lunes, mayo 27, 2013

Who are You? - Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

Who are You?

Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black PhotoLife Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTC
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s May 18, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at will return to the Creation Energies studio early June.  Perhaps you’re sensing changes in your perceptions for that is the brass ring we alluded to in a recent “Brenda’s Blog”. The exhaustion and energy spurts you’ve recently experienced prepared you for a perception shift to joy. That which you once viewed with fear will be infused with joy. 
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Finally, a Bit of Sunshine!”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

The Divine Feminine – and Love Posted on May 26, 2013 by Judith Kusel

Love is like a beautiful bird lighting on your shoulder….. When it is there you are loving and enjoying it….delighting in its beauty and the way it lights up your whole being – but when you try to catch it, and cage it, it becomes sad and withers away…. For it has lost its freedom of Being and expression.  It dies a slow death….
Love is first and foremost something which is eternally there.  There is not one single soul who has not got a spark of Love somewhere in its Being.  Love is essentially there in all of Creation – from the most minute and invisible particle, to immense cosmic galaxies, universe and Beings of Light.
It is human kind that get caged into the seductions that human body brings and wrong and often warped understanding of what love really is.  Often love is equated with the sexual force, when in reality the sexual force is not LOVE in its purest form.  It ENHANCES the energy of LOVE yes, but it is not love in its purest form.

Yeshua: We Are Creating a Heaven on Earth, One Glowing Step at a Time ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 26, 2013

Hello my dear ones of eternal bliss. Yes you know, have known, and will know much more deeply the meaning of Bliss, my dear travelers of the dimensions and purveyors of Peace and Love.
I come today to offer my congratulations for a job well done negotiating yet more inundating floods of energy. It has served you well, and thus you serve others with it. And don’t forget yourselves, dear ones. Look into your hearts and see what subtle and not so subtle nuances and evidence of deeper love and transformation you have brought upon yourselves simply with the openness with which you have received the steady barrage of energy.

domingo, mayo 26, 2013

UFO comparison VideoCam+Photo's SLR-May 13,2013

Astonishing Hidden Temple Near Cusco

Seeds Of Death : Unveiling The Lies About GMO’s – 26 May 2013

Uploaded on 23 May 2013 by PRNfm The world’s leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in the new feature length documentary, “Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs”. Senior Executive Producer / Writer / Director: Gary Null PhD Executive Producer/Writer/Co-Director: Richard Polonetsky Producers: Paola Bossola, Richard Gale, James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Valerie Van Cleve Editors: James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Richie Williamson, Nick Palm Music: Kevin MacLeod (, Armando Guarnera Graphics: Jay Graygor (thanks to the repost this :

Light and Darkness – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 26, 2013

My child, you can’t dissolve shadows and darkness with still more shadows and darkness. Do you but walk into a dark room and let all dark so that you can see anything? Of course not. You take a candle, a lantern or you switch on the electric light. In this metaphor you can see that you can only dissolve the darkness through light. Darkness and darkness remains darkness. Darkness and light but results always in lightness. Only with love and light you can dissolve the shadows and darkness, my child, therefore send your fellow people – whether you see them as good or as bad – only ever your love and light when you want to dissolve the darkness and shadows in them. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

800 Scientists Demand Global GMO “Experiment” End - Natural Society - May 26, 2013

gmo scientists 263x164 800 Scientists Demand Global GMO “Experiment” End
Did you hear about the 800 esteemed scientists who came together and demanded the production of genetically modified crops and products be stopped? Scientists who called on world powers to re-evaluate the future of agriculture and seek sustainability rather than corporate profits? Don’t be surprised if you haven’t, as the mainstream media won’t touch this one.
Eight-hundred scientists did make such a demand. They made it first over a decade ago and they have updated it over the years, adding signatures and release dates. Still global powers have all but ignored their calls.
The Institute of Science in Society is a non-profit group of scientists from around the world, dedicated to bringing an end to what they refer to as the “dangerous GMO “experiment. In their open letter to the world, they have highlighted why governments need to stop genetically modified crops now – before there are irreversible effects on the health of the people and the health of the earth at large.

Millions March Against Mosanto and GM Crops - May 26, 2013

Protesters make their point to Monsanto in Los Angeles, California, May 25, 2013. Photograph: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty ImagesProtesters make their point to Monsanto in Los Angeles, California, May 25, 2013. Photograph: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images
Organisers celebrate huge global turnout and say they will continue until Monsanto and other GM manufacturers listen
By Associated Press, The Guardian – may 26, 2013
Organisers say that two million people marched in protest against seed giant Monsanto in hundreds of rallies across the US and in more than 50 other countries on Saturday.
“March Against Monsanto” protesters say they wanted to call attention to the dangers posed by genetically modified food and the food giants that produce it. Founder and organiser Tami Canal said protests were held in 436 cities across 52 countries.


Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – The Lemurians : The New Magnificent Universal Creation – 26 May 2013

MAGCREATION19sigImage by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Greetings Friends, We Are Your Lemurian Family!
Sweet Ones,
It is time now to renew our friendship and to come closer to you than ever before in the last Millenniums.
This is because you, beloved friends, are soon to join us again in consciousness, and with love and joy!
The signs are here, and they arrived heralding our soon to occur unification, as you are rising your vibration now to a degree you have not been able to for a very long time on earth.
Cosmic signs are favorable and it is due to the incoming new energies and light on the planet that you are capable to adapt your own frequency to ours, step by step and more and more, until yours are matching ours.  This will  be the moment when we meet, either physically or telepathically, or while you are aware of our subtle presence.

