lunes, abril 20, 2015

Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman - Make a Leap of Faith - April 20, 2015

It's mid month and we're all spinning a bit right now. After this weekend's new moon and the energy activity so far, we're either numb or hiding, maybe both. I have noticed that when there is a lot of energy movement I spend a lot of time home and I don't do it on purpose. Even if I have things planned, something will come up that either makes me late or that I have to stay home for. I am not being antisocial, nor do I have a phobia. When there is so much energy moving, the best, safest, and most secure place for me to be is in my own energetic space.

Have you ever been out around a lot of people when so much energy is shifting and at some point, all you want to do is go home? It doesn't matter how many more things you need to do, or who you're with, you want to go home. That's because your energy space is  the most grounded for you right now and as paradigms shift, as they are now, we tolerate the  movement more easily when we are in a space that feels safe to us. Paradigm shifts are separations in the energy fields that feel familiar to us and that can make us feel very vulnerable, so we want to be in a safe place so we can contemplate our next moves.

Blossom Goodchild – 20 April 2015

bloss arizona biggerHello! I am wondering what today’s wisdom has to offer us? Whatever it is I am sure it shall be Divinely given and uplift and inspire all. Many thanks.
The warmest of greetings to you also. We intend always, to interact in such a way that does this very thing! Regarding choice material for this communication today … we are aware that you are always seeking for the Highest Good of all … and to bring forth that which assists in the growth of One’s knowledge.
More and more are realising the responsibility of self. More and more are understanding that should their desire be to find total fulfilment … it is only glimpsed when the awareness of soulself activity allows the Truth that lies within … to display itself outwardly.
What would you say exactly IS soulself activity?

Sarah Varcas - Choosing the Cliff-Edge - Apr 20, 2015

Uranus and Pluto have received a lot of air time since 2012 when they began to form their lengthy square that is currently fading into history. The impact of this square, which has shaken up countless peoples’ lives, has been impossible to ignore. For many, looking back to life pre 2012 is like watching a different person, barely recognisable in some cases. So much has changed, within and without, that the notion of total rebirth is not too drastic a description of the events of recent years. Many people have been shaken awake by this square, forced to confront themselves and their lives, the consequences of choices previously made and the impact of living a half-life in the shadows of possibility for so long. It has been a time of both trauma and ecstasy, challenge and liberation. Few have been left untouched. The initiation into the Aquarian Age has well and truly begun.

domingo, abril 19, 2015


Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #3
Your ARE a Stream of Consciousness

Transmission form The Arcturians and Galactic Family
The energetic weather report is “hot” and “cloudy.” By “hot” we mean that many new developments are “heating up” to the “boiling point,” in which they will be revealed. It is “cloudy” because there is still a great deal of TRUTH that is hidden behind the clouds of illusion. Most of you, our volunteers to take earth vessels, have taken quite a few lifelong assignments on the 3D Matrix of Gaia.
Some of you can remember many of those embodiments, which allows you to better release the clouds of illusion. Many of you are not, yet, aware of your other incarnations, but as your consciousness expands to resonate primarily to the fourth dimension, you will begin to remember that DEATH is one of greatest illusions on Earth.
Much like a hermit crab on the ocean floor, you need to “take a new shell” to continue your LIVES -long missions. Therefore, “death” simply means that your 3D shell no longer serves your needs, and you will need to release that shell to find a new one. Many of our brave volunteers have spent many eons on the “Wheel of birth/death” between 3D to 4D to 3D to 4D.

