lunes, agosto 11, 2014

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 11 August 2014

AishaNorthWe would like to talk a little bit about the topic of your brain, and about how it has been hard wired to resist the changes that you are all going through at the moment. You see, your brain has a natural way of functioning that leads it to take the way of least resistance, as it has been designed to ignore any byways and go for the easiest access in any way it can. And so, as you grow up and develop, your brain lays down patterns for everything that is being learned, and so, the next time it encounters something similar, it will automatically shift into the same patterns it has used once before, and what has been learned once sticks forever. It is a magnificent way of handling all of the incoming data in the most efficient of ways, shunting aside what is deemed as unimportant, and instead going for what it considers to be of most importance. And so, as the years pass by, much of your actions will be governed by these previously acquired modes of reaction that has been literally programmed into your being.

domingo, agosto 10, 2014

Judith Dagley – New Threshold! And They”ll Keep Coming – 10 August 2014

judithBeloved, this is the celestial team.
Oh, we know You recognize us through our frequencies! We identify them only because You have experienced us thus far as separate from our earth member, Judith. NOW it is time, however shocking to your sensibilities it may seem, to reveal the truth. Our “earth member” is no more separate from us than we are from one another– or from You.

As You take that in, remember that we, the celestial team, is comprised of many collectives in many star systems, many of which are very “far apart” according to your illusion of distance. Some of us are closer, in your perception of “distance,” to our Judith than we are from the others. Take that in please.
There is NO distance.

The Angels: From the Heart of the Mother We Come - Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe - August 10, 2014

The Angels: From the Heart of the Mother We Come
We are the Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother. We come to you this day to greet our sisters and brothers who have taken on human form in order to bring into being a new world of possibilities.
Would it surprise you to know that many of you embodied now are angels? You have chosen to take the human path of incarnation rather than remain in the Light Worlds. For this you have given up much, but also you gain much in faster spiritual evolution than is possible in more static environments of the Lighted Worlds.
Change comes more quickly in the lower dimensions, especially in 3D where most of you exist now physically. Your planet itself has moved into the lower levels of the Fifth Dimension, but most of humanity still lives and acts like nothing has changed. Those of you who are awake and aware, know that much has changed. You can feel it in your bodies, with the exquisite aches and pains, growing pains that indicate your carbon-based body is translating into a crystalline-based one.

DL Zeta - Merging with Peace and Oneness in Dimensions beyond Words and Time - Aug 9, 2014

"Ego is no more than this: identification with form, which primarily means thoughtforms." -- Eckhart Tolle
As we move further into the new time, more souls are stepping past limiting identities that previously held them to lower-vibrational timelines. The transformative energies of the new time have the power to carry us into deeper waters of consciousness beyond realms of thought. These inner dimensions exist beyond thought-based constructs such as time. Inside these dimensions we experience ourselves as more than an endless stream of words flowing through our minds. Here, our awareness expands beyond the world of form, allowing us to step past limiting identities, beliefs and thoughtforms.

Suzanne Lie - Opening Your Stargate

John Smallman – Saul – No One Has Ever Arrived Here Other Than By Their Own Free Will Choice – 10 August 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Things are heating up as you might say!  There are multitudes of groups all across the planet meditating daily for peace, and to great effect.  Peace will prevail because it is God’s Will as well as that of the vast majority of humans.  Those who would intensify ongoing conflicts or instigate new ones will most definitely fail in their objectives.  Earth is now a planet of peace, and the conflicts that are still occurring will be wound down and terminated, there is no longer any meaningful support available to assist those who wish to maintain or extend them.  And this is cause for celebration!

Christine Meleriessee - Super Moon Climatic Energies - August 10, 2014

full moon3Today, being August 10th is the climax of the three Super Moons we have been experiencing this summer of 2014. This means we are at the height of our energies in both the lower and higher essence within our consciousness. It also is a time to dig deeper and find our powerful essence to be emerged within us.
At 18:09 GMT time (10:09 AM Pacific, 1:09 PM Eastern) this moon fully came into our existence. You may have noticed it last evening but the power of this cycle cannot be denied. Exactly what does this mean for us?


Prayer of this Time 



My Journal August 10, 2014 - Isabel Henn
My night wasn’t so good as I was again doubting yesterday that I go home, that I am in my transition process. It came out of a conversation I had with my twin Silverstar. I told him that it would be really difficult for me if they again would fool me in telling me I would leave now and I would have to stay longer and that it would be very hard to trust them again then. And out of this doubts were rising.
I noticed this and I decided to trust and believe that they had told me the truth after I pushed that button and worked on my doubts, the whole evening and night.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 10 August 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 10 al 17 de Agosto, 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
The lightworkers of the world are gathering together in unity often to effect changes in the energetic field surrounding the Earth. Everyone brings their powerful intentions for a peaceful world to counteract and neutralize the floundering and chaotic energies that try to bring the planet into a lower vibration once again.  This will not happen as the planet Earth is now moving into the next phase of ascension into the light realms and your light is much needed to help create new vitality, peace and graceful changes within all of humanity in synchronization with the Earth’s movement. The world you live on is in a stage of resurrection and all of her kingdoms and inhabitants need to align with this occurrence. It is the human kingdom that needs to step up in frequency and focus and remember their magnificence. Those who are aware and awake are called upon to listen to their heart in the coming weeks and follow the guidance they receive with courage and strength.