miércoles, abril 24, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 302 - Aisha North - April 24, 2013


The storm has subsided somewhat now, and the waves have quieted down compared to the much more intense surges many of you experienced only last week. This is all a part of the natural cycle of things, and you have all more or less become rather familiar with how this works by now. And this time, we think you will all feel the need to take some deep, deep breaths and savour the stillness that will follow in their wake, for this time, you have certainly been through the wringer in more ways than one. Let us assure you all that you will have become so much strengthened by this ordeal, for contrary to expectations, these intense energetic upgrades do not leave you totally floored for long now. Rather, you will feel an instantaneous relief when they subside, and not only that, you will also simultaneously feel an urge to literally get up and go. For, as usual during these very intense bouts of adjustments, anything concerning the future, whether it be imminent or more distant, seems almost impossible to even contemplate.

martes, abril 23, 2013

Fran Zepeda: Yeshua – Keep Steady Amongst the Turbulence and Ride It Out Into the Calm of Peace and Love - April 22, 2013

Note from Fran:  A big huge loving Thank You for all the support, love and healing energy so many of you have given me recently. I have felt it deeply and my heart overflows with your generosity and friendship. I am happy to be returning once again to channeling! Much gratitude to you and to Yeshua, who gives us a message below ♥.

Hello dear ones. I greet you yet again with all the Love in my heart.  I bring you this message today so you can further clear yourselves and proceed further on your chosen path. You have reached a period of deep refinement along your path of ascension and creation.
There comes a time when assessment must be made as to clarity of purpose and intent, dear ones.  You are beginning to see from a much wider perception and so adjustment must be made, as always, and with new acceptance, in order to expand your impact upon your lives and upon the world around you.
Make no mistake that you are proceeding along an ever-expanding awareness of who you are and what you are about and what you can impart on your ever-winding spiral of ascension.

Are you Open to Change? - A Message from the Angels - Tazjima - April 23, 2013

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEha_KUf3QmSd6DIKEu9V9WOoYdrmG1HXFYm_-xRJUI_rYEUqKMYnkLPmXsz0OitgrVkHYPw5CGVG3o7jkFoMjZ7bt_PIbRhxr8vMCtwdnZRXHqWfl-M-3Dyum6I-rOYFHWzQ61LAqSjIwSZ/s400/ANGELSINPRAISE.jpgAre you open to Change? 

The rumbles of change, internal and external are currently reverberating across the face of the planet. Are you open to change happening in your life?
We are the angelic legions of the Divine Mother and speak as a collective. We are One with the Mother / Father God, one with Creator. We are one with you, also.
We come to you today to speak of the necessity of letting go of expectation and even of disappointment. Things have a way of working out when you least expect it, if you are willing to forgo the need to control the world outside yourself.
You have been told that the Universe loves you. It loves you so much that those things you place your attention upon will visit you, sometimes repeatedly, until you realize that, yes, you are the creator of your own world. It is how you choose to apply your attention that determines what you will experience.

SHOT Show 2013 Selecta DNA Pistol System Product Launch #SHOTShow

Ascended Masters' world message April 2013: "The Birth of a new Earth, The 7th Golden Age"


CISPA protest day: Anonymous calls for Internet blackout

Dazzling video: Meteor lights up Argentine skies

4MIN News April 23, 2013: Eclipse Thursday


cascada-wallpaper- dos

Un pensamiento positivo. Sí, un pensamiento positivo.

Eso suena como algo pequeño, sin embargo, puede abrir grandes puertas. Al revés de oír de nosotros la ciencia del bienestar y de la felicidad, queremos hoy, conducirlos a través de un pensamiento positivo.

Un pensamiento positivo, puramente positivo, tiene el poder de alterar vuestra energía. La mayoría de ustedes aún no sabe nada de eso, pero todos los encarnados poseen un campo de energía que envuelve los cuerpos físicos.

Y es justamente en ese campo que están contenidas todas las informaciones vibratorias a vuestro respecto. Decimos “vibratorias”.

O sea, en ese campo están informadas vuestras creencias, emociones y pensamientos de forma totalmente perceptible para el Universo.