martes, junio 14, 2016

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Energy of Gemini Duels With Itself - June 14, 2016

As the energy of Gemini duels with itself we all feel pulled in every direction, like a whirlwind, our thoughts find themselves into daily dust devils, distracting us from what is truly important, asking that we lend a hand in circumstances we would rather not think about. The dark and the light of the astrological twins demands that we make peace with the dragons within and the dragons without. Everyone is a little more sensitive a little grouchy a little hair-brained. We seek council of our self and soul and all we see is a fog. Our thoughts change like the weather in a full moon pattern. 

lunes, junio 13, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Message - PREPARING FOR FIRST CONTACT - CHAPTER EIGHT Multidimensional Energy Streams - June 13, 2016

This series begins on 5-19-16 at
Arcturian Message—Through Suzanne Lie

Multidimensional Energy Streams

Dear Ascending Ones,
We the Arcturians wish to send this Transmission to Earth. We see that many of you are beginning to remember how YOU create your reality. Therefore we wish to remind you that three powerful tools of creating your reality are your state of consciousness, your perceptions, and your attention.

The focus of your attention is very important, as “Where your attention is, there you are also!” There are things that you want to put your attention on, and things that it is best that you ignore. Your attention is your conscious awareness. Thus, the reality on which you place your attention becomes the reality that you have chosen to experience.

While you are in your third/fourth dimensional consciousness, you forget that you can choose where to place your attention. You are still in a reality of “power over others,” that tells you where you should look, and what you should hear.

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua and Mary Magdalene - On the Divine Alchemy of Your Blessed Divine Selves - June 13, 2016


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene:

Greetings Beloveds,

We are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. We come to you today in blessed Peace and Love. In the Divine Alchemy that is taking place, of your blessed Divine Self integrating with your blessed physical vehicle, it is apparent that what you once thought you were, is going by the wayside. New insights and awareness are entering your consciousness every day, and every moment. As you embrace this new consciousness that is slowly and permanently replacing the reality you once knew, you are compelled to restructure your reality piece-by-piece.

And behold this new reality in all its glory. It is as if you instantly shift into a new place within you and then a new place without you as a result. Beloveds, with joy we observe and experience this new loving life that you are creating with each surrender to this new consciousness pervading you increasingly and lovingly.

Oh what a wondrous life you are creating. Each time you let go of an old pattern or an old thought or an old belief, you open your life and heart to so many new vistas. Welcome your new life with Joy and Peace as you receive and accept new insights and creations that are part and parcel of this new vibration you have entered into just recently.

13 Pieces of Evidence Supporting the Hollow Earth Hypothesis

Is it possible that there is a completely unknown civilization living beneath the surface of our planet?

by EWAO; additions by Alexander Light,

Many people believe that the Hollow Earth theory is more than just a myth, and some have even tried to prove it scientifically. Even today, in the 21st century, it’s difficult to say with certainty that it does or does not exist.

For many years it was believed that the earth was hollow, but even though many have come up with theories, until 1968 there was no proof.

That year, pictures taken by a satellite orbiting Earth clearly showed a gaping hole located at the North Pole; enough evidence to support the hollow Earth theory according to many.

1. Is there a hole in the North Pole?

John Smallman - Jesús - No se castiguen por errores u oportunidades perdidas - 08-04-2016


Todos somos Uno, no existe la separación. Muchos en los reinos espirituales les han dicho esto una y otra vez y aun así siguen con dudas y escepticismo a pesar de toda la prueba evidente de lo contrario.
Así que tenemos que seguir diciéndoles esto hasta que finalmente resuene con ustedes y sus dudas y escepticismo desaparezcan como seguramente lo harán.
Ustedes son amados y apreciados más allá de su habilidad para imaginar o concebir y queremos que sepan eso así que continuaremos trayéndolo a su atención al esperar pacientemente a que ustedes despierten.
Nuestra paciencia, diferente a la suya, es eterna, ya que en realidad no existe el tiempo. Lo que es, es.
Despertar es su destino y no pueden evitarlo, sin embargo pueden elegir retrasar ese momento indefinidamente.

Benjamin Fulford 6-14-16… “US and UN power hand-over or hostile take-over up for grabs”

Posted by benjamin, June 14, 2016

Negotiations for a new financial system are on hold as the controllers of the old system seem to have gone into or are preparing to go into hiding. This means that at the time of this writing it is unclear if there will be peaceful transition to a new financial system or a hostile take-over of the old system.

The backdrop to these now on hold negotiations is an increasingly chaotic situation in the United States, the Middle East and Europe as the bankruptcy of the Western financial system begins to affect social and economic stability.

Brenda Hoffman - Learning to be Sovereign - June 13, 2016

Dear Ones,
Perhaps some of you recently released others with thoughts of, “Did I say the right words? Did they misunderstand me?”
Yet, you feel a freedom you have not felt for some time. The freedom of self-love. The freedom of releasing those no longer of your frequency or in 3D terms, interested in the same direction as you.
The thought of losing anyone has been a difficult sensation for most of you throughout this transition. Much like being in a marriage that is not right for you, “If I capitulate on this piece maybe he/she will return physically or emotionally.” Thoughts encouraging someone to return to or remain in your life – but not directed to what you need or deserve.

Anna Merkaba - June 21st Portal – Part III of Ascension – Part III of Ascension is Beginning to Unfold Rapidly on GAIA - June 13, 2016

Greetings Everyone,

Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As I mentioned in my previous message to you a lot is happening at the moment. I am sure that most of you have heard of the 3rd Wave of Ascension. Or as I have been explained Part III of Ascension.

They are also talking about “The Event” which I am sure many of you have heard of before. I would like to just quickly say that although the event is to be a truly magnificent experience, I strongly feel that we should not wait for any grand events in order to change our lives and mold them into what we wish them to be.

domingo, junio 12, 2016

John Smallman - Saúl - La completa honestidad desarma a cualquier asaltante - 10-04-2016


La completa honestidad detiene el chantaje. Pero el miedo detiene la completa honestidad. Parece un juego de palabras pero no lo es.
La humanidad está esperando impacientemente a despertar.
Sí, la gran mayoría permanece ajeno a este evento inminente y largamente esperado de enorme significado en el esquema general de las cosas.
Sin embargo, en un nivel más profundo donde nunca pueden olvidar que todos son Uno, todos saben que su despertar es inminente por esto la impaciencia. ¡Qué paradoja!
Aquellos de ustedes que han mantenido su Luz en alto – trabajadores de la luz y portadores de luz – y aquellos de ustedes que han percibido que el cambio está en el aire han estado trabajando tiempo completo para llevarlo al cabo.

Crop Circles 2016 - Gerlingerstraße, Berlin, Germany - 12th june 2016 - UFO Deutschland 2016