domingo, abril 17, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion – April 17 – 24, 2016

April 17-24, 2016
(Repost from March 22-29, 2015)

Beloved Ones,

There is a sense of accomplishment on the inner planes as the cosmic alignments and human activities are taking place upon your planet. Your loving energies have been given and applied where it is needed the most and every particle has been utilized for the highest good of all, with loving gratitude and appreciation for your efforts. You are loved so very much by your Family of Light! Every particle of Light expands and fills all the places and spaces that are shifting as the shadows recede and in this way is growing exponentially. It is touching the hearts of all upon the planet, and even those who keep trying to douse the holy flame burning within their own heart. It is a time for deep reflection upon that which still needs to be purged and released from every person’s soul and looking deeply within self is a conscious choice that requires total honesty and courage. The fire within you demands such scrutiny and you are capable of it as you continue to follow your own star!

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - APRIL 17, 2016

We speak to the many concepts humanity in general still holds about God. Beliefs and superstitious ideas regarding the nature of an invisible power took form when mankind was still very ignorant and unable to comprehend real truth.

General consciousness at that time consisted primarily of fear and survival and so these dear un-awakened ones created for themselves things, ideas, or people they believed would have the power to save and smite their enemies--gods who reflected their state of consciousness. These gods were vengeful and violent--early forms of god made in man's image and likeness.

2016 IS STRANGE Part 10 // APRIL

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel -The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have a tenfold return - April 17, 2016

Dear One,

Sometimes it feels as though prayer is the only thing you can do for another person, even though you wish you could do more. Prayer is, however, the greatest gift you can give.

When you pray for another, you are sending a blessing of Divine Love and increased light-filled energy. This can bring them an expanded perspective on their life, an awareness of a Greater Power working within them as Love. They may not know why they feel better, they just know they do. God's love is the power that can heal all things. All you have to do in prayer is ask that another be filled with Divine Love and a perfect outflow of energy from a Higher Source will occur.

Best Crop Circles Ever - Episode 18 - Woodborough, Wiltshire, UK - 13th August 2000

sábado, abril 16, 2016

James Tyberonn - Astro Alert - Six Planets In Retrograde ! - April 16, 2016

When Mars goes retro on April 17th, joined by Mercury retrograde on April 28 there will be five planets in retrograde, for the first time in a decade. Six will be retro grade if you include the minor asteroidal planet Juno. This will undoubtedly be a very potent scenario, and many of you may feel, initially, stuck in molasses, and out of sync...not 'yourself'. You may in such phases feel like the world is going mad, with you included in the overwhelming spin.

But this phase while relentless & exasperating on one level, can also be extraordinarily prolific in resolving karmic issues, and can result in a massive transformation and quantum leap in the higher evolution of your soul this year.

John Smallman - Saul - Your only task, work, or duty is to help each other lovingly to awaken - April 16, 2016

Enjoy what arises and be in peace and joy, it’s your natural and therefore NORMAL state. Abnormal, non peaceful states, are of the ego, just let them go, because, like the ego, they are unreal! Instead, tune in to the field of divine Love that surrounds and envelops you in every moment. That is God’s Will for you, and your own, despite the negative thoughts and moods the ego encourages and presents you with. LET THEM GO. Happy contentedness is your wish, your desire, your intent. Watch the negative thoughts, feelings, and moods, recognize that they are not you, that you need not engage with them and then they will fall away. Your attentive energy maintains them, if you withdraw it they collapse.

It is unnatural to focus on thoughts or moods that do not bring you joy and peace, but when you reside in a body, with an ego for company, even though they are unreal they seem real, especially as you are frequently reminded by the mainstream media of the enormous amount of suffering all over the world, and so you are easily drawn into engagement with them.


Por Sus Ancianos y la Familia Galáctica


La mejor explicación, nos permite tomar un desvío y, contarles de los Ancianos de su Tierra, una historia multidimensional. Antes que la Tierra cayera en este día presente, la vibración tridimensional, de hecho, incluso antes de que la Tierra cayera en la cuarta dimensión, NO había polaridades. Masculino y femenino, protón y electrón, recibiendo y proyectando eran lo mismo.

La polarización en lo masculino y femenino comenzó con el átomo, razón por la cual el primer hombre polarizado fue denominado Adán. Mucho antes de la caída de la Atlántida, cuando Gaia era aún pentadimensional, había un continente, el cual llenaba mucho de su Océano Pacífico, denominado Lemuria.

En la Era Lemuriana SOLO había Unidad de Conciencia. Además, no había polaridades y todos los Seres eran andróginos. Lo suficientemente interesante, los Lemurianos fueron los primeros en comenzar a experimentar con la creación de Seres que estaban polarizados en un género masculino o femenino.

Suzanne Lie - LOS ARCTURIANOS - QUÉ ES EL CUERPO DE LUZ? - 31-3-2016


Los Arcturianos

El Cuerpo de Luz es el USTEDES que reside, dentro de la luz de toda unión sináptica en su sistema neurológico, y dentro del núcleo del 97% de su ADN “basura”. Su Cuerpo de Luz tiene un sistema neurológico muy similar al de su cuerpo físico, pero en vez de resonar con la tercera y cuarta dimensión, resuena con la quinta dimensión y más allá.

Su Cuerpo de Luz es lo que los mantiene “vivos” y su Corazón Superior y Tercer ojo lo gobiernan. Su corazón físico y su cerebro físico gobiernan su cuerpo físico. El cuerpo etérico de sus Seres tetradimensionales sirve como una frecuencia de interfaz entre su cuerpo físico y su Cuerpo de Luz.

Suzanne Lie - Prana, Chakras, y Kundalini - 29-3-16


El Prana, el cual emana del Sol, entra en los átomos físicos que flotan sobre la atmósfera terrestre. El Prana está relacionado directamente con el Sol. En días soleados hay más Prana en la atmósfera, pero en días nublados o en la noche hay menos.

El Prana es la fuerza que hace interfaz con la tercera y cuarta dimensión. El Prana forma glóbulos de vitalidad que causan que los átomos físicos brillen cuando entra en ellos. La combinación de sentimientos equilibrados y pensamiento claro causa una reacción en el cuerpo que permite asimilar más Prana.

El Prana es conocido como la fuerza de vitalidad y el “aliento de vida” de un organismo. Permite al cuerpo astral comunicarse con el cuerpo físico a través del doble etérico o cubierta.