sábado, marzo 08, 2014

Message from higherSelf - Multidimensional Ocean – Experience - March 8, 2013

1620433_10152047602074023_12481643_n Experience every day on Earth as the true gift that it is. Experience all aspects of your being at anytime. It is not possible to experience yourself alive, and from above. Sometimes, or most of times, you are engulfed in your existence on the planet, identified with your life.
The expression of this can be joy, love, peace, but also stress, anxiety, work, anger and all rainbows of experiences available to you on Earth.

Visit the Galactic Federation of Stellar Nations

Virtual Light #6 ~ Beacons of Light ~ Mar 2014

LATEST: Alex Collier’s Perspective on the World – March 7, 2014

Alex Collier

Good news for followers of Alex Collier, we have received a message from Alex regarding what is happening in the world right now…

Alex Collier
I feel that its necessary to bring some perspective to what is happening in the world and the movement of intent and the movement of the dark side. I am using this word “dark side” intentionally. Because it is with intent that they choose to corrupt, deceive, control, and eliminate those who will not surrender their freewill or sovereignty. And to imprison us they also imprison themselves to a paradigm that will always implode on itself. I will start with earth and work my way out to the edge of the solar system.
A lot of talk Regarding a Global Currency Reset. If you are not aware of this please look it up and do the research (ED: Check out Pastor Lindsey Williams’ website regarding the Global Currency Reset). Bottom line is this. Only 3 countries don’t have a private Central bank not run by the Rothschild’s. North Korea, Syria and Iran.

Lost and Found Meditation with Dr. Suzanne Lie

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 8 March 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much.
There is more than enough time dear ones, to do all that is important to your soul. There is more than enough energy, money, and resources for each and every one of you to live a happy and beautifully expressed life. However it is such a dis-ease in the human condition to focus upon dis-ease and such a misunderstanding of God’s love to focus upon, and therefore create, lack.
When you get up in the morning, tell God and your angels what you want help with each day. Give us your “to-do” list and let us assist with your list! Stop worrying about whether you have the time, the money, the resources, the energy, etc. If what you hope to accomplish is a desire planted by God within your beautiful heart, then dear ones, God will support is manifestation.

Ron Head – Great And Momentous Alignments Are Still On your Horizon –Michael and the Councils of Higher Selves- 8 March 2014

RonHeadMichael and the Councils of Higher Selves
We will speak today on a topic which we believe will bring new hope to many.  Many of you have been immersed for several days now in what must appear to you like utter chaos.  It will have seemed to you as if not only your worlds, but the entire world has been turned on its ear.  Let us discuss this phenomenon.
You will remember much discussion in the past regarding the influx of new energies and their effect upon you.  We have talked of the raising of your own energy frequency and how it would bring up things from within to be cleared and released.  All of those trusted channels with whom we communicate have spoken of this often.  It is the case now that the tipping point has been reached and surpassed for many of you.  A great load of baggage that you needed to be rid of has come to the surface and you may now let it go for good.  Do not go to ‘Baggage Claim’.  Just throw away your ticket and leave it where it lays.

viernes, marzo 07, 2014

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Jupiter Direct in Cancer”- 7 March 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. This week we have Jupiter going direct in Cancer. It does so at 2:42 am Pacific Time or so on March 6. I want to work with the vibratory fields of Jupiter because this is an opportunity to expand the wheel of fortune or expand the financial area. It can also be expansion of Love and home. And you can have all of them. You don’t have to choose just one.

EirePort - Fellowships of Energies engage the planetary surface as stagnants are cleared - Mar 7, 2014

7 Mar eireport_logo_thumb_1Fellowships of Energies engage the planetary surface as stagnants are cleared.
Such Fellowships are cooperative layers of energies that harmonize in a way beneficial to the upliftment of humanity general.
Significance of such Fellowships reveal at a time suited to all involved, but assuredly, such are required for the current now moment.
Precedence for this has not been set before this moment.
Rising Energetics on all dimensional levels is enabled by the Fellowships.

Karen Doonan - Staying in the NOW moment as ALL dissolves - March 7, 2014

As many of you can now FEEL the New Earth energies are now heightening and expanding in preparation for the BIRTH of the NEW GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANITY which begins to enter the delivery room over the next few linear days (at a human conscious waking mind level).  For many of you the triggering will have already begun, you will be able to FEEL yourself automatically try to apply the brakes to this process. This may confuse many of you as at a very CONSCIOUS waking mind level you are ready for these changes, many of you are literally reaching out for these changes, tired of the holding patterns and yet somehow still unable to fully embrace your creations. The frequencies of the old 3d earth created reality sit at SUB and UN conscious mind levels, so whilst you may state consciously “I WISH TO”, the human logical mind is working on ways to self sabotage, this self sabotage is driven by these lower dimensional frequencies that sit hidden deep within the cellular structure of said human vehicle.