sábado, julio 26, 2014

Lauren C. Gorgo - Benefactor to Beneficiary: bestowal of blessings - July 26, 2014

Ok peopleeven if it feels otherwise, we are finally at a very long-awaited and super significant turning point.
It definitely took me ALL of July to be-lie-ve this to be trueand btw, thank you in advance for your patience so I could get to a more expanded place personally before I wrote this reporthad I not waited, this would have been a VERY different article 8O
The unrelenting force of compression that was required to get to where we are right now, to turn the last of our carbon into diamondto rid ourselves of those final patterns of self destructive limitationswas straight-up Crazyville. But thru all of it, the unseens kept assuring me that we were grounding into a major earth-bound crossroadsput into place by the cosmic (grand) cross-roads reflected in the skies back in Mayand that the intensified pressure we have been feeling the entire month of July was the actual pressure created/needed to outgrow and break free from our metamorphic cocoon.

Georgi Stankov - The Threshold of Confrontation Between Light and Darkness is Reached - July 26, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, July 26, 2014

The last few days were full of massive cleansing of all timelines of Gaia – crucial adjustments and spectacular ascension shifts took place. There were so many processes running simultaneously that it is probably impossible to get a proper overview on them. But there is no doubt that we have just finished one of the most critical phases in the ascension process of the new galaxy and Gaia as its focal point.

During this time we did not receive any information from our sources. The Elohim were waiting for the final result to come up, before they can give us an update. We descended in the last few days to some very lower, dense and dark timelines to cleanse them from all pecuniary and other patterns of separation and duality, which were associated with severe symptoms and inhuman energy intensities. This has been confirmed today by other true members of the PAT.

viernes, julio 25, 2014

The End of Time for the Matrix / written by the Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan on 25th of July 2014

The End of Time for the Matrix

We have promised to keep you informed of important developments in case of occurrence and completeness... Here we are again to inform you of recent & important developments...

It is difficult to transfer events that occur in the higher realm of consciousness which depends on the depth of consciousness and understanding to the lower layers of consciousness which rely on information… The difficulty lies in the big disparity in consciousness among the masses of mankind, that’s why we have decided to put these new developments in the form of simple points to be a beacon for all researchers in the path of consciousness and for those who are waiting for the New Era {The Golden Age} in order to seek the facts out of it … and these developments were summary of a deep journey for us in the higher realms of consciousness and an inner journey in the last 3 months..  

Suzanne Lie – The Elementals Power Of Transmutation – YouTube And Transcription – 25 July 2014

UFO Cloud ejects Sphere again Over Chile▬ OVNI Nube expulsa Esfera Otra vez En Chile Edit 18/07/2014

Judith Dagley – “We Cannot Go Anywhere Unless We Bring ALL Of OurSELF With Us.”- From July’s Energy Tele-Gathering, Recording Available NOW! – 25 July 2014

judith“We cannot go anywhere unless we bring all of ourSELF with us.”
– Through Me to YOU, July Energy Tele-Gathering, 7.20.2014
That is the theme of 2014, our Year of Integration. This integration process is increasing in intensity and so power, and will continue to through the rest of the year, at least. Already, it has become a veritable vortex,  spinning so fast that nothing is either “here or there, past or present” anymore. All of everywhere is spinning into NOW.
Which is, of course, so that we can integrate ourselves whole and get on with it. Which, nonetheless, is also making our heads spin and knocking our socks off (mine included, please note). So, it is no surprise that it quickly unfolded as the theme of our July Energy Tele-Gathering– the recording of which is NOW available!


reminderTomorrow the crystal that is being delivered from Iceland will be placed underneath israel/Palestine, it’s almost there. Isis is in Egypt starting today. The energy is going to be amplified, it’s important to tune into the crystal to assist the energy to be properly distributed among everyone, calling out to their higher selves and helping in shifting the consciousness towards PEACE. It is important to use the GOLDEN light.



Dolores Cannon - The Three Waves of Volunteers & The New Earth

Selacia – Catch The Expansion Wave - Changes at 7/26 New Moon - Jul 25, 2014 - Atrapa la ola de la expansión (II) por Selacia - 25 de Julio 2014

SelaciaWant to energize a brand-new phase of your life or find increased clarity about something that just ended?
Our new moon on July 26 is an excellent time to put your active focus on brand-new starts and to go within for greater understanding of recent life events. This is especially true for anything that really speaks to your heart and allows you to express yourself in an authentic way.
The key right now, during the time leading up to the new moon and this weekend, is to tune into yourself and the things that help you to connect with your heart and life passion. Similarly, invite your inner wisdom to show you what about the recent past or even the present is getting in the way of your full authentic expression. Contemplate these things now and over the next few days.