sábado, julio 13, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Personal E.T. Contact Experiences - Jul 13, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been getting so much out of our visits with you in the astral plane, and you all have been getting so much out of those visits as well. We are able to sit with you, so to speak, in our nonphysical form for hours and hours, helping you to remember who you really are while we also plant seeds within your consciousness that will sprout and flower in your waking consciousness. We know that you all benefit from our experiences as physical beings in our star system, and we often share our stories with you of how we grew spiritually without trauma, without ever needing to go down a dark path or get very polarized within the group of us living in physical bodies at the time.

viernes, julio 12, 2024

Aurora Ray - Tales from the Pleiadians: Our Cosmic Journey and Earth's Extraterrestrial Encounters - Jul 12, 2024

Tales from the Pleiadians: Our Cosmic Journey and Earth's Extraterrestrial Encounters

In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, our journey as Pleiadians spans eons, a pilgrimage of light and wisdom across galaxies. Our celestial home, the Pleiades star cluster, holds within its luminous embrace the vibrancy of creation and the depth of cosmic knowledge.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday July 12, 2024


What if the stalls and issues that occur are beautifully designed to give you more clarity so you can fully align into an even greater manifestation than you thought possible? What if even the problems you experience are lovingly helping you along the way? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Galactic Federation and Global Consciousness: The Spiritual Uprising

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Awakened Collective: Unite & Fulfill Your Destiny - Jul 12, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very aware of every single person there on Earth who is doing what they need to do to reach a higher state of consciousness. We see and feel those of you who have taken on this initiative, and we applaud you. We call you the Awakened Collective, and we want you to know that your numbers are growing in every single day. We invite you to feel for the enormity of what you are doing there on Earth, and we also ask you to recognize that you are not in fact alone, even if you feel alone in this quest.

jueves, julio 11, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we approach the triple 888 passage - Jul 11, 2024


Beloved Ones,

As we approach the triple 888 passage, many of you will start receiving profound activations, transmissions from your soul and monad, and the healing codes required to activate your DNA and monadic twin flame, within yourself. We are now reaching the peak of all we have been healing, retrieving this eighth universal year, revealing more of who we are, and our personal mission.

Numbers are often the language in which God expresses Herself. Behind numbers are letters and light codes that give instructions to our DNA, and coordinates that activate our time codes, allowing our consciousness to travel through time and space.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday July 11, 2024

Dear Ones, there is so much love for you. There is so much support for you. There is so much guidance for you. There is so much abundance for you. All of the things that you seek are right there for you. It is your level of allowance that dictates your experience.

Celia Fenn - The Grace of the Lions: 2024 Lions Gate 888 - Jul 11, 2024

Dearly Beloved Friends, I share with you at this time, an entry from the “Chronicles of the Elohim Angels”, the Founders of the Golden Rose Galaxy.

“Once, when Time began, a race of Sacred Beings called the Royal Star Lions, entered the Galaxy at what is known as the Lyran Star Gate. They are the Time Engineers of the Multiverses, and they came to create the Time Spiral Grids that would allow Beings within the Galaxy to create Upward Spirals of Joy and Evolution as they travelled through Space in their journey of Becoming and Being.

Ageless Wisdom of the Essenes | Gregg Braden

Stepping into the Fifth Dimension: Mastering the Art of Reality Creation