martes, septiembre 03, 2013

Brenda Hoffman – All Means All – 3 September 2013 Ones,
Maybe a couple of unexpected pieces have occurred for you the past few months. But for the most part, you continue to put one foot in front of the other with little difference in your life. Many around you are touting the glories of the new earth/New Age. You wish to believe, but your life is not at all as various channels and seers excitedly proclaim is the new reality.
You feel as if they are making up stories to get you through the day. We beg to differ.
All who wish to be part of this transition and resulting new earth will be. That statement does not mean everyone but you. All means all.

Visionkeeper – The Fog Is Lifting – 3 September 2013 by
Music to read by below:
It is quite remarkable how clear life is becoming now that the fog of deception is lifting. The more you face reality, ingest the truth and spit it back out, the more clear all of life becomes. It’s like cleaning a pair of dirty reading glasses. So many people fear the truth because in knowing the truth they must face the fact that their lives have been a lie. Yes I will agree that is hard to do, I remember it well, but what everyone needs to grasp is the fact that once the truth has made itself known in your life, the shock does dissipate and leaves you stronger and able to see more clearly. It is empowering in so many ways, I just wish those who remain so fearful would bite the bullet and come to know the peace that lies on the other side of the illusions. Many times I see the quote “Truth is knowledge”. I would rather change that to say “Truth is power”. Once you know the truth of the world you can no longer be sucked into the lie being called life, you begin to see the truth in everything and there is no stopping the process. Once begun it continues to unfold and your strength grows and you are one more person who becomes empowered and joins forces with all the others now embracing the reality of truth and Light is born.

Archangel Gabriel - The Codes for New Life Awakening on Earth - Shanta Gabriel - 29 August, 2013 (posted 3 September, 2013)

Dear Ones,
All of life is experiencing Year One of New Life Awakening on Earth. Throughout these past weeks you have been activated by the new codes for this awakening within the Sacred Geometry emblazoned across the starry realms. This Sacred Geometry acts as a Divine Matrix permeating the energy fields within and around the Earth and is coded with the Blueprint of Divine Perfection. As you align with this blueprint through the Sacred Geometry within your Light-body field, you may feel the pieces click together within you like an etheric Rubik’s Cube.

Matthew Ward – Syria – 3 September 2013

mattlast1_r1_c1With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Previously we have stated that Earth is within the energy level that brings forth positive and negative extremes in individuals’ behavior. Along the way to this point in the ascension journey, global restlessness has been increasing as people were responding to a growing sense of urgency to act upon their thoughts and feelings.

Don't Let Your Comfort Zones Inhibit Your Growth Potential ~ Archangel Haniel via Julie Miller - Sep 3, 2013

It is well understood that most dear souls prefer to live within their comfort zones in all their aspects each and every day. Most of the time the realization of having comfort zones in more than one area of your everyday life goes unnoticed. If you ever take the time to look at all the comfort zones you live within such as your health, financial status, and within your relationships you will discover behind them there are a few limiting beliefs that are firmly placed. Understand dear ones, that limiting beliefs are boundaries regarding your abilities which you have been influenced to feel as being true. Your limiting beliefs also support your comfort zones because they give you a feeling of safety. If you take a brave step outside some of your comfort zones and expand these areas that have been restricting by working on improving your emotional health you will begin to attract more successful outcomes in other areas of your life.

Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Serie 2 part 2 ~ Individual ascension and collective ascension (august 12, 2013) ~ By Méline Lafont - Sep 3, 2013

Another question that I have is: there are a lot of channellings and different things out there that talk about the collective Ascension, that there is also a collective Ascension in addition to an individual Ascension and that a certain threshold percent that needs to be reached for the collective to ascend. Is that true and does the collective need to ascend before the individual can ascend or in other words can I ascend and then the collective may later follow if I am ready? And what has to happen for the collective as one consciousness on Earth, on Gaia to ascend? Can you maybe give some clarity on that?

SaLuSa 03.09.2013 By MADAD

 SaLuSa (1)

Do you see now how powerful you are? Those who wished that you stay in lower vibrations of fear and hate have no more energy to feed from, and it can be clearly seen in current most spoken about conflict on your world. You have shown your intentions so strongly, that there is no possibility of starting a war at no place on Earth. Your old Leaders understand what is happening and the new Ones simply not engaging in such interests, as they want to bring that desired permanent Peace on your planet which so many of you now understand is the only way to move on, away from the old as it is useless and rapidly falling apart. Dear Ones, these are the inside changes that are being seen on the outside and cannot be overlooked, as this is how you can manifest everything in your lives. Do focus on the new as you are now in the middle of the ocean of changes, and you need to prepare your ship to joyously arrive at your destined port. Take out everything you feel is too heavy or is slowing you down and see how wonderfully you can flow and navigate in these immense waves, and do not forget to