jueves, mayo 28, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Busquen Primero la Claridad - 18 de Mayo 2015

18 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La necesidad de conocer la razón de las lecciones es una manera en que ustedes tratan de entender por qué experimentan desafíos en la vida. Pero nada sucede sin su dirección, control, voluntad y participación. Cada evento y experiencia es parte del sendero de reconexión con la totalidad que ustedes crean en cada vida. Cuando piden respuestas ustedes colocan a los demás, incluyendo a la Fuente en una posición de control de su sendero de vida, en la esperanza de que de alguna forma lo que ustedes reciban explicará y justificará el dolor, la duda, la confusión y el sufrimiento que experimentan. Hay solamente una respuesta y la encontrarán cuando primeramente busquen la claridad.

Meredith Murphy - Your New Relationship with Money - Part 3 - May 28, 2015

The Purpose of Money in the Material
Your New Experience of Money (Part 3 of 3) 
Hello, beautiful friends.
It is with great joy that we reconvene in this moment of shared focus and expansion. We are delighted that you are rethinking your relationship to imagining in response to our invitation yesterday, after having declared your desire to experience a clear state. This desire to experience a clear state beyond all previous knowing of money was very powerful in your imagining yesterday for many of you.
We marveled at how simple your imagining yesterday became more expansive. Learning to imagine that which you have not yet experienced, and feeling tremendously good while you imagine it, is a great gift to yourself. We want you to really take that in. Learning to imagine that which you have not yet experienced, even briefly, and feeling tremendously good while you imagine it, is a great gift to yourself.
You will want this capacity to think of and see in your mind’s eye, and to feel throughout your body and your energy, that which you have not yet known.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - May 28, 2015

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love known as authority. Through one’s embracing of the enlightening qualities of love, one becomes the central guide and authority of one’s life. When each person opens to exercise their personal choice rather than existing on autopilot, they step into their personal authority and begin to write the story of their lives the way they want it to manifest. Gaining personal authority requires the admittance that one is not perfect and that there are pieces of one’s behaviour that need improvement. As one lives their life, they gain maturity, experience, and common sense which helps elevate them to a higher consciousness, understanding and wisdom. When a person is willing to face themselves and learn from their experience, they find the enjoyment of their life and their relationships more meaningful. They become self empowered and gain strength of character and more self determination. They rise to the challenge of controlling their thoughts, appetites, speech, temper, and desires and practice letting go of the habits and behaviours that no longer serve them. These practices open them to a freedom that they could not previously have imagined. It is a freedom born of being a person that one can respect and comes with the self esteem one feels by being a person of integrity in all things.

miércoles, mayo 27, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones! 

Call me into your presence so that I may direct 
you into Heaven across the bridge of desire. 


The time of changes has come!
Great, unique and immutable changes come to 
this world and they occur in the hearts of human Beings.
The change occurs from the inner to the outer, and what
has already been anchored in your hearts and has been 
consolidated, now becomes visible in the outer world; 
the outer appearances of life receive a new countenance: 
the countenance of Love, of Light and Peace.

Carla Thompson - Message from The Elohim: “The Reclamation of Lemuria” - May 27, 2015

Here is a wonderful message from The Elohim that came during our visit to the Lemurian Portal in Victoria, B.C., known to many as Beacon Hill Park on May 24th, 2015.  This magical city nestled in the warm southern and almost tropical Vancouver Island is an area that we are told was once part of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, also known as the Land of Mu.
The flora and fauna are both abundant in this very rich area and it really feels like it is from another era, an era of great earthly beauty where it remains untouched by the destruction of humankind.  It is quickly realized that this place is one of those spectacular destinations that one can travel to upon this globe.  

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - I Am The Light of Quan Yin - May 27, 2015

I am the light of Quan Yin. I come on this day to escort you into your blessedness, for you are blessings to me. You are blessings to me because you continue to pray as I pray against all odds.
You are my blessings and I come on this day to help you remember the sacred contract that you have made with your body, with your mind, and with your spirit. For the trinity of you is so very Holy. You hold within you an earthen trinity. You house the universe and all of its octaves in your physical body. This past WESAK gave to you doorways of entrance into the Void. Look through the two ‘O’s" in the word "moon" and see them as glasses. Place them on yourself right now and you can see through dimensions. You can see into your future. You can see into the past. You can see into another’s heart, and you can see into another’s body. Look through these glasses that give to you the 'god lens of your soul'. The concave and the convex of the soul patterning that you inherently house within you.
Look at your body as a 'great universe'. You can look into that universe and can see all that it consists of and what it houses or you can your view outwards into the heavenly realm that lives around your private universe. It is up to you. These 'god-lenses of the soul' will give to you perceptions, abilities, and clarity of seeing. You have begged and asked to see what truth is, to see true love, to see what is to come for you, to see your past so that you can heal it, to see into your body to see the blockages so that you can dissolve them.

martes, mayo 26, 2015

26-05-15. La batalla por el planeta tierra continúa con cambios de régimen, amenazas nucleares, el inminente colapso financiero, etc.

