miércoles, junio 10, 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 7 al 14 de Junio, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


A medida que avanzan los días seguirán generándose más anomalías climáticas mientras la Tierra se esfuerza por lograr su equilibrio interno. Hay muchas energías antiguas que fueron enterradas en el pasado y que ahora están surgiendo a la superficie. Estas son reconocidas como sentimientos de tristeza, ansiedad y preocupación, ya que en el pasado, muchas fueron las personas que vivían con temor constante, porque sus vidas no les pertenecían. Ellos fueron subyugados y literalmente eran propiedad de otras personas que controlaban su vida cotidiana con puño de hierro. No hubo empatía o respeto por la santidad de sus vidas y las mismas podían ser destruidas en cualquier momento.

martes, junio 09, 2015

Kara Schallock ~ Flexibility, Birth & Freedom - 09-Jun-2015


Since the Full Moon, we have been rising in vibration, preparing for a huge burst forward on the Summer/Winter Solstice. You most likely have felt the intensity. I have noticed I feel the energies physically first, especially since I have released so much…and the same may very well be true for you too. These past several days have brought up much exasperation and wondering if indeed we have changed at all. It may feel as though we are waiting for something. Trust that we have changed and the waiting isn’t really waiting at all. it is a knowing that we are all moving and integrating in phenomenal ways. Everything happens in Divine Order and Divine Time, so if you feel like you’re waiting, trust that all is occurring perfectly. We want to hurry things along and yet there is no “pushing the river.” We must be patient and ever-vigilant with what our lives are showing us. We keep releasing and to remain in Observance is best so that we don’t attach to the old energies bubbling up and focus, instead, on how we feel. Analyzing everything does nothing. only feeling matters. As we feel, we have more Clarity. as we think, there is confusion. And still, in these times, we might not even know what we feel. If this is the case, be patient and focus on how and what you want to feel. This helps move you through any perceived impasse.

Suzanne Lie - Becoming ONE - People and Planet - Second Chakra - 6-9-15

Welcome to our Becoming ONE-People and Planet
Today, we will present the information about our Second Chakra, 
and tomorrow we will hear from Gaia and Her Second Chakra.


LOCATION: The second chakra is located at the navel. The navel was once our umbilical cord that was our attachment to our first physical home, our mother, and the nurturing that she provided. The second chakra also represents our attachment to Mother Earth as well as all the plants and creatures that call Her home.

PETALS: This chakra has six petals or spokes. In numerology, six is the number that represents responsibility and nurturing for family and community as well as finding balance and harmony with our environment.

NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is D and the mantra is “vam” or “o” as in home. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the second chakra.

COLOR: The color of this chakra is orange. Orange is the color of emotion. In the Hindu chakra system, the color orange is associated with death of the old. This “death” refers not only to physical death, but also to death, or total liberation, of painful emotions that have been repressed. This “death” also refers to the discharge of the defense mechanisms that were created in order to survive those emotions, as well as the situations that caused them.
RULES: The second chakra rules our VITAL, SENSUAL body. This chakra governs sexuality, reproduction, emotions, instincts, food, and general communication of the body with the consciousness that lives inside it. The second chakra rules the feminine component of sexuality, whereas the first chakra rules the masculine component of sexuality. The second/navel chakra is more sensual than sexual. It tells us how we feel about sex and having children, whereas the first chakra rules sex that is for enjoyment, power, and/or procreation.

Besides reproduction, the second chakra also governs other kinds of creativity. Swimming, hiking, and gardening make use of the second chakra’s connection to nature. Sculpting and carving use materials and objects of nature as a medium, and nature is often the “subject” of painters and photographers. With dancing and martial arts, the navel area is seen as the base, the Hara Center, the area to be kept in alignment with the earth so that perfect balance can be maintained.

