lunes, septiembre 08, 2014

July 13. 2014 UFO sighting Lake Havasu City AZ

Suzanne Lie: - IlliaEm - Multidimensional Consciousness - Sep 8, 2014

IlliaEm: “Multidimensional Consciousness” Channeled through Suzanne Lie, Awakening With Suzanne Lie, September 7, 2014 (message originally channeled in 1996)
Dearest Ones,
Please, take a moment of meditation before you receive my message. It is important to expand your awareness to your highest potential before receiving my communication so that your ego does not interfere with my transmission. I will assist you by leading you in a meditation to calibrate your consciousness to the higher dimensions.
Focus your attention inward into the core of your brain, the area below your crown and behind your brow. Feel the Light of Spirit flowing through your Pineal Gland and into your crown like the sunlight coming through the sunroof of your home. In front of you is the Mind Screen for your Third Eye. Settle into this area of your physical form.

Méline Portia Lafont – The Arcturians – This Reality Is Litterally Cracking In On Itself And It Is Not Quite Clear For Us How Much Longer This Illusory Reality Can Be Maintained – 8 September 2014

MélineMéline This is a repost of a message that I have received last year in September which I feel is applying to this now moment.  All is timeless and in the Now of this neverending process of Ascension.
The Arcturians
It is our delight to welcome you in our consciousness with an encouraging message enabling us to share a communication through this connection. With clarity in the current state of affairs unfolding on your world, we wish to bring you more information because of this clarity and also give you our point of view in these matters.

Due to the fact that many shifts are taking place presently in the collective of humanity and in your personal reality, a certain number of deeper and more obvious things will arise in your awareness and in your consciousness that, up until now, you were rather reluctant to cope with let alone take it for truth. What we are referring to are the most natural abilities and the deeper insights which are nestling in your reality and which are making themselves known more powerfully.

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: The Value Of Awareness And The Legitimacy Of Greek/Roman Gods – Part 2/2 – 8 September 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Concluded from Part 1
With this said, we’ll move on to our next question.
Question #2: Were Greek and Roman Gods Real?
“My question is, to what extent were the gods of Greek, Roman and Norse myths REAL and did they correspond to any helpers from the Company of Heaven?
“And similarly, are some of Earth’s ‘big players’ (perennial Helpers) such as Shiva and Archangel Michael that have perhaps a greater degree of specified Form than say Divine Mother — are they part of Earth’s Team only, or do they perform similar roles in other realms within this solar system and/or beyond?”
A few specific deities who were worshipped are real higher-dimensional souls, while some were lower-dimensional souls who gained influence in the minds, hearts and beliefs of the people who worshipped them and others were the product of pure imagination.

Patricia Cota-Robles - Your Love Is Needed Now – 8 September 2014 - Su Amor Es Necesario Ahora!

patriciacotaroblesYOUR LOVE IS NEEDED NOW!
by Patricia Cota-Robles
September, 7, 2014
(This Video is titled: Raising Consciousness)
(If this link does not work please copy and paste it into your browser)
Since the beginning of 2014 the Earth and all Life evolving upon her have been going through an intensified purging process. From outer appearances this is wreaking havoc on every part of the globe.  This cleansing is affecting each of us individually in our personal lives, and it is also affecting the entire Family of Humanity collectively, because we are One and there is no separation. When we turn on the news or observe what is happening through the available media, it seems that there is no rhyme or reason for the things that are happening, but that is not true.

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Septiembre del 2014 - El tema para septiembre es CAMBIO - 1° de Septiembre 2014óstico Mensual – Septiembre del 2014
por Lena Stevens
1° de Septiembre 2014
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El tema para septiembre es CAMBIO

El cambio también viene con un REINICIO y una oportunidad para hacer las cosas de manera diferente en su vida. Ya sea que ustedes sean los que están haciendo una elección o sea una elección o situación del exterior que les afecte, el CAMBIO es inevitable. Este mes exploraremos cómo lidiar con el CAMBIO de manera positiva y proactiva para que puedan utilizarlo para REINICIAR su vida de la mejor forma posible.

