jueves, marzo 26, 2015

Anna Merkaba - Blood Moon – FREEDOM PORTAL – Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Galactics - March 26, 2015

New Image2Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As many of you already know and have felt we have just experienced an opening of phenomenal portal of light, a portal of stabilization and a portal of progress and intuitive understanding of being. This portal was but one door into the new world which we are all walking towards. As many of you know another magnificent portal is about to open for all of us, this portal is going to take place on April 4th – The Blood Moon portal.
Before I talk about that though I would like to point out to all of you that the next few days leading up to this blood moon may see you incredibly conflicted. All of your old memories and RE-Actions are going to come back, you may feel as if all the work that you have done on yourself is slipping way from you and you are right back to square one.

Benjamin Fulford - March 23, 2015: Khazarian Satanists shake their fists in fury as control of the financial system slips out of their hands

There has been an undeniable pole shift in the international financial system that has left the old Khazarian Satanist cabal out of the loop. This change was formalized, as predicted, on March 20th, to coincide with the solar eclipse, super-moon new moon and Spring Equinox that took place then. After the UK split with the US to join China’s proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, Australia and others followed. Then, according to Pentagon sources, the corporate US corporate government in Washington D.C. failed to make a gold delivery and effectively went bankrupt. As a result, the US Republic announced they would work with the AIIB. In effect this means that the BIS, the World Bank and the IMF have all undergone a fundamental change of management.

“If I had to choose only two words that unite China and the world at this moment, it would be ‘structural reforms,’” was how IMF head Christine Lagarde described the situation. Speaking in Beijing on March 22nd Lagarde said the IMF and China would work together to promote “good governance…anti-corruption” and “preserving the environment.” She concluded her remarks by saying “the IMF is proud to be a partner in China’s economic endeavors here at home [in China] and on the global stage.” In other words, she was admitting, in public, that this once Washington controlled institution was under new management.

miércoles, marzo 25, 2015

Christine Day - Pleiadian Broadcast March 2015

Steve Rother - April 2015 Predictions,Comments and Questions

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Marada, March 25, 2015


Hello Dear Ones,
As I awoke this morning I saw a light being flowing in and out, shining with white, silver and gold, in joyous rhythm. She identified herself as Marada, a star beacon of light and love. She told me that she is here to work with all of life on Gaia to return to the pristine beingness and evolve beyond. Here is her message to all of us.
Wake up Call: Marada, March 25, 2015
I am here today to introduce myself to all of you. I am Marada, a star beacon of light and Love. I appeared to this one, Nancy, this morning as she was awakening from her slumber. I told her that I am here to work with all of life on Gaia to restore you all to your original pristine beauty and then to evolve beyond that.
It has been awhile since any of you have walked with me. I knew at some point that I had to elevate myself from earth and go out into the origins that I began in, indeed as we all began in. As I did that I felt the promise that I would be coming back to you at some point in your evolution to be with you in the journey that you are in now. Yes, we are all in this together, and we have each walked in many stars and many other aspects of this universe.
As we ascend to the vastness that we once knew we take ourselves into a progoritory place of being. By that I mean that it is a state of being that speaks of how we began and what our progress points to at this moment in time. It is all about the glory that we once expressed in our own beingness in relation to all expressions of the Creator's intent. I speak of that in terms of all of us being one with the Creator, for there is nothing that is not part of the whole.
As you come full circle and see the entrance into the newness of the circle, then you will realize that there is no stopping of anything; there is no end. Everything is in oneness and that is as expansive as we choose it to be. We are the Creators of what we express and experience. We are the oneness that has the power to give and receive as we sit and ponder what is out there yonder in the glowing light of the universe. We know that on some level even now, that we are in for an incredible wonderful journey that we are now sowing the seeds for.
As I sit with you all and see what you are expressing now, I see the promise that awaits you to realize what your choices have brought you to. There is coming a backward glance at what you have considered as momentous, and what it will be considered in the coming times. In the expansiveness of what you are capable of you will see what could come from the absence of what you consider the wealth to bring you. You are in for a decisive upturning of ideas that will bring you to a new way of observing the abilities that you have to bring yourself to a wondrously, peaceful way of seeing life and how you can bring that into being.
It is a fine time to be on earth at this time. "What is she saying?" you wonder, considering what is in turmoil all over the planet. I tell you now that you will know what I mean in an instant and then you will walk in the power of the peace and joy that can turn around the utmost destructive energy into the ultimate loving expression in an instant. All you need do it to see the world as it was in your middle eye and then live it. Be that image that you see and that feeling that emerges throughout your beingness. That is the magic of creativity. That is the ability that you have not only for your life, but for all of life on the planet.
I will be here at any moment for any one of you to rise with all of our family and to see that picture that is in front of us and all around us that we create in the intention that we express for the presentness of Gaia and all of us, as we ride through the flowing energies of the universe. We do so with the original energies of the Mushaba Love Essence and the Christ Consciousness. We do so in our own expression of that oneness of which I speak.
I shall return, and I shall speak through any of you who are in the position of intent and desire to bring forth this energy and flow it in a harmonious expression of the wholeness that we are. All is Love and kindness, peace and joy in expression, and oneness that is immeasurable for ever and ever into the unlimitedness of Love. Peace is with us always, all we need do is to feel it and joyfully express it in our every movement. Love is all of Us.
Thank you so very much dear Marada,
Much Love, Nancy Tate

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Watermark On Your Soul - March 25, 2015

As the time of Easter enters your consciousness, realize that you will walk through a dimensional shift of Biblical proportion. You will walk through extensions of your parallel and multidimensional time-selves that show the true watermark on your soul.  You will part the seas of continuation as you look between the past and the present.
At the time of Easter you be running dimensional programs within simultaneous time.  You are the intersection of the Light meeting the Light. You stand at the crossroad of time. Soul Selves, Angelic Selves, and Over-soul Selves. Everything cavorts about you, surrounding you in a vastness of knowledge that predates time.
 You will see as you stand in the center of your multi-universal being that the present is the only point of manifestation and creation. You can and will resurrect through time and space, releasing linear conjunctions and linear expectations as you mount your full potential,

Orb (UFO) Fires A Weapon Into A Chemtrail

Celia Fenn - El Resurgimiento del Fénix: Equinoccio y Eclipses Marzo/Abril 2015

por Celia Fenn

18 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Amada Familia de Luz, este es un tiempo poderoso e inspirador en su Evolución Planetaria! Han comenzado un período de intenso cambio y transformación dimensional que está cambiando la naturaleza de su planeta profundamente. En este momento del equinoccio de primavera para el norte y el otoño para el sur, la energía de Renacimiento y Regeneración se está activando poderosamente en la manifestación de la Nueva Realidad y la Nueva Tierra.

El Fénix es el símbolo de esta ponderosa energía de fuego que se está elevando sobre la Tierra y haciendo su labor de Transmutación y Transformación. De las cenizas de lo viejo, se siembra lo nuevo y está resurgiendo!

Jennifer Hoffman - Picaportes y Bisagras, Portales y Caminos - Marzo 16, 2015

Por Jennifer Hoffman

16 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Si me sigues en Facebook, ya sabes que mi proyecto de pintar la oficina se convirtió en una renovación masiva de picaportes y bisagras por toda mi casa. Una vez que la oficina estuvo pintada, me di cuenta del mal estado en que estaban los pomos y bisagras. Ya que tenían 40 años de edad, era hora de un cambio. No podía reemplazar un juego solo, debía reemplazar todos ellos o no iban a coincidir. Y las bisagras necesitaban una actualización también, ya que eran viejas y debían coincidir con los picaportes. Los picaportes se utilizan para abrir puertas y las bisagras permiten que las puertas se abran, qué gran metáfora para este tiempo. Pero como yo descubrí, reemplazar los picaportes es rápido y toma 5 minutos. Reemplazar las bisagras no es tan fácil.

UFOTV® Presents - UFOs THE FOOTAGE ARCHIVES - Music by Ci2i (Music Remix)