26 may
Fuentes y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/05/26/the-battle-for-the-planet-earth-continues-with-regime-changes-nuclear-threats-imminent-financial-collapse-etc/
A veces las noticias parece repetirse. A veces las noticias parece repetirse. Si esto suena repetitivo es repetitivo. Esto se debe a muchos eventos de noticias recientes se pueden resumir en unos pocos patrones de repetición: Grecia amenaza con no pagar, Ucrania amenaza con no pagar, los EE.UU. se queda sin dinero otra vez, hay otro evento de falso tiroteo masivo en los EE.UU. (esta vez en Waco), China y Japón dicen cosas ligeramente diferentes sobre la historia del otro, y a continuación pilotos militares vuelan a oscuras islas y se muestran el dedo el uno al otro, chiíes, suníes, judios y mercenarios occidentales que pretenden ser extremistas musulmanes hacen cosas malas o son víctimas de las cosas malas, Corea del Norte dispara un misil, etc., etc.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - May 26, 2015

We have asked you to learn focus. Use it to support the manifesting of a number of important events. At present, the old, dark cabal is fading. Use this focus to continue to imagine a new reality. Together, we can create a wondrous new reality!

from Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan ~ GF symbol for the Sirian Star system

3 Cimi, 4 Pax, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come now to report to you what is happening on your world. The dark cabal remains full of tricks. The dark forged a world in which dishonesty and deception were to be honored and the dishonesty and trickery is truly immense. This fact led to an outbreak of such deception that it soon became obvious that only those trusted by the Light were able to carry out their assignments swiftly and fairly. Thus, we have decided to employ only those who can complete their designated duties without incident. To accomplish this, we have created a service pool made up of a special group of Beings. Unlike most humans, these individuals are quite capable of easily carrying out their assigned duties. Over the past few months we have carefully chosen these magnificent individuals to resolve a number of current difficulties and enable us to complete the new transfer system. Therefore, we are now finishing some tests and intend to begin en masse in the coming month. Nonetheless, there is still more to tell you about what we are doing to safely send out your blessings.

Kara Schallock - Evolving...High Mind and Relationships - May 26, 2015

We have entered another higher level of Ascension. This brings with it the opportunity to have mind and Heart be One, which creates the High Mind. This is truly thinking with your Heart. Thinking with your Heart means that words come to describe your feelings of essence…Love, Trust, Respect, Honor, Integrity, etc. As you focus on an essence you create words that lead to a rise in consciousness. As you might know, our mentality and feeling-level of the Heart have tended to act separately as Soul and separate ego. Now we have the opportunity to have them merge, so we don’t have those separate thoughts of duality, even while we focus on the Essences of the Heart. Of course, this is the potential and most will find themselves somewhere along the continuum of feeling/Heart, separate ego and High Mind. So give yourself some space to have this evolve. You needn’t be hard on yourself if you still have lower mind’s thoughts of judgment, separation or duality. Recognize it then let it go and replace it with Love. essences of Heart/Soul. As we move more into High Mind, we see that the lower thoughts transform into essence thoughts. That is, judgment becomes Compassion. anger becomes Acceptance. hate becomes Love. All this is an upgrade of our Source consciousness.
We are completing another phase of upgrade, where we received yet another boost of Light/Love. and an Awareness of what has been hiding in the form of old, limiting beliefs and patterns.

Archangel Michael channeled by Ronna Herman - Opening The Seven Seals oF God-Consciousness - May 26, 2015

Beloved masters, it is time for you to take advantage of your physical and Spiritual senses in the fullest measure. You must redefine and learn to properly use the physical senses in order to access and develop the higher senses that became dormant so long ago: clairvoyance/clear seeing, clairaudience/clear hearing or telepathic abilities, clairsentience/clear knowing (that of an empathic, intuitive person with an expanded, inner sense of awareness). All of these heightened abilities are a part of your Divine Birthright just waiting for you to reclaim them.
We have discussed in great detail the seven major chakras of the physical vessel and outlined the positive and negative attributes/functions of each one. It is important that you also realize that each chakra and organ within the body has a consciousness of its own, which was overlaid and infused with the energies of your many past experiences and thought forms. You have not only created your outer world with your beliefs and the vibrational frequencies of your thoughts, but you have built your inner world as well.