miércoles, julio 23, 2014

Aisha North - A message from Mother - Jul 23, 2014

And here it is that we begin another cooperation again, for I am the one that will once again raise my voice above the din and greet you all as the female incarnate, the She, the one majestic force that for so long has been kept at bay on you shores. But now, my multicolored robes will once again flow freely around you all as the the state of languishing in hiding is now over. I go by many names, but all of them carry the same meaning. For I am She, the giver of life, the force of nature, the One that will join the other half and become complete once again.

martes, julio 22, 2014

UFO Cloud ejects Sphere again Over Chile▬ OVNI Nube expulsa Esfera Otra vez En Chile Edit 18/07/2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
What can we say before the farewell?
Beloved Ones,

You have fulfilled, you have manifested, 
and you have climbed the last step of ascension!
The transformation reaches its striking points, where 
the “heralds of the transformation” coming out of the 
shadows enter into the light.

Georgi Stankov - Our Regular Visits to the Spaceships of the GF- July 21, 2014

by Georgi Stankov, Pamela Ennis and Carla Thompson, July 21, 2014

In the current last phase of the ascension process all the light warriors of the first and the last hours regularly visit the spaceships, including the mothership of the GF for healing and attending the numerous council meetings, where the next steps in the ascension scenario are discussed, before they can be implemented on the ground and multidimensionally. This should be a common knowledge to all true PAT members.

lunes, julio 21, 2014

Anna Merkaba - Chaos in Order, Order in Chaos, Two New Earths and Christened Energies – Pleiades High Council - Jul 21, 2014

pleiadesjuly21The restructuring and resurrection of cosmic gateways of light, life and chaos in order, and order in chaos, has begun to rapidly unfold throughout the universe that you are presently finding yourself. For the newly arrived christened energies, the energies of the light, the energies of the source and the energies of the creator have been unleashed into this universe, reaching GAIA to usher in the next phase of the evolutionary progression of of mankind. The energy that has been generating for quite some time in the inner depths of the higher selves of those dwelling on GAIA have finally reached a culmination point and have been dispensed, and dispersed to all who dwell on your planet. To all who dwell in the consciousness in which you are finding yourselves to be in.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Moving Thru Time – 21 July 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs we move thru this year, the weight of our do’s and don’ts seem to get heavier, denser and more solid than anytime in the past.  They gather around and cement themselves at our feet, creating an immovable sinking feeling. Our intentions chomp at the bit, our soul gives us the green light, but our human little self-stands tall and still.  We sink deeper and deeper into despair and dis-repair, as we beat ourselves with the proverbial wet noodle.  We spend vast amounts of energy disagreeing with ourselves.   Trying to tame what seems to be the wild beast of indecision, the monster that holds us back, always blocking our way into happiness, into love, and into abundance.  With the amount of energy that we spend on arguing with ourselves, we could build malls, erect towers, sculpt obelisks, and maybe even a great pyramid or two.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - New Pleiadian StarGate DNA/Light Language Starbeing Activation/Template Sedona AZ

 Please turn up volume as this was unexpected video that I grab the camera to capture the powerful portal and gift from the Pleidians, and felt this transmission needed to be shared, thank you!

This an actual Pleadian Stargate Light Portal from Sedona AZ, Vortex through the Crystalline Sun that emits Light Pulse Codes of cellular awakening, DNA Activation with the Rose Ray of Creation.

This is a gift from the Solar Ray Deity and the Pleadians of our Brotherhood of light StarSeed Alliance Contact with your Star Family

Karen Dover - Movement into SOUL frequency realities - July 21, 2014

The New Earth frequency realities are realities that are created by your SOUL in the dreamtime platform as you exit the old 3D Earth frequencies.  As many of you are now experiencing these are now fully accessible at a human conscious waking mind level. As you now release fully the frequencies of the old 3D earth created construct you allow the FLOW of the LOVE that IS naturally. This flow seeks balance at all moments of all moments and this is what plays out a human conscious waking mind level in the shifts and movement in your outer waking reality.

Judith Kusel - Activation of Keys and Codes Within - July 21, 2014

In its purest form your soul is pure energy and it consists of 12 flames of energy.  One part of this energy is forever attached to the Divine Source, while one part stays attached to your planet of origin with a galaxy or star system.  Thus, when you incarnate onto a planet like earth, only one or at most three flames will incarnate into a physical form.  All the other parts of you are thus fully functional on different levels. 
All these parts together, as one single flame, form you Higher Soul Self.
Your Higher Soul Self again forms part of a soul group.  A soul group consists of 144 other flames and the soul group, forms part of much greater group of soul groups which forms a soul cluster of 144 000 souls (groups).

HILARION'S CALL TO ACTION - Marlene Swetlishoff - Llamada A La Accion – Hilarion – Julio 2014

Look for the good in all things. Fill your heart with the flame of love and let that flame grow and expand out into the world around you. BE the change!


Beloved Ones,

It is important for each of you to maintain your centeredness and calmness each day. The energies as they move in waves upon the planet bring changes in every facet of human life. As the increased light flows outward, it ignites awakening in many other souls and as you know, awakening is quite often a painful process that requires the assimilation of many truths that were not recognized or even thought of before. You have already experienced this process and can relate to the profound effects that these revelations create within the newly awakened ones and their desire to facilitate powerful changes in their world. They are eager to make a difference and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. This is why your stabilizing energies are so needed during these times. Send light to those areas of the world which are experiencing upheaval and destabilization. Do this whenever you hear of it, just taking a moment to send light gives assistance in more ways than you know. All you need is intention and during this process, ask the Angels of light to go to these places and heal the area, the land, the animals, the elemental beings, and send light to assist all the people who live there.