lunes, julio 07, 2014

Judith Kusel - The Awakening…. deep within…Jul 7, 2014

The awakening in consciousness is the true movement of higher energy fields, into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of mankind and planet earth on multiple levels and in different forms.
When one thinks of energy one has to understand that in essence all energy is made up of minute particles of light, which vibrate at a certain frequency. Therefore the new energy now works on multiple levels, and that is color and sound. Both combine to form the nucleus of the new technology which will become the way of life, in the New Golden Age.

Audio - Mars Defense Force: Defending Human Colonies - Full Interview

Crop Circles 2014 - The Long Man of Wilmington

Illuminati 2014: A SCARY MESSAGE TO AMERICA (Hollywood Predictions COMING TRUE)

Shanta Gabriel - Be grateful For all That You Are - Jul 7, 2014

Shanta GabrielThe Gabriel Message card for this week:
Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are.
With all that is going on in the world and in our lives, it is easy to get disgruntled. Sometimes it is easier to just let our thoughts go into the negative channels, where we seem to have a habitual groove, and just ruminate on how bad things seem to be.

Judith Dagley - 7.7.14 It’s ALL Frequency NOW.

Frequency Lesson– I don’t know where to BEGIN. Even the word “begin” isn’t a helpful one, born of linear programming as it is. I CAN say that I am CONSCIOUSLY learning (consciously is a keyword)  about ten “aha lessons”  a minute, however… which is slow, I admit, since they come at least a thousand a minute.
But considering that a year ago I was probably CONSCIOUSLY learning only about five “aha lessons” a minute, it IS progress– which is no longer a useful word either. It is EXPANSION… that’s better.

Suzanne Lie – More Transmissions From Antares – Communication Via Light Language – 7 July 2014

SuzanneLie(When I received these messages, I was too afraid of judgment from “others” to release them. That fact that I can calmly release them now shows how much the world, and myself, has changed in just 19 years. It is easy for us to look around and see how the world is the same, but how often do we look around to see how much our world has changed.

Chile Provides UFO Disclosure on Sighting in Remote Copper Mine Case - July 7, 2014

The government office investigating UFOs in Chile has released an analysis of two high quality photos showing what appear be genuine unidentified flying objects above a remote copper mine. The office, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena), is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean Air Force. It is responsible for the analysis of selected reports of unexplained aerial phenomena in Chilean airspace, most of them from pilots and aviation personnel.

The photos were taken at the Collahuasi copper mine, more than 14,000 feet above sea level in the Andean plateau in the far north of Chile. An extremely remote location with low oxygen levels and unusually clear skies, the area is desolate and inhospitable. The Collahuasi mine produces copper concentrate, copper cathodes and molybdenum concentrate from three open-pit mineral deposits. (Click here for a map).

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

Fran Zepeda - Message from Lakshmi: Prosperity Flows ~ July 7, 2014

Lakshmi(Note From Fran: I was awakened suddenly from sleep a few nights ago to a presence similar to the image I post here, and it was Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of Prosperity, and when I asked why she was here, she replied and gave me the following message, which she said was for me, but I share it with you all as you may find it helpful also):

domingo, julio 06, 2014

Catholic Pope Threatened as the House of Cards is About to Crumble by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert - July 6, 2014

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. NAZI Paperclip NSA occupation government in concert with the NAZI Paperclip dominated Opus Dei (a right wing branch of the Roman Catholic Church) is currently making physical threats against the current Catholic Pontiff Pope Francis.

Note: Both former NSA NAZI Chieftain Michael Hayden and former British Prime Minister and war criminal Anthony Blair are current members of Opus Dei.

Jahn J Kassl - Asana Mahatari - Invocation for the Ascension - Jul 6, 2014
first published on July 6, 2014 in
Honored Reader!
On Sunday June 29th 2014 at 10:40 pm I received the following email from Dr. Georgi Stankov: 
Dear Jahn,
As already mentioned, St. Germain (Asana Mahatari) is continuously present with us for the last three days.  He has just told Carla that we should integrate the gold-violet flame fully into our energy fields, because this is the flame of ascension. It is not only the flame / energy of transmutation  and healing, but also of peace and ascension, which can only  come when all the old patterns of separation have been resolved  and healed. I just did my personal invocation and was immediately  flooded with source energy and got goose bumps, which I only  experience when I perform global purges of the dark archons.

