sábado, marzo 28, 2015

Carla Thompson - Message from Saint Germain: How to Use the Pink Flame of Love - March 28, 2015

http://i913.photobucket.com/albums/ac336/CometaAzul/llama2_1_1.gifCarla Thompson, March 28, 2015
As we have moved through this vast and very powerful portal of March 21st, where we have removed dense attachments to past challenges and life events, we are now in a position to fully transmute and heal all vestiges of chaos that have arisen before us. 

Saint Germain came to me today with a message that discusses our role as “Light Warrior – Healers” and specific information that is a somewhat different approach to using the flames than what I have adopted.  I am sharing it here for all who feel they are Healers and who may find this description of interest and perhaps a better way to heal with the Sacred Flames. 
With love,

Ann Albers - Nature Does Not Have Expectations - 28 March, 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Release yourself from the bondage of expectations dear ones. By all means, have intentions, goals, dreams, desires, and wishes, but then release life and yourself from expectation and live now. Make the best and happiest choices you can make now. When life does not look as you expect, bless it anyway. When you do not feel as you expect, bless yourself anyway.

There is far too much time on earth wasted in resisting life. There is far too much energy spent wondering what "should" be, rather than dealing with what "is." There is so much agony over what "isn't going according to plan" rather than surrendering to a "higher plan."

Natalie Glasson – The Creator’s Healing By Saint Germain – 28 March 2015

Greetings and love are extended to you through my being from all aspects of the universe of the Creator; you are deeply and absolutely loved in this moment by all that is the Creator. There is no separation or lack in the Creator’s love for you; everything is provided for you should you choose to accept the Creator’s love.

Many souls upon the Earth move through challenging situations and experiences which can be deeply painful creating wounds within their bodies. Whether physical pain, emotional pain, mental pain or any form of suffering is experienced, large or small wounds are created especially within the emotional body, however they can filter into all aspects of a person’s being causing havoc within the inner reality while being replicated into the outer reality.  When you begin to notice that all forms of suffering and pain whether inflicted by self or another cause an energetic, mental or emotional wound then you understand that many people are moving through their realities holding onto numerous wounds which they use to describe themselves. Have you ever introduced yourself to a person asking questions about them to then discover the story of the wounds they are holding onto and have experienced? Maybe you describe yourself to others by sharing your life wounds, all the experiences which have caused you pain?

Mahala – ‘The Ugly Duckling Becomes An Eagle’ Eclipse – 28 March 2015

MahalaBy Mahala, on March 26th, 2015
Guest Article by Alison McCabe (astroalison@gmail.com)
Seven of us heard the call to go to the Orkney Islands to witness the Total Solar Eclipse from the oldest and one of the largest Neolithic sites in Britain dating to 5000BC. The Stones of Stenness is where our journey began calling the Ancient Animal guardians of Britain; Cernunnos the Great Stag in the East, Epona the White Horse in the South, Mona the Sacred Cow from the Isle of Angelsey in the West and Artor the Bear in the North.
20150320_090716Stenness is a Solar temple and once had 12 stones so the passage of the Sun around the zodiac could be observed. We also had been gifted Tibetan prayer flags and a Tibetan spinning gong and we had Kushi wind chimes attuned to the elements which I must say the numerous faery folk of Orkney loved very much.

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Me Voy o Me Quedo? - 8 de Marzo 2015

8 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos Míos,

No se preocupen si su mundo ya no es divertido, como si la única palabra para describir sus sentimientos fuera desolación. Pero luego, lo más probable es que sea difícil para ustedes moverse o pensar más allá de ello cuando están experimentando tales bajones después de tener expectativas de ascensión continua.

Las altitudes permanentes probablemente habrían sido ciertas si ustedes no hubieran optado por el plan de acción racionalizado de estos estallidos de energía que más recientemente los han visitado. Tal vez ustedes no creen en tales verdades. Tienen la libertad de creer y sentir como deseen. PERO las energías que llueven sobre ustedes ahora son mucho más profundas y sí, más pesadas que cualquiera que hayan experimentado hasta la fecha.