Benjamín Fulford - 09-06-2015. El G7 está indefenso frente a una quiebra matemáticamente segura

09 jun
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/06/09/g7-helpless-in-the-face-of-mathematically-certain-bankruptcy/
bancarrota irlanda
Los líderes del Grupo de los Siete países industrializados o G7 están celebrando una reunión de emergencia en Alemania en un vano intento de evitar su quiebra inevitable. Los líderes hablan de Grecia, Ucrania, China, Oriente Medio y otros asuntos, como si de alguna manera todavía tuviesen el control. Los líderes tienen que entender que hay algo ahí fuera llamada realidad y que, no importa cuánto tiempo intenten evitarla, consiguie alcanzarles. El hecho es que, con la excepción de Canadá, Japón y Alemania, los países del G7 y sus estados occidentales aliados han estado arrastrando un déficit con el resto del mundo durante los últimos 40 años. El hecho de el mayor deudor de todos sea la Corporación de los Estados Unidos es el elefante en la habitación del que nadie habla.
El resto del mundo ha tomado una decisión colectiva de detener la financiación de estos gobiernos occidentales hasta que paren sus constantes llamadas al belicismo y su robo de recursos. Dado que el resto del mundo controla la mayor parte del dinero real (es decir, dinero conectado a objetos físicos) que controlan la realidad subyacente. Se puede comer pan, pero no se puede comer derivados o billetes de un dólar. Puedes intercambiar cosas reales como los coches o el aceite por arroz o trigo, pero si pierden la confianza de los demás, nadie va a cambiar sus pagarés por cosas reales. Los países del G-7, especialmente la Corporación de los Estados Unidos (en oposición a la República de los Estados Unidos), han logrado posponer lo inevitable con datos económicos fraudulentos, fondos para sobornos en paraísos fiscales y derivados que teóricamente valen cantidades astronómicas.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy -

Your time in the dark is over! You need to establish in your mind just how wonderfully powerful you are! Many miracles are to come!


from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

4 Ahau, 18 Pax, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come today knowing what is happening here. A movement is rapidly growing around this globe. This movement has permitted a new financial system to be born and the former great powers of your globe to bow before it. At present, this reality is not yet fully public because a number of legal processes need to be completed. These final processes are to take time. However, be advised that these last formal documents are not delaying the transfer of the first monies for the numerous humanitarian projects. These are expected to arrive shortly. The dark cabal knows deeply what all of this truly means. Its long time for unfettered power is coming to an end. Soon, it is to be possible for the new NESARA governance to take power. When this finally happens, it can permit the debt forgiveness to be formally declared and the long UFO cover up to be concluded. Hence, you are to have a number of huge debt burdens removed and a repayment of all funds illegally taken from you to be restored to you. This is to be one of the ways in which your general prosperity can begin.

lunes, junio 08, 2015


Affirmation and Outlook 
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
This message from the year 2011 (Bodhisattva: http://lichtweltverlag.blogspot.co.at/2015/06/bodhisattva-jesus-sananda_6.html is today and herewith affirmed! 
Fulfill your assignments on earth, each one where he stands, 
where Heaven has placed him and in a manner and with the 
talents, which he possesses.

6/08/2015 -- 85+ Volcanic Blasts in ONE DAY! Mt. Sakurajima in Japan -- Major Activity

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - The Venus Heart DNA Love Codes Awakening the Galactic Star Human 333 - June 8, 2015

Love from your Star Family
Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission.
Venus is shining brightly to see in the night sky through her heart awakening of love at a higher spiritual level, enhancing many areas of all life, including relationships, healing, beauty and creations. The Venusians’ Love energies are also activating your cosmic cellular memories of your true galactic status, reuniting of partnership with Earth, celestial bodies and the Universe. 444
The Venus Love DNA human template contains codes of unity and harmonics through the extra sensory awareness of sensitivity and empathy. The blue rays and starseeds with super sensitive awareness and empathy have a deep connection to each other, doorways to other worlds and higher consciousness. The yearning though your intuitive presence of empathy is leading you to know where you are from and who you are in the Universe.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Hatonn, June 08, 2015

I am here this day to bring you a long-lost message. It is one that has been in hiding for sometime and is ready now to come forth to you all. I am Hatonn, and I speak through this one with the utmost respect and consideration for what I am about to share with you all.

It is time for you all to come into a consciousness that you all planned for in the times before coming to this planet. It was something that was seen to be needed in the outbreak for what some consider to be measles, or some other bodily outbreak that brings about utter discomfort. The difference in these times is that it will not be in a physical way as much as it will be in an emotional and subconscious manner.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians - Pedophilia and Sex