Anrita Melchizedek - THE ELDERS ~ SEPTEMBER 2014 & THE RE-UNION OF HEARTS - Sep 8, 2014

Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, and particularly in this month of September as you experience the Equinox on the 22nd and 23rd of September, and, sweet ones, a deepening sense of these beautiful Rays of Creation, and in particular this fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service, this beautiful silver flame of Illumination Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, that takes you ever deeper along the Pathways of Divine Love into a greater sense of your service work; into a deepening sense of your soul and star family and friends of the Light, feeling the support from the many Legions of Light from On High, and your Beloved I AM Presence as you experience life through your Master Eyes, with wisdom, insight, illumination and understanding. And this beautiful diamond flame of Transcendence, sweet ones, that was activated initially in May through the Sedona Vortex and again through Glastonbury Tor serving as the Divine Feminine Portal of Light, and through the Sedona Vortex as the Divine Masculine aspects of Creation. These vortices merged through the Lion's Gateway, the 8:8 Gateway, as you experienced a deeper sense of the Union of Hearts through soul family and friends of the Light, and a re-balancing and re-calibration of your own inner masculine and feminine spirits; and so, sweet ones, this process continues ~ and what we wish to share with you is an understanding of how these soul connections are coming into being, and how karmic mates too are becoming once more soul mates. For it is in understanding that you walk both the karmic pathways and Christed Timelines, the Pathway of Divine Love, to know yourselves as Love ~ and you walk too through the victim and persecutor consciousness, for this is what it is to be in form, choosing the human miscreations to know yourselves as Love and from here, sweet ones, through letting go of blame, through forgiveness, and through knowing yourself as Love, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, you come to embrace all those around you in your Love and the Love of All Creation.

Denise Le Fay - Hit the Ground Running - September 8, 2014

On August 1, 2014 I perceived, very loudly, that I needed to prepare because soon I’d ‘Hit the ground running’. Of course I thought that meant something different from what happened, but, I’ve indeed been running like crazy since my mother’s August 28th triple bypass surgery.
There’s the obvious, the very top layer of stuff that’s happening physically, but as is always the case, there’s so much more going on with that obvious surface stuff than one may be aware of at first. This is what I’ve gone through—increasingly this year and don’t expect that to end any time soon—and very much so with what’s happened to my mom and all who and what is connected to that life-changing event. I’m not alone in any of this as this is the theme of 2014; ongoing mini revelations about oneself and what MUST be IMMEDIATELY admitted to and released (sudden Uranian-like changes) if one desires to continue embodying more of ones Greater Self in their current physical body in this timeline. Period, end of discussion. Because I desire continued evolution/ascension in this physical Denise package more than anything, it’s easier than ever before to now IMMEDIATELY correct whatever it is within myself, old beliefs, worries, habits, expectations, limitations etc. At this point there aren’t many options with this phase of the Ascension Process; it’s change whatever is needed within oneself now to continue embodying the NEW and be pain-free.

Judith Dagley - Full Harvest Supermoon– It’s a Healer! - 9. 8. 14

9. 8. 14 — A “Hit of the Day” from Judith
This “hit” just came to me. The Full Pisces Supermoon will be exact at 6:38 p.m, pstd–  about outer-space-stars-nebulae-moon-rock-HD-Wallpapers30 minutes from NOW. The timing does not escape me.
Neptune’s energies are mystical, numinous and without boundaries.
Chiron, I’m “getting,” is the centerpiece energy of this moon, the focal point that is for our benefit. And with good reason.

The Elohim - The Seeding of the Golden Galaxy - by Carla Thompson, September 8, 2014

Georgi Stankov

Carla received this message from the Elohim two days after we had this remarkable experience in the national park “Burns Bog” on September 4th, about which I reported to you on the next day. I am now happy to present you this message. It describes the extremely complex processes that now take place multidimensionally on many levels and throughout different galaxies in this omniverse. Human words fail to convey this highly dynamic, ever-changing reality of All-That-Is, so that we must put up with simplifications to explain our current experiences as Logos Gods, while we are still trapped in human bodies and rely on a limited, sequentially operating human mind. This should be the epistemological point of departure for you when you read and interpret this message.
I must admit that I did personally experience a deep feeling of satisfaction when Carla first read this message to me as it confirmed everything we perceived intuitively as information from our higher selves when we lifted up together with the group of light warriors of the first and the last hour and now new Logos Gods the new Golden Galaxy to its new place and seeded it for ever on that auspicious day of September the 4th.