Brenda Hoffman - Has Saltado a un Agujero de Conejo - 16 de Marzo 2015

16 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos Míos,

Ustedes anticiparon un futuro de alegría permanente una vez que dominaran su montaña de miedos en general. Esa no ha sido necesariamente cierto durante las últimas semanas. Teniendo en cuenta todo lo que les ha sucedido a ustedes y a su alrededor, sólo se puede concluir que esta transición no es una realidad o que no han avanzado tan rápidamente como los que parecen estar corriendo por delante.

Esta transición es realidad y nadie es más sabio o mejor que tú. Por supuesto, se te ha dicho eso de muchas maneras en los últimos meses, pero aún te preguntas - por qué no estás manifestando lo que deseas instantáneamente, por qué no has encontrado amor, una comunidad u otras piezas importantes para ti.

viernes, marzo 27, 2015

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “I Choose” – 27 March 2015

DjwhalKhulMarch 26, 2015
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Our topic for this week is “I choose”. Now I want to keep these simple three word statements so it might be “I choose Love”, “I choose wealth”, “I choose healing”, “I choose forgiveness”, “I choose happiness”, “I choose Joy”.
So maybe see if you can narrow it down to the primary one and perhaps it is Love or Self-Love that you’re choosing to get there. Maybe first you need forgiveness, forgiving yourself is what I mean by that, or perhaps you need healing or whatever it is.
So you start with the one you feel you need right now and then go to the one that you need. So for example you might say “I choose letting go”, I know that’s four words but “I choose letting go” and then “I choose Love”. Something like that.

Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Marzo 2015 ~ IRRUMPIENDO EN VIDA VERDADERA ~

Ahora que hemos completado el extremadamente poderoso MEGA REINICIO de cuatro meses, podemos empezar a ver los cambios profundos que éste nos ha traído. Muchos de los comportamientos inconscientes profundamente arraigados dentro de nosotros han cambiado y nuestras respuestas emocionales automáticas se han podido ver claramente y se han limpiado. Tenaz y minuciosamente, hemos exterminado falsedades dondequiera que las encontráramos. Estamos más alineados con nuestro Verdadero Camino que nunca.

Ron Head - The real miracles, and the real miracle workers, are yourselves.- The Council March 23, 2015

The Council
Change. Let’s examine the change that you are in the middle of at this time.
Is it not somewhat inconceivable that a sea change in the planet’s systems would be largely unmentioned in the media? Would you not expect that some discussion of anything of this magnitude would be happening? Is such a thing not more important than an annual basketball tourney or a reality television show?
The entire financial structure of your world is being radically modified. You are about to find that out whether or not you have been following these things. And the resultant effects upon your everyday lives will be enormous. That alone should be enough to excite everyone. But we tell you once again that the true miracle is that the changes in your consciousness, your frequencies if you will, are the true changes. Everything you see outside of you is illusion. All of it, no matter how real it seems, is destined to change, to cease to exist at some point. Why? Because you will change. You will grow. You will continue to create. Your true nature is to always strive for more and better. And you will always succeed. You always have.

Brenda Hoffman - El Cielo NO es el Límite - 23 de Marzo 2015

23 de Marzo 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Algunos sintieron las energías de los días pasados de manera profunda y directa. Otros notaron la angustia de muchos pero sintieron poco.

Quienes sufren gran dolor están molestos porque pensaron que no experimentarían tanto dolor una vez que escalaran su montaña de limpieza general. Su limpieza/despeje es ahora de sus senderos individuales. Algunos de esos senderos tienen mucha maleza y otros están relativamente limpios. No es el papel de ustedes ni el nuestro especificar el por qué cada entidad sufrió o no dolor. Y quienes lo sufrieron no son más espirituales, simplemente están en una senda diferente.