viernes, agosto 25, 2017

Kryon - "The Addictive Old Energy" - 2017

Natalie Glasson - The Celestial White Beings - Your Inner Compass - August 25, 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa,

Blessings of bliss we awaken from within your being to pulsate into all the levels of your body that create you at this moment. We are the Celestial White Beings from the Multi – Universal and Cosmic Levels of the Creator’s Universe. Our purpose has always been to support humanity in recognising their inner bliss; the aspects of the Creator within which is pure bliss. We wish to assist humanity in engaging with, expressing and experiencing their inner bliss, thus existing as the joy, abundance and ecstasy of the Creator. When you begin to recognise your inner bliss so you will recognise that we, the Celestial White Beings, are a reflection of the bliss within you and how you can embody it.

Ron Head - The Council – Expansion - August 25, 2017/

The Council – Expansion

It is now several days since your experience of the solar event. Several millions of you were not consciously aware of the import of this that we have spoken about. A great many of you, however, were. The effect we spoke of was indeed manifested in any case. You know by this time that even though the bird seems to glide across the pond effortlessly, much padding is going on beneath the surface. So it is with mankind’s growth in consciousness.

John Smallman - Saul - To evolve spiritually is your earthly task, it always has been -August 25, 2017

Within the human collective there is enormous creative ability which will be put forward in service to heal the damage to humanity, all life forms, and the planet herself. These restorative procedures, which are long overdue, are now being initiated in many parts of the world as realization dawns and intensifies that you can no longer use and abuse the Earth and her inhabitants and expect to survive. Of course your survival is never in question because you are divine creations enfolded in the LOVE That Is All That Exists for all eternity. However, as humans on Earth, you must learn to live in harmony with all that is present in the earthly environment and put that learning into practice or you will self-destruct at that level.

Jamye Price - Peace Eclipses Chaos - August 25, 2017

The August eclipse has had an interesting flow. Now that it has occurred, the information I was receiving prior is much clearer. First a little background, so that we are aware of the opportunities and challenges as well. It was a powerfully positive energy!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday August 25, 2017

So many human beings ask us, "Tell me what I should do." Dear Ones, when you blindly follow the advice of another, you are abdicating your power. And you are on the planet to discover, experience, and embrace your authentic power.

Laura Pleiadian - Global Financial Reset ~ It is ALL Consciousness - Aug 26, 2017

You may be wondering…will it happen? When?

You may be waiting…hoping…not knowing what to trust.

You may not even know what you truly believe.

Believe in ~ as ~ the state of your subconscious mind. That is, what really is going on within your memories. Your programs. Your Blueprint. The WHY you function as you do.

How do you hope for something that is not tangible or visible in the concrete world of consciousness?

jueves, agosto 24, 2017

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 25 August 2017

Mike Quinsey
The most important events that are waiting to go ahead are dependent on the first move to introduce a re-valuation of the currencies. It is the key to many important changes that have been prepared in advance, that will see elections quickly arranged to enable a new Republic to be established and a new President installed. Meantime Paul Ryan who has already been sworn in will be the President Elect until new elections are held to find a new Leader. The ultimate aim is to ensure prosperity for everyone. It will take time but delays will be kept to a minimum because all of the groundwork has already been carried out. NESARA and GESARA are most important parts of the changes that will totally alter the future so that a Golden Age can commence. Once the present chaos and troubles are overcome the changes will all come into being much quicker than you can imagine. The preparations have long been ready, and those appointed to take charge are well aware of the tasks that lay ahead.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light - The Generosity of You, Being You - August 24, 2017

Hello, Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It's good to be with you. It is good to have these sweet moments of connection, of acknowledgement, in which you open up to who you truly are and collaborate with us. Moments in which you are considering, and shifting, and adjusting, and becoming attuned to points of view and thought-forms that open up even further your divine flow.

Expanding upon your capacity to be yourself fully and freely is a very generous way of being. We want to talk today about the gifts of that generosity so that you really understand how beneficial it is for All-That-Is, that you be you.

Blossom Goodchild - August 24, 2017

Welcome, once again, my friends. Someone inquired as to why you hadn’t mentioned the solar eclipse? I wondered if it was me, as I really hadn’t given any attention to it at all. Yet, surely you don’t need me to be into something, in order to bring it up?  What would you say about it? For I have since looked into it a little and the internet is a buzz with it.

Firstly, welcome to you, also. That which has taken place is what you would term ‘phenomenal’ and yet … it would seem that much has been ‘added’ by many, in regards to events and occurrences, that we would suggest is merely propaganda, fear mongering and absolute nonsense!