…comes a growing light. – channeled by Ron Head - May 26, 2013


Today we bring your attention once again the topics of self-worth and deservedness.  There is no possibility that too much stress can be put upon, nor too much attention paid to these subjects.  They indeed are things which almost all of you do not feel and cannot believe.  Why is that?

It is because you have indeed judged yourselves when even your divine Creator has not, nor will He ever judge you.  And you have many times asked for forgiveness for that which you have judged yourselves guilty of, yet mostly refused to accept forgiveness of yourselves, from yourselves.

You have heard it told you over and over that you are divine beings, co-creators with the All.  You nod your heads sagely.  Yet you cannot find the real belief of that in your hearts.

Mayan Messages Day 51-56


Laughter is the Best Medicine
Good day to you. I am Chuen with the Tone of 12. Together we welcome you to this grand and glorious day and encourage you to take care of yourself and truly lighten up. Humans tend to take themselves and their situations way too seriously. Let us begin by laughing. Take time now to laugh. Deep, hearty, belly laughs.
Get your energy flowing. Work your internal muscles. This will energize you. Do this anytime your energy is feeling low. Although it may not be socially correct, do it anyway and encourage others to laugh with you.
How many business meetings would be less boring and more energized if they began with a good belly laugh? Wow, wouldn’t those creative juices flow then? Those who work with children, take laughter breaks. So often in your educational settings, their giggles and laughter are reprimanded. Get them laughing and watch their attention spans increase dramatically!

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 26 May 2013

Beloved Ones,
The way forward and upward in your consciousness has now become more aligned with the joy and beauty that abides within your soul and this gives rise to feelings of expansion and infinite possibilities. Open yourselves to the vista of new beginnings and allow yourselves to receive the bounty of the Universe as it brings to you the fruition of your deepest and long held dreams. The way before you is being cleared and all that is required is the opening of your heart to allow it in. Let your imagination soar with joyous anticipation of the arrival of a new day, one that is a blank slate upon which can be written the life of your choosing, all that is required is your active participation.

Denise Le Fay – More New Tools Coming In – 26 May 2013 

On May 23, 2013 I had an interesting flashing Light Pattern suddenly appear in my physical vision for about fifteen minutes. It manifested early that morning while I was hooking my car’s battery up to a charger because the battery was dead, again. I got the car battery charging and made my way back into the house to view this new anomaly I was seeing in my field of vision and discern what it was and what was happening. It’s a good thing I couldn’t drive right then because this Light Pattern I was suddenly seeing was highly distracting because it flashed rapidly the whole time it was visible to me.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 315 - May 26, 2013

The days have become more and more intense in so many ways, as you see the light shining through not only yourself, but also those around you. In addition, the nighttime will also bring much information. And although much of this information is in many ways still hidden from you, it is already having quite a profound effect on you all.
Let us explain. As always, whenever we refer to information, it is not necessarily in the manner that you refer to information. In other words, it may not be such that is given in words or clear pictures and that leaves you feeling wiser and more ”on” to what is going on.

Saul - Humanity’s future is brilliant, brighter than you can possibly imagine 05/26/2013 by John Smallman

Humanity’s journey towards awakening is almost complete!  Because so many of you are intending to engage with the divine field of Love enveloping you – and it is your intentions that make it happen – its influence has now intensified to such an extent that all on Earth are now in communion with it.  True, many are not conscious of this engagement, but it is a little like dropping some dye into a jug of water, stir the water and it all assumes the color of the dye. Everyone on Earth is now being deeply influenced by the field of divine Love.  This has been planned since the moment of your apparent separation from Reality as an essential part of your awakening process, and due to the stalwart efforts of so many holy ones over the eons and the Light-bearers and wayshowers presently on Earth it has now come to pass.

Jesus through John -The New Age has arrived and the evidence of that is becoming apparent to all who choose to see it May 26, 2013 by John Smallman

In the spiritual realms we are very well aware of the strain that waiting for awakening to occur is placing on you, the Light-bearers and wayshowers.  Many of you are perceiving the state of the world as steadily deteriorating as bad news follows bad news in so many areas.  And indeed there is a great shake-up in progress as the New Age makes its presence felt, and awareness grows of the enormous changes that must be made in your attitudes and behaviors if humanity is to avoid destroying itself, either by making the planet virtually uninhabitable through the continuing damage being wrought by rapacious harvesting of its natural resources, or by self-annihilation through conflict and war.

The World According to Monsanto [Full Length] - The World According to Monsanto [Full Length]

sábado, mayo 25, 2013

Energy Update – 25 May Eclipse – Multidimensional Ocean and SaLuSa - May 25, 2013 - Laura Tyco
May marks an important change for many of us on a personal and on a planetary level. Many of us can feel unsettled, uncertain about the future, and feel the veil of the unknown in a more oppressing way than at any recent times. There is a sense of darkness and fear about as well due to the unsettled world events impacting our daily lives.
Extra meditation is required at this time to help the higher-self connection and to find grounding.
Find quiet place for you to rest at regular times during the day, make sure to have extra rest, and watch the quality of your food intake as well.