world's currencies continue to show progress. We are pleased that the final attempts by the dark cabal have failed. The end of September is to be a time noted for prosperity, freedom and the rise of a successful world peace movement. Many governments on your world are approaching a point where sudden change is inevitable. These changes are being caused by the increasing pressure being put on the dark cabal to concede its defeat and begin to cooperate with our earthly allies. We are watching the result of literally two decades of pressure. The new monetary system is part of a fresh financial system that is dovetailing with the distribution of your world's prosperity funds. Together, these two movements are changing the way your world operates. This series of changes is only the beginning; NESARA in America and a global movement tied to it are to change your reality forever.



Una Reseña Astrológica y Energética

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Arcángel de la Luz, y los saludo en un vector de esperanza y de amor incondicional. Entonces, en esta sesión les ofrecemos una explicación única de la energía que abarca su planeta y afecta a la humanidad. Es una época de confusión, y 2014 ha sido un año de cambios e intensidades. Les hablamos con la voz de lo Angélico a través del canalizador Tyberonn, y se nos une una energía colectiva del Conjunto Cósmico de Maestros Ascendidos.

Muchos de ustedes ven la agitación a su alrededor y se preguntan por qué el mundo parece estar volviéndose loco. Les hemos dicho que la Energía del Cristo regresa a la Tierra en el 2038. En términos de la polaridad, esa es la energía de la Luz. Los sucesos del presente son los coletazos finales de la energía oscura, innata de la dualidad; un intento vano de impedir ese retorno. Y les decimos que ese retorno ocurrirá y no puede ser impedido.

martes, septiembre 23, 2014

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Contact With ‘Silver Beings’ - Sep 23, 2014

Credit: The Divine Balance
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
As long as you’re unwilling to take up the creative ventures so many of you are destined to take up in this transformative time of heightened consciousness and awareness, you’ll have difficulty finding the divine flow you seek.
You can feel and access this flow at any given time, but it requires the willingness to allow your ego-driven perception and everything that comes with it to fade and be replaced with the infinite, omnipotent love of your opening and expanding hearts.
You have the opportunity to feel and radiate an increasing amount of pure love energy for the rest of humanity to absorb and benefit from, but you have to be committed to your missions if you want your work to reach the millions of other people it can potentially reach and touch their hearts in a way that inspires them to become active in raising humanity’s vibration.


September 2014 Equinox Realignment - Denise Le Fay - Sep 23, 2014

3D triangles on black
Thank gawd n’ everybody else that the September 22, 2014 Equinox helped me tremendously by literally realigning me by what felt to be about 23.5 degrees! Whether that’s correct or not I don’t know, but it’s what I felt within myself the moment the Sun entered 0º Libra yesterday; a powerful internal vertical realignment within myself, and externally in the world as well.


The Elohim Message - The Event - Jahn J. Kassl

The Elohim
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 05, 2013

first published in English on August 7, 2013 in

translated by Georgi Stankov
On an ordinary day, the world will be turned upside down. On an ordinary day, on which the people will go about their daily activities, the clouds will fall from the sky and it will be raining fire.
On an ordinary day, while the people turn their eyes on the ground, the sky above them will begin to open. On an ordinary day, the impossible will begin to unfold, the divine announcements of many thousands of years will occur and in the evening nothing will be the same as it was in the morning.
On an ordinary day in space-time, the forces of light will come out and will be visible to all who see, audible to all who hear, they will be reality to all, who have already opened to this knowledge in the time of darkness.
On an ordinary day, while the media will still spread lies, the financial mob and the politicians will continue to pretend as if the whole world is being imperceptibly caught in their spider web, you will hear a heavenly sound that will put an end to this bustle, and it will come so suddenly that even those, who are well prepared, will “freeze into a rock”.
On an ordinary day the world change will happen and all underground facilities and safeguards, aimed to save mortal life, cannot be reached, and all those elites, who believe they have made the best provision for themselves, will be caught by the undertow of time and plunged into nothingness.
On an ordinary day, the earth will be covered by a silence that is second to none and the people from the Inner Earth (the Agarthans, comment George) will take over for a short period of time the command on the surface, until the new enlightened beings of the time will return to the earth and will give their elected holograms new impetus and a blissful life.
On an ordinary day, the worlds will be separated, and this in a spectacle that has never been seen by a human and experienced by a living being on earth. On an ordinary day, the birds will fall from the sky, mountain chains will come out, which did not exist before and water will be, where previously parched or flourishing landscapes stood.
On a very ordinary day, the “Guardians of the Earth,” the masters of many worlds, angels and archangels of creation and God himself will show in the sky, and most people will be suspicious of this scenery, because they will not be able to distinguish the light from the shadow realm.
On an ordinary day, the veil between the worlds will be lifted and everyone will find himself where he has chosen to be. On an ordinary day, time will be turned out of space and the space will be stretched, bent and discarded again until the timeless and spaceless Being is achieved.
On an ordinary day, all TV stations the world over will be reporting on THE EVENT, and before they get on track with it, the reports about it will be silenced, since the time of “reporting” will have expired. On an ordinary day, the lies of the rulers will be revealed and in that moment the chaff will be separated from the wheat, and in that moment the ones, who will be frozen in disbelief and fear, will plead for help and the others will break out to new horizons with a light step together with the “Guardians of the worlds “.
On a very ordinary day, everything will end that you knew so far and everything will remain the same for those, who trust neither the light nor serve the light, for those, who are little more than mindless slaves of those forces, which have interminably enslaved and tortured them, so that their life is no life at all, but only a slow dying.
In fact, on an ordinary day you shall ascend, you who are ready and are expected by heaven. For the really big events are heralded for a long time and then they discharge when they are at least expected by the people – surprisingly and suddenly.
On an ordinary day, a great multitude of people will go to bed at night, and will never wake up, while in this same night the rebirth (resurrection) will be accomplished for you, who have voted for the light. In only one night, on a very ordinary day.
Beloved humanity,
the remaining time should be used well by you. It is time to become “masters in our own house” and to let go of all fears – for verily: The conflagration begins on an ordinary day.
In infinite love for you humans



