jueves, agosto 28, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - Babaji - In the Ocean of God’s Grace – Part I - August 28, 2014


channelled by Jahn J Kassl on August 20, 2014

first published in English on August 28, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov

This message is an Homage to all of You – the true members of the PAT, the light warriors of the first and the last hours. You are the “Great Ones“! Yes, You are meant by this message. Since you decided in July this year to stay to the very last moment on the ground and help the birthing and ascension of the new Golden Galaxy, you are the “Great Ones”. With this decision you were advanced to the new Logos Gods and Guardians of the new Galaxy with Gaia and its numerous 4D/5D worlds as its focal point.

There were times when there were only a few “Great Ones” as Carla and myself, but this year you have profoundly changed the course of the Ascension process of Gaia with your incredible endeavour and personal achievement beyond the wildest expectations from the higher realms and have endorsed yourselves with the title the “Great Ones of Ascension“.

miércoles, agosto 27, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,


I am omnipresent in this world.
Nothing escapes my eye, nothing can withdraw 
from my attention and 
My Love is the birthright of every human Being. 

Hopeless humanity loses itself in one of the most wonderful 
places in Creation and it is me, who delivers hope, brings
Light and gives Love; Everywhere, where hope, Light and Love 
may be accepted, everywhere, where the desire for it cries 
to Heaven.
The last days of humanity happen very quickly. 
The world changes, the day, when the world changes 
its countenance from the bottom up, is only an instance 
away in time.

08 - 08 gateway Live transmission at the Tor Glastonbury by Anrita and Méline

Wes Annac – Transforming The Earth: A New Paradigm, Disclosure, And Ascension – Part 2/3 – 27 August 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Continued from Part 1
Now, we’re going to look at the significance of ‘disclosure’ to the spiritually inspired society we want to create. As many of you know, disclosure is a worldwide confession of everything our governments have hidden from us, and it becomes clear to anyone who does some digging that they have a lot to confess.
The cabal has secretly devastated this planet and its people for a long time, but the era of oppression and injustice is swiftly drawing to a close. In its place is an era of honesty and accountability, and in my eyes, higher forces will be responsible for the eventual disclosures that’ll expand our collective perception to an unfathomable level.

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Higher-Dimensional Ego And The Transcendence Of Obstacles – Part 2/2 – 27 August 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Concluded from Part 1
Now, we’ll move on to our next question.
Question #2: Feeling Stuck
“I have been working on building my dream for years. I have followed spiritual teachings and channels. I have worked hard to turn my life around and to be a conduit for the light. I help others as much as possible. Yet I cannot seem to get the break or support I need to continue. Every time I think I have turned a corner it fizzles out. I feel stuck. Why?”
Our reader certainly isn’t alone, and plenty of other awakening seekers tend to feel the same way, including our scribe. In order to properly answer our reader’s question, we’ll have to lay out the general design for the evolution of any given conscious seeker.

Georgi Stankov - Short Energy Update – August 27, 2014


Georgi Stankov

Yesterday, we experienced a huge interdimensional shift of this uppermost timeline to higher frequencies that has been observed not only by myself, but also by a number of PAT members as they wrote to me . It started in the morning with the classical cc-wave, chills as typical for near-by MPR, severe headache and, what was unusual in my case, with a feeling of high fever, although my temperature was normal, sweating and the general sensation of having a flu.  These symptoms were part of the huge descent of source energy in my field and through it into Gaia and humanity. This can be observed by the predominant pink colour in the sky and in the atmosphere.

I assume that this energetic peak anticipates the coming full moon portal – the last one of the Lion’s gate this summer – on August 31. I always experience such massive “ascension test runs” 3-5 days prior to the opening of the actual cosmic portal.

Eliza - Journal Entry 08.27.2014

Journal Entry 08.27.2014
Actually I’m not sure just what day it is, except Wednesday; that’s when we have trash picked up in the neighborhood.  I’m on vacation and it would appear somewhat of a spiritual retreat.
I hope I’m not boring anyone with the recitation, such as it is, of my life’s story.  I haven’t cured anyone or invented anything, just lived after a fashion, here as best I could while trying to figure out the answers to questions I didn’t have any means to frame into existing language.
I’ve been driven from within all my life.  Living in 3D has been very uncomfortable, yet I have enjoyed some of it and disliked other bits.
As a young adult, I began to realize that I was very different from other people.  I picked up things that didn’t make sense to others, like my parents and my husband… my sisters and cousins, my friends and acquaintances.  I found that I was living a double life as there were few to explain what I was feeling inside.  I didn’t even fully understand it myself… but kept searching.

Eliza - A Journey of Re-Discovery – Part V, “A New Tack” - August 27, 2014

A Journey of Re-Discovery – Part V
“A New Tack”
Any good sailor knows that when the wind is following, you need to tack across it to make any forward progress.
I was now living in the basement of my parent’s house. My mother was somewhat reluctant to have me there; my father was glad. I, myself, was of two minds.
First, get a job. I worked for a temp agency for some months before landing a permanent job in a hospital.

SolaraAn-Ra - The Pleiadian Councils of Light - Aug 27, 2014

Keys to Nirvava

The Pleiadian Councils of Light, through Solara An-Ra

No 1:  Expand Your Field of Awareness

Nirvana is racing towards you, dear ones ~ your union with your true bliss-ful nature accelerating towards you in each moment. It is only your resistance to letting go of your old lives and habits that block you from entering that state of bliss right now! For in these times there are 2 realities playing out concurrently ~ the reality of chaos and negativity, or that of love and peace.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - August 27, 2014

The world is ready to accept the first events that are to move you toward prosperity, a global jubilee and new governance. This, of course, is to lead to disclosure and events, which mark the arrival of your Spiritual and space family!

from PAO

3 Ben, 11 Uo, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We return with many good things to talk about! The most important is the rising flow of funds throughout your globe. The ancient families have begun disbursements, which are to lead to the global exchange of RV and a major currency reset. In addition to these events, there is the disbursement of funds from the prosperity programs and the world humanitarian projects. These things are built around two other events. First, there is the proclaiming of a global jubilee or debt forgiveness, and secondly, the rise of the many GESARA governments, starting with the one in the USA. These various new governments are to pave the way not only for prosperity, but also for the moment of disclosure. Once you have discovered that we exist, you can be ready for announcements from your cousins in Inner Earth and from us. Your living planet is hollow and has a very special core or central sun. This inner sun is responsible for the auroras that you see nightly in the extreme northern and southern parts of your surface realm. This phenomenon is part of the many mysteries, which exist across your world. We are here to explain them to you.