domingo, noviembre 26, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness - Is Physical Reality Really Real? - Nov 26, 2023

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

You have engaged with the nonphysical for your entire lives. This may seem like a novel experience that some people are having from time to time, but we say to you that you need the nonphysical in order to have a physical experience. The two are not separate. It is not that you are either in the physical or the nonphysical. You are merging the two, and you are doing so rather subconsciously most of the time. Sometimes you will do it consciously, and you will have a channeling experience. Sometimes you will recognize it as a channeling experience, and sometimes you will not.

sábado, noviembre 25, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Dawn of a New Era: Co-Creating the Golden Age of Gaia! - Nov 25, 2023


The Dawn of a New Era: Co-Creating the Golden Age of Gaia!


We are all spiritual beings undertaking the human experience. Though our journeys differ, we all wish for the same basic things - joy, connection, fulfillment. When we recognize this truth, we see all people as fellow travelers rather than strangers or opponents.

The more we transcend duality in our individual lives, the more humanity will transcend it as a whole. As we raise our consciousness and vibration, so too will that of the planet. The era of separation is ending, and a new age of unity is dawning. We each have a role to play in manifesting this shift.

KRYON SPEAKS| Revolution? Or Revelation? | The New Human

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Update - Nov 25, 2023



The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Beloved One, with the new frequencies of light in place, you are now in the optimal position to apply everything you have learned so far on your spiritual path.

A meditation to Ask the Universe for Help

Shelly Dressel - Goddess of Creation - Conversation with Your Soul - Nov 5, 2023

This meditation came at the perfect time! We have now become accustomed to the higher frequency in many different ways. This channel gives you a chance to experience these frequencies and learn how to work with them.

In the beginning, the Goddess speaks about the collective consciousness and people’s empathic abilities. She states that everyone is empathic to a degree, it is about how much they pay attention to what is around them. The collective consciousness has undergone a massive transition over the past five to seven years and is much more in alignment with the higher fourth and fifth dimensions. The last equinox was the collapse of the third dimension, so that is no longer supported. We need to learn how to work with these energies so that they can support us.

Metatron-Andromedan-Inner Earth Transmission: Activating the Feeling/Vision of a 5D World

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - Nov 24, 2023


El tiempo avanza y sigue aumentando más deprisa que antes y es de agradecer, ya que lenta pero inexorablemente está dejando atrás lo viejo. Los cambios son inevitables porque estáis entrando en una Nueva Era en la que las vibraciones se están acelerando. A medida que continuáis viajando más profundamente en el espacio es inevitable, y es bienvenido que todo lo de las bajas vibraciones se esté dejando atrás. Significa que el tiempo para que los Oscuros continúen con su malvado plan de dominación mundial es limitado, y de hecho ya no pueden lograr sus objetivos.

Ready for Mass Awakening: Galactic Federation Exposes Dark Forces' Genetic Manipulation Plot!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Put Your Consciousness on the Cabal or a Flower? - Nov 25, 2023


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very deep in our understanding of consciousness, and you are just beginning to scratch the surface of what consciousness is. Therefore, we have a lot to give you in that regard, and as always, we can only lead you in the right direction so that you can have your own experiences, but we cannot just bestow upon you the level of consciousness that we have been able to attain. It takes time and it takes practice to reach a point where you know what you are focusing on in every moment, and you are focusing with purpose.