Gerrit Gielen - Si Creamos Nuestra Propia Realidad, Entonces Por Qué Envejecemos? -

por Gerrit Gielen

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Dentro de los círculos espirituales, el poder del pensamiento positivo parece indiscutible, casi sacrosanto, y hasta se nos dice que creamos nuestra propia realidad. Los autores que escriben sobre este tema nos prometen los resultados más milagrosos. Se nos dice que al pensar pensamientos correctos y al repetir afirmaciones lo suficiente podemos crear lo que queramos en nuestro futuro y hasta transformar eventos negativos y traumáticos de nuestro pasado a positivo. Haber des-creado el trauma significa que seguimos con nuestra vida como si el evento negativo no hubiese ocurrido.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 19 al 26 de Abril, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Desde tiempos inmemoriales, cada uno de ustedes han visitado y revisitado su hermoso planeta a través de una sucesión de encarnaciones desde el mundo del espíritu en la forma humana. Sus corazones están entrelazados con el de la Tierra y ustedes tratan de traerle sanidad y restauración a ella de cualquier manera que como individuos pueden, pero lo que pueden no saber o tener en cuenta, es el impacto que sus esfuerzos ejercen en el campo de la conciencia, que es como un entramado gigante, una red y reserva de energía que se ha acumulado a lo largo de las edades, a partir del aporte de cada uno sobre el planeta. Esta es la piscina de energía que se está limpiando en un proceso que ahora impacta a cada uno, pero muy especialmente a aquellos entre ustedes que son sensibles a la energía. Cuando encuentren que las emociones brotan de su interior, tengan en cuenta que es el campo colectivo en el que están inmersos. Envíen amor a la tierra cuando eso ocurra, porque esta actividad ayuda a disipar las viejas energías que ahora están siendo liberadas; y luego desapéguense suavemente de ellas pensando en algo hermoso que la Tierra ofrece para que todos lo disfruten.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - April 19-26, 2015

April 19-26, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Since time immemorial, each of you have visited and revisited your beautiful planet through a succession of incarnations from the world of spirit into human form. Your hearts are entwined with that of the Earth and you seek to bring healing and restoration to her in any way that you as one individual can, but what you may not know or be aware of, is the impact your efforts make on the field of consciousness that is like a giant web, a network and reservoir of energy that has accumulated throughout the ages from the input of everyone upon the planet. This is the pool of energy that is now being cleansed in a process which now impacts everyone but most especially those who are the energy sensitive amongst you. When you find that emotions well up from within you, be aware that it is the collective field that you are tapping into. Send love to the Earth when this occurs, for this activity helps to dissipate the old energies that are now being released; and then gently detach from it by thinking of something beautiful that the Earth provides for all to enjoy.

sábado, abril 18, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - Audio Libro - Tierra - Las Claves Pleyadianas de la Biblioteca Viviente

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Porda, April 18, 2015

I am here this morning to tell you of a new development in the RV and the premier funds for the people. It is a time for all of you to assure yourselves that it will be coming at a time when it is perfect for all of those who have the quality of the earth and themselves in mind. There is one feature of these funds that is endearing to all of the universe and it is that it will be in tune with what will be coming in the years ahead, and further on, that will come from the lessons that these times are giving you. There is plenty of time for them to materialize into the benefits that are in store for you. First it is imperative that the ones who will be distributing are in a place in which there will be no interference. This is that time my dear ones. This is the time that we have seen the various facets of the distribution being set into place with no possibility of interference.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 18 April 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Celebrate! You are growing! There is fantastically powerful energy on the earth right now. Tap in, tune in, and focus on that which you love. Better yet strive to focus on love no matter what the situation you find yourself in.
Think of the most difficult person in your life. What can you love about them? Maybe you can love the fact that they have taught you to embrace greater boundaries, or learn new levels of discernment. Maybe they have inadvertently taught you to listen to yourself more kindly rather than blindly listening to others, or to trust yourself and your own feelings rather than blindly trusting others. Maybe they have caused you to reach deep inside and find new levels of patience, tolerance, and compassion – whether for them or for yourself. No matter how “awful” you feel this person is, you can find something to love there if you truly try. You can, if you choose, imagine the spark of Divine light within them, no matter how small and hidden, and acknowledge that they come from the very same source that you do.