Ann Albers - Don't Put Off Life - 5 July, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Your life is happening now, dear ones, not tomorrow, not some day in the future, but right now. There will always be reasons to put off your joy. There will always be very good excuses. You may not have enough time, money, or energy for your dreams. You may not feel well enough to take the steps to make things happen. Our message today is simple... take the steps anyway, for in moving forward towards your dreams, wishes, goals, and desires, you call forth Life! You call forth Love! You enter into streams of grace in which you receive the support and assistance you need.

Archangel Michael - The Purpose of Money in the Material - Meredith Murphy - 3 July, 2014

Hello, beautiful friends.
It is with great joy that we reconvene in this moment of shared focus and expansion. We are delighted that you are rethinking your relationship to imagining in response to our invitation yesterday, after having declared your desire to experience a clear state. This desire to experience a clear state beyond all previous knowing of money was very powerful in your imagining yesterday for many of you.
We marveled at how simple your imagining yesterday became more expansive.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 6 July 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 07 al 14 de Julio, 2014 por Marlene Swetlishoff

July 7-14, 2013
Beloved Ones,
As the completion of many issues comes to a close in your personal lives, know that there is a turning point approaching that will see you finally free of the heavier densities that you have been grappling with. This was because many of you have chosen to take on and experience these lower vibrations as a way to facilitate a speedier cleansing of the collective field of humanity which surrounds the Earth. The field has been cleansed for the most part and this now makes it easier for awakening souls to deal with their personal issues which are beginning to surface as the energies increase and intensify. That which you have completed is now being experienced by the general populace but without the accumulated density from generations past to encumber them.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 6 July 2014

marilynraffaeleJULY 6,2014
Dear ones, we come again to greet you with words of love and encouragement for we understand how difficult the world has become for so many. Indeed, things really are proceeding as they should, so try not to get distracted by the images you see through an understanding that images represent the third dimensional consciousness in manifestation. This understanding was Buddha’s enlightenment experience. He then tried to teach others, but most were unable to fully comprehend the idea and believed that since the whole world was an illusion, it was ok to ignore the suffering of others. The world is real, it is the false interpretations of duality and separation consciousness that constitute illusion.

Aisha North: Welcome to the July Gathering Around the Pond, Sunday, July 6

Dear family of light!
The trip to the mountains with my sister is already a magical one, but tomorrow, Sunday July 6 at 21:00 Oslo time it will become even more so. For then, it is time for another Gathering around the Pond. I have a feeling it will be a very special occasion for us all, and just the fact that my sister and I will be able to connect to this amazing Pond and everyone gathered here while being fully immersed in these powerful mountain energies is making my heart sing :-). Here is what the CCs wanted to share about it:

Mahala – Planet Alert July 2014 – 6 July 2014

MahalaBy Admin on behalf of Mahala, on July 5th, 2014
Thank goodness Mercury has gone direct. I don’t know about you but it was an awesome event for me.  All kinds of emotional stuff from the past came up for me to look at and release. I know many people experienced letting go of old stuff, which started big time on June 23 and continued until June 29 when the energy finally broke.



Honored Reader!

On Sunday June 29th 2014 at 10:40 pm I received 
the following email from Dr. Georgi Stankov: 

Dear Jahn,

As already mentioned, St. Germain (Asana Mahatari) is 
continuously present with us for the last three days. 
He has just told Carla that we should integrate the gold-violet 
flame fully into our energy fields, because this is the flame of 
ascension. It is not only the flame / energy of transmutation 
and healing, but also of peace and ascension, which can only 
come when all the old patterns of separation have been resolved 
and healed. I just did my personal invocation and was immediately 
flooded with source energy and got goose bumps, which I only 
experience when I perform global purges of the dark archons.

sábado, julio 05, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - CHIPPING OF THE ELITES, JJK - Jul 5, 2014


written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Breach of Taboo in Austria 
For the first time a “people representative” and medical 
professional talks about what is waiting for all of mankind 
in the backyard of the NOW horror: the total chipping! 

The chipping by means of RFID chip technology (Radio-Frequency 
Identification), in the USA already the custom, one also wants to
make it palatable for Austrians and make it presentable in Europe. 
Initially it is a much more harmless chip, without the connection to
a “central server”. And the NWO laurel for this pioneering effort in 
Europe has been draped around the Austrian Politician (Team Stronach) 
and medical professional Dr. Marcus Franz.