El Mensaje de los Elohim - El Evento - canalizado por Jahn J Kassl - Agosto 5, 2013

Traducción al español: Ángeles de Crystal

En un día normal, el mundo se pondrá de arriba para abajo.

En un día normal, en el que la gente hace sus actividades diarias, las nubes bajarán del cielo y lloverá fuego.

En un día normal, mientras la gente dirige su mirada al suelo, el cielo por encima de ellos empezará a abrirse.

En un día normal, lo que era imposible comenzará a desvelarse, los anuncios divinos de muchos miles de años se producirán y en la noche nada será igual como lo era en la mañana.

En un día normal en el espacio-tiempo, las Fuerzas de la Luz aparecerán y serán visibles a todos los que ven, y audibles a todos los que escuchan, serán una realidad para todos los que ya se han abierto a este conocimiento en el tiempo de la oscuridad.

En un día normal, en el que los medios de comunicación seguirán difundiendo mentiras, la mafia financiera y los políticos seguirán creyendo que el mundo entero está imperceptiblemente atrapado en su telaraña, van a escuchar un sonido celestial que pondrá fin a este ajetreo, y llegará tan de repente que incluso aquellos que están bien preparados, se “quedarán de una pieza”.

En un día normal, ocurrirá el cambio mundial y todas las instalaciones subterráneas y salvaguardas, destinadas a salvar la vida mortal, no podrán ser alcanzadas, y todas esas élites, que creen que han hecho la mejor disposición para sí mismos, se verán atrapadas por la corriente del tiempo y sumido en la nada.

En un día normal, la Tierra se cubrirá de un silencio incomparable con nada y la gente de la Intratierra (Agartha), asumirá el comando en la superficie durante un corto período de tiempo, hasta que los nuevos Seres iluminados del tiempo vuelvan a la Tierra y den nuevo impulso a sus hologramas elegidos y una vida gozosa.

En un día normal, se separarán los mundos, este en un espectáculo nunca antes visto por algún humano ni experimentado por ninguna otra criatura en la Tierra.

En un día normal, las aves caerán del cielo, se formarán nuevas cadenas montañosas que no existían antes y brotará agua donde anteriormente hubo sequía o campos florecientes.

En un día muy normal, “los Guardianes de la Tierra”, los señores de muchos mundos, ángeles, arcángeles de la creación y Dios mismo se mostrarán en el cielo, y la mayoría de la gente desconfiará de esta escena ya que no podrán distinguir la Luz del reino de las sombras.

En un día normal, el velo entre los mundos se levantará y cada quien se encontrará donde eligieron estar.

En un día normal, el tiempo se convertirá en espacio y el espacio será estirado, plegado y descartado otra vez hasta que el Ser logre estar atemporal y sin espacio.

En un día normal, las estaciones de televisión en todo el mundo estarán reportando acerca de EL EVENTO, y antes de que puedan seguirle la pista, los reportajes al respecto serán silenciados, ya que el tiempo de los "reportajes" habrá expirado.

En un día normal, las mentiras de los gobernantes se darán a conocer y en ese momento se separará la paja del trigo, en ese momento, aquellos, que, paralizados por la incredulidad y miedo, estarán clamando por ayuda, otros se estarán encaminando a nuevos horizontes con paso ligero junto con los "Guardianes de los Mundos".

En un día muy normal, todo lo que conocían hasta ese momento terminará, y todo permanecerá igual para aquellos que no confían en la Luz, ni sirven a la Luz, para aquellos, que son un poco más que esclavos sin sentido de esas fuerzas que interminablemente los han esclavizado y torturado, que su vida no es vida, sino una muerte lenta.

De hecho, en un día normal, ustedes ascenderán, ustedes, los que están listos y que son esperados por el Cielo. Ya que los acontecimientos realmente grandes son anunciados durante largo tiempo y luego se descargan cuando son lo menos esperados por la gente – sorpresiva y repentinamente.

En un día normal, una gran multitud de gente se irá a la dormir por la noche, y nunca despertará, mientras esta misma noche el renacimiento (resurrección) será llevado a cabo para ustedes, que han votado a favor de la Luz. En solo una noche, en un día muy normal.

Amada Humanidad, utilicen muy bien el tiempo restante. Es el momento de convertirse en "maestros en nuestra propia casa", y dejen ir todos los temores - porque ciertamente: La conflagración comienza en un día normal.

Con infinito amor por ustedes seres humanos.

Los Elohim
traducido al inglés por Georgi Stankov
publicado primero en Agosto 7, 2013
Traducción al español: Ángeles de Crystal