sábado, mayo 24, 2014

Karen Dover - Deliverance in TRUTH part two - May 24, 2014

This blog is a continuation from my blog yesterday in that it covers the concept of deliverance in TRUTH. Many of you have pleaded with the universe to deliver you from the old 3D earth created reality but this blinds you to TRUTH, YOU create your reality at all moments of all moments, the frequencies that you were TAUGHT to anchor within the old 3d earth created reality KEEP you within said reality, it is not something that is placed around you in the context of perhaps placing a coat around you where said coat is placed upon you.  When you were born into the old 3D earth created reality you were already running the frequencies of said reality, the time spent in the womb within your mother working to further plant the frequencies within the cellular structure of your human vehicle. (for more information on how frequencies are created within the pregnant human female please visit the Galactic Portal website).

Natalie Glasson – The Freedom Of Limitless Self Love By The Celestial White Beings – 24 May 2014

Greeting of love is shared with you as we recognise and honour you as a magnificent being of light. We are the Celestial White Beings and we come forth to aid and support your ascension process at this time. Since the creation of the Earth we have been with you, lending our energies, support and consciousness. We love the Earth, souls present and the ascension process deeply, wishing to be of service in any way that is appropriate and guided by the divine will of the Creator.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Nothing is as it seems!
It is called for to consider this fact in the time 
of times and at the end of time.

Karen Dover - GOD message for 24th May 2014

Beloved ones I am the energies that wish to be placed in the context of GOD and I AM with YOU ALL as the expansion of the human race now increases in its expansion and its depth. I AM here to talk to the children of GOD in the context of GOD whilst they ankhor their origins in TRUTH for all is not as it appears to the naked human eyes of the human race at this time. The background of the creation of the human race cloaked and shielded from ALL will now be illuminated clearly for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.

viernes, mayo 23, 2014

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Camelopardalid Meteor Shower – 23 May 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWell folks here we go again getting seeded from deep space with a brand new meteor storm first time ever for earth. As we all well know meteors are all from different parts of the universe. They are older than time and always have an agenda. Last year meteorites were found in the Sahara desert that were from Mars, when cut open they had  life in them. I totally believe that these space rocks come to give us something that we must need.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Hope” – 23 May 2014

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Well this week I think “Hope” is the keyword and how to work with the energy of hope.
We’re going to be experiencing kind of a lot more hap-hazardous occurrences. Be very careful. I recommend the words “I choose safety”, and even to the point of “I choose safety at all times for myself and all those around me.” Something of that nature.

Wes Annac – The Spirit Chronicles : More On The Presence Of Deceased Friends And Family – Part 3 – 23 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Continued from Part 2
Now, we’re going to examine the account of Joy Snell, who watched a young woman pass away in the hospital she (Joy) worked at.
I should mention that Joy apparently possessed a greater psychic perspective than most people on earth, and while everyone can access these abilities, she was apparently able to witness a host of psychic phenomena in a way that most people currently can’t.
What Joy says here is intended to support the idea that departed friends and family are with initiates at the time of death, and needless to say, there are plenty of other examples beyond what we’ll read here.

Coke mixed with Milk Experiment - Kola ve Süt Karıştırılırsa Ne Olur?

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa - 23 May 2014

As we are aware of the wider picture we can assure you that good progress is being made, helped by the fact that the dark Ones are no longer able to do just as they wish. Their plan for total world control is no longer possible yet they blindly continue to press on without any possible chance of success. Our allies continue to join forces and their power is growing faster than ever before. For our part we observe what is taking place so as to ensure that progress is made without interference. Many of you are intuitively following the plan for your successful future, which shall eventually remove any influence or presence that is not in accordance with the Light. The time is coming that will reflect your desires for freedom from the dark energies. When the critical point is reached in the twinkling of an eye you will be uplifted into the higher vibrations, totally free from the lower energies. So rest assured that regardless of events that are taking place around you, in the greater picture all proceeds well.

Códigos Numéricos de Sanación para los Alimentos y Salud - Arcángel Rafael a través de Marc Gamma - 25-14-2014