martes, julio 25, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Bless the Gap - Jul 25, 2017

This week’s message is a channeled message from Archangel Uriel.

Every shift in energetic frequency and vibration holds many blessings and is a moment of grace where profound transformation and ascension movement can occur. These movements are ascension confirmations as much as they are separations from 3D density so that a higher frequency of light can enter that space. They represent gains and loss and unlimited potential, and are a place of healing, wholeness, and the end of karma, soul cycles, and suffering.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - What is In-between Where You Are NOW and Where You are Going? - 7-25-17


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

We, the "Ascending Ones” have some questions that we would like to ask you:

What is “in-between where we are and where we are going?

What is “in-between” who we are now and who we are becoming?

Also, how does “who we are becoming” influence “where we are going?”

We, the Arcturians are happy to answer your questions:

Lightworkers Will Experience These 20 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades. Are You One Of Them?

444 Lightworker activation is being triggered. Lightworkers, volunteers, earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate upgrades. Its time to lose the avatars. Ditch the masks. Embody truth. Buckle up we’re in for a big one friends.


Connecting to intense highs of lighter frequencies, floating and flying sensations, blissful rushes of love. 

Lucid dreaming, astral projection, energetic healing upgrades. 

You see through politics, you understand the link between corporate politics, pharmaceutical, drug and arms industry. 

More sensitive to energy fields around us. A lot more sensitive! 

Breathing deeper and slower, into the solar, sacral and root chakras.

Flexing muscles we didn’t know we had as the chi, the energy is drawn deep into our being. 

Kryon - Summer Light Conference - 2017

Jenny Schiltz - Understanding the Timeline Split - July 24, 2017

So much is happening right now. The moment we feel that we have gotten our footing from one energy event, another one is on its heels. The end of July and the month of August are jammed packed with amazing events that have the ability to really shake things up. The is all happening to push us beyond our perceived limits and to clear out all that cannot be held in the higher frequencies. As some of my clients have expressed concerns about the timeline split, I decided to talk with my Ascension team about the upcoming timeline split in a question and answer format.

Team: The timeline split is most auspicious. It is the defining point. It is the convergence of frequencies all geared towards the same outcome – mass ascension of the human population.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Enigmas de Canyonlands y Arches - Comprender los Campos Multidimensionales -Parte 1 de 2 - Julio 22, 2017

Enigmas de Canyonlands y Arches - Comprender los Campos Multidimensionales
Parte 1 de 2

Todos los derechos de autor debidamente reservados 2017

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, y se une a mí en esta sesión Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Saludamos a cada uno de ustedes sagradamente, reverentemente y conscientemente, en un vector de amor incondicional.

Queridos, en la expansión dimensional que define a la Nueva Tierra, las formas de vida antes no visibles ahora son cada vez más visibles para los empáticos. En este mensaje discutiremos los fenómenos de las formas de vida fotónica y de los orbes. La vida fotónica incluye lo que se puede llamar reino angélico, el de los Devas, los Ángeles y en ciertos ámbitos la manifestación temporal de formas de luz.

Sheldan Nidle~7-25-17~Miracles are indeed Happening!

13 Imix, 4 Vayeb, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! The basic tasks of preparing for delivery appear to be completed. We continue however to be baffled by the apparent lack of any coherent design for a mass delivery and this continues to amaze us. Yet despite the lack of a finished grand plan, we are confident that ultimately the sets of deliveries promised will be given to all. Hence, we remain amazed by the progress that is being accomplished without any apparent plan of action. In other words, despite this chaotic process things are progressing well. It is this unwieldiness that makes us believe that we are moving forward!

Christine Meleriessee - Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst - Decree ~ Accepting the Oneness of Myself - July 25, 2017

This is our last teaching for Owning Our Power to Embrace Oneness of Self Parenting Steps 6 and 7 along with the Metatronic Seals for Ascension Mastery Training. For this journey we first visited the City of Telos within the Agartha Network to experience the Light Ray Center with Lord Adama. We then travel to the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm (residing over Atlanta, Georgia & North Carolina) bringing forth the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Order & Discipline with Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst. This is the decree for this class.

Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos surprised us by sharing that there is a special area within Telos that has been under construction called the Light Ray Center. This center houses 22 temples of light that represent each of the 22 Rays of God. The reason they have designed this village of temples is so that individuals can experience each of the rays separately that are aligned with the 22 Etheric Cities that reside in the 5th dimensional earth.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 25, 2017

One of the most powerful, self-loving things you can do is to still yourself and take a moment to ask yourself, "What do you need today?" and then act on what you feel the answer is. Your tender inner being is aching for your love and attention if you are feeling out of sorts, and you may be amazed at how quickly you can bring yourself back to a state of greater comfort and peace by taking the time to do this one simple exercise for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

lunes, julio 24, 2017

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 21 de Julio, 2017

¿Os podéis creer que ya estáis a más de la mitad del año actual? Si alguna vez necesitabais pruebas de los tiempos especiales en los que estáis ahora no necesitáis buscar más. Es probable que vengan cambios cada dos por tres que os catapultarán a la Nueva Era, para que podáis gozar de las ventajas y de los beneficios que se van a obtener. Nada evitará que se hagan realidad y, como ya debéis saber en este momento, el objetivo último es alcanzar el punto en el que la Ascensión sucederá. Nosotros vemos la panorámica completa porque todo está en el “Ahora”, y os podemos asegurar que todo progresa bien y de acuerdo con el plan establecido por los grandes Seres que monitorizan y siguen vuestro progreso. Algunas almas no estarán preparadas para ascender, y eso ya se esperaba, y su camino también está planeado para asegurar que sigan evolucionando. Un camino que se ajuste a sus necesidades y les posibilite seguir evolucionando. Todos vosotros, en alguna fase de vuestra evolución, sois guiados por Seres Superiores que se dedican a su trabajo y no cesarán hasta que toda la Raza Humana haya ascendido.