lunes, diciembre 24, 2018

James Tyberonn - Todo Tiene un Propósito - Diciembre 21, 2018

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

"Todo Tiene un Propósito - Para Todo Hay una Razón"

21 de diciembre de 2018

Saludos, Bienamados: Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino... y les damos la bienvenida a todos en un vector de amor incondicional. Maestros, el 2018 está llegando a su fin, y amanece el 2019, como Año Siete del Nuevo Planeta Tierra.

Ustedes acaban de completar un año muy intenso, muy polarizado. El 2018 fue ciertamente un año de grandes desafíos. Muchos han experimentado catástrofes causadas por inundaciones, vientos y fuego. Muchos han perdido sus hogares y seres queridos.

Linda Robinson - Angelic Channel : 'Finding Inner Peace'

Jennifer Hoffman - Be in Peace to Be At Peace - Dec 24, 2018

How can you know the peace of peace, the calm and confidence that are your sacred soul space of empowerment, soul wholeness, energetic congruence, and divine harmony? By seeking and embodying the energy of peace so you can be in the state of peace and in peace.

The desire for peace in your life can happen when the energy of peace, which is non-resistance and non-judgment, is integrated in your energetic space. You cannot be at peace within if you do not have the energy of peace in your life, just as you cannot be at peace when you are angry or upset. The energy of peace is required for congruence and movement along the ascension path as it puts you in the flow of your divinity.

John Smallman - Jesus - You are continuously and lovingly watched over by those in the spiritual realms - December 24, 2018

As humanity prepares for the grand awakening – and everyone on Earth at present is preparing, even if unaware of doing so – Christmas is an excellent time to report on the progress already made, and on what you can do to increase the power and intensity of the already made collective decision to awaken. This will assist others, who are still deeply asleep, to feel or become aware of the nudges they have been receiving to move them forward toward awakening.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, December 24, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, December 24, 2018

You are teaching yourself to surrender
to the joy of the moment
so that you may receive the gifts that await you.

Oh, they may appear to be disguised in the ugliest
wrapping paper,
but they are gifts.

James Gililland Star Beings Working Closely with Humanity at this Time

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday December 24, 2018

Dear Ones, if you can accept that your growth is your service, and that what you consider to be your mistakes lead to your growth, it would stand to reason then that your mistakes serve both you and the whole, as well. The fact that you have had an experience and now know that if you had it to do again you would choose differently indicates expansion, growth, and greater maturity. That


Este lugar, este espacio, la profundidad de la ESENCIA DE TU TODO... sin la vieja programación, mentalidad, actitudes, creencias humanas...

Este lugar, este espacio, esta pura Luz de Esencia Divina... emana de cada una de nuestras células y, a través de nuestra respiración consciente... el AMOR PURO que SOMOS...

L’Aura Pleiadian - ONLY in 3D ~ Absolve ALL That Appears as Evil - Dec 24, 2018

Although this seems like an unlikely post for Christmas Eve day ~ Happy Christmas Eve ~ There are many people still deeply immersed in 3D that this needs to be said.

I have heard it all, from the Devil, to the Archons that so-called invade people’s energy fields and attack them etc. AS if they are victims to these outside energy beings. COME on now, let us be real, as in SHEDDING the LIGHT on this.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - Lifting the Veil - Dec 24, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested to see how you are going to enjoy the feeling of liberation when you release yourselves from the limitations that you have placed upon you. This experience is one that you only get to have once, because you will never move from such a place of limitation to such a place of liberation. It’s not possible in any of the other dimensional shifts that you will make on your journey back to Source.