jueves, enero 01, 2015

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather – 2015 Yearly Snapshot - January1, 2015 - El Clima Cósmico – Instantánea Anual del 2015

2015: Manifestation, Magnification and the Big Magic
You have to believe we are magic. Nothin’ can stand in our way. You have to believe we are magic. Don’t let your aim ever stray. And if all your hopes survive, destiny will arrive. I’ll bring all your dreams alive, for you. From where I stand you are home free. The planets align so rare. There’s something in the air, and I’m guiding you. ~ Lyall/Patton
To talk about where we are going in 2015 it’s important to take a moment to discuss where we’ve been. From where I see it, all of the trials and challenges in 2014 have served as preparation and initiation for what is to come. The distractions and diversions have been great, but we’ve become more actutely aware of them. Many people have seen the price to be paid for getting seriously pulled from their own center into collective or personal dramas and to let their vibration drop. Especially in an “8” vibration consistency and focus are important keys. Of course we’re going to have “off” days everyone does, it’s just a matter of how fast we get back on the horse so to speak.

James Tyberonn – ARCHANGEL METATRON CHANNEL: 2015 : THE AMAZING YEAR AHEAD - Dec 21, 2014 - Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn 2015: El Asombroso Año que Empieza

via James Tyberonn   –   www.Earth-Keeper.com – Dec. 2014
Copyrights Protected-All Rights of Authorship Reserved

Greetings Masters,
I am Metatron, Archangel of Light, and I greet you in a vector of unconditional love. And so in this gathering we are asked by the channel to discuss the year that lies before you, 2015, in your linear chronology.
It is ‘ Year Three’ of the New Earth. It will be a truly amazing year, a time of shift, a time of great change .. and indeed a year of intensity. All is purposed , and the difficulties that humanity encountered can and will be resolved. But effort and involvement is requisite. It is time to co-create a world of Peace.
Dear Humans, before we begin on the topic requested, we wish to add a point. The ongoing turmoil on the planet clearly signals to humanity that complex, deeply embedded issues of conflict, whether of religious, territorial basis or concerning social equity and inequity… all must be resolved.
These have surfaced many times before without resolution. However in the energy of the New Earth, such issues will not just go away. In the energy of your ‘present’ linear time, such conflicts will absolutely percolate to the surface and remain there.

Jahn J Kassl - WELCOME TO THE YEAR 2015, JJK - Jan 1, 2015

written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Honored Readers,
The Year 2014 has been stripped off. The ultimate decisions 
on an individual as well as global level have been made and 
now these become reality.
Rapidly and with an awe-inspiring dynamic these light-filled 
facts begin to prevail; the darkness yields to the Light, the 
evil of darkness and a mostly godless mankind begins to turn 
toward God.

Planetary Update - January 2015

miércoles, diciembre 31, 2014

Lena Stevens - January 2015 Monthly Forecast -Dec 31, 2014 Pronóstico Mensual – Enero del 2015

The theme for January is ACTIVATION.

The year starts off with an intense period of release and initiation and a push from spirit to get all your ducks in a row. As we move from the more organized influences of 2014 into the chaos, creativity and destruction of 2015, it will be truly useful to take charge of what is being activated in your life, especially this month. This is not the month to be passive, apathetic or be waiting for someone else to solve what is not working in your life. This is a month to be disciplined about your boundaries and to step into your own creative power of choice around what gets activated and how.
ACTIVATION: stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical; the activity of causing to have energy and be active; making active and effective.
This is the month to take all those dreams, intentions, resolutions, plans, ideas and inspirations that have been dormant or sitting on a shelf waiting for right timing or the right ingredients, and to activate them. Activation requires taking ACTION. This is not a month to sit around. It is a month that supports movement and action provided you have the right ingredients. (This months Mp3 is helpful)

UFO Spotted on BBC New Year's Eve Fireworks 2015 in London - 2015 Midnight Firework Show HD

Selacia – 2015 Predictions Update – ‘Coming in 2015′ – 31 December 2014 - Entrando al 2015

SelaciaComing in 2015
by Selacia
Relax a bit and take a deep breath as the New Year begins – a gentler and lighter energy in the air. You have witnessed and likely lived through many complex challenges in recent times. The year 2014 was not an easy one, to be sure.
As mentioned in my 2015 Predictions article published in November, much is changing in our world. The changes are nothing short of a miracle, with long-outmoded institutions coming under the magnifying glass in a very public way. This process of disclosure and unveiling, while not complete, has set in motion the momentum needed for the most radical revolutionary shift to date. By the time it’s finished, society’s key nonworking power structures and ways of being will have been scrutinized and taken out of the closet for airing.

My Outlook for the Year 2015 - Dec 31, 2014

My forecast for 2015 will be short and succinct:
This is the year when we shall transfigure, just as 2014 was the year when we officially ascended and became incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia and Guardians of the New Golden Galaxy. Period!
When shall we transfigure?
It depends on how effectively we create our reality as Logos Gods in the knowing that linear time is an illusion. Optically our transfiguration to unlimited multidimensional beings will be heralded by the final escalation of confrontation between the forces of light and darkness and its resolution through transformation at the political stage – by the collapse of this Orion world and the emergence of the New Age.
Will the resolution through confrontation include a dramatic paradigm shift in the collective mindset?
According to my view, this is inevitable for the proper unfolding of the final resolution through confrontation.

Jahn J Kassl - THE BEATITUDES, SANANDA - Dec 31, 2014

http://gardenofpraise.com/images/beati2.jpgFrom the Book: "Master-Dialogues"
Volume I

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb

Blessed are they, who fully devote to God,
because they will find entrance into Heaven.

Blessed are they, who totally accept life,
because they are accepted by God;
God is Life.

Méline Portia Lafont – Master Saint Germain And Anka (Elohim) – Liquid Gold Blood And The Inner Changes – 31 December 2014

MélineHi sweet friends!!
WOW! to another amazing month and the closure of a very profound and moving year 2014. Have you been feeling the inner changes this year as if they were surreal, mind blowing but nonetheless ever so clear?! Well, too much has been happening with me that I cannot hold track with my writings, inner changes and energy work that I have been doing. I know many of you feel the same and have been through much of the same. As always: we are in this together! So I wanted to share with you a very personal message I received last year December from my Elohim Self which is called Anka. I read it again today and I realized that the message and time frame that has been given to me then, applies more to this NOW in some parts and not so much on the time when it was given to me. Another clear indication to let go of time :)