martes, febrero 21, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Energies & Portal of 2-22-23 - Feb 21, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have some very good news for all of you. As of this moment, the 2-22 portal is open and the energies have already begun pouring through it. We know that you all put yourselves in a space of greater expectation to receive during these times, and it is that expectation that has created the opportunity for the February 22nd portal. Now, what the energies are about is determined by those of us who are offering you energetic support, as we must determine through our observations you most are in need of at any particular time.

lunes, febrero 20, 2023

Aurora Ray - A Galactic Federation Message For Humanity - Feb 20, 2023

A Galactic Federation Message For Humanity

Greetings, loving ones!

Yesterday I got a new transmission from our Galactic Federation. This message brought me a lot of joy and confidence. I'm hoping you'll get a sense of it as you read. I'm delighted to be able to share it with you:

"Dear Earthlings,

We of the Galactic Federation are here to help, to assist you and your planet Earth in the best way we can. We are aware that there are many of you who are still in shock as to what is taking place around you, but as soon as you can all see that we are real, we will help you in any way possible.

Jennifer Hoffman - Gran luna nueva hoy y tiene mucha energía - Feb 20, 2023

Gran luna nueva hoy y tiene mucha energía.

Primero tenemos un portal Alfa/Omega en Piscis con el Sol y la Luna en 1 Piscis y Venus en 29 Piscis. Neptuno también está allí en 24 Piscis, apoyando a Venus.

Esta es la ubicación más importante y poderosa para Venus, su máxima expresión. Espera ideas espirituales y nuevos niveles de conciencia espiritual. También algunos cambios energéticos en tus relaciones, especialmente los que no te aman, honran y respetan.

Jennifer Hoffman - Big new moon today and it packs a lot of energy - Feb 20, 2023

Big new moon today and it packs a lot of energy.

First we have an Alpha/Omega portal in pisces with the Sun and Moon at 1 Pisces and Venus at 29 Pisces. Neptune is in there too at 24 Pisces, supporting Venus.

This is the most important and powerful placement for Venus, its highest expression. Expect spiritual insights and new levels of spiritual awareness. Also some energetic shifts in your relationships, especially the ones that do not love, honor, and respect you.

The Pleiadian Council

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Febrero 18, 2023

Blossom: Hola. Las probabilidades están en nuestra contra esta mañana, es la única oportunidad que tendré esta semana. Mi estado de ánimo no es el mejor y mucho ruido del exterior. Estas cosas son enviadas para probarnos. Bueno, entonces veamos si podemos cambiar todo eso. ¿Cómo están las cosas en su mundo?

FOL: Querida Blossom, Queridas Almas, de todos los ámbitos de la vida, en todo tipo de 'Estados del Ser'... les damos la bienvenida este día... este momento... en Amor.

Brenda Hoffman - You’re the First of the First - February 20, 2023

Dear Ones,

Even though we of the Universes have prophesized for years that you would shift dramatically as you transitioned, you believed 3D you would continue to be the commander of your being.

While most likely, your 3D being continues to be part of you, your 3D being is no longer the commander or even a key piece. For many of your new you segments morphed into a more loving stance before they were incorporated into your being.


domingo, febrero 19, 2023

Jennifer Hoffman - Reporte de Energía de Febrero 2023


Si sientes que acabamos de atravesar enero comprimidos ahora ha terminado y comienza un nuevo mes, no estás solo. Enero es el comienzo del año calendario (pero no del año solar) y siempre es un tiempo de reajuste. Estamos llenos de esperanza y anticipación por algo diferente, solo para encontrarnos, después de la primera semana o 10 días, de vuelta en la misma rutina y ritmo.

Aurora Ray - We Are In A Time Of Great Change - Feb 19, 2023

We Are In A Time Of Great Change

We are in service to humanity by raising our individual vibrations to higher levels of consciousness through awareness, self-love, and compassion. As we do this, we raise the vibration of all humanity and accelerate mass planetary ascension.

The process of awakening to who you truly are begins with your willingness to do your inner work and make necessary changes within. The work I am referring to is clearing out all your old negative emotions, such as anger, fear, guilt, and shame, which cause deep patterns of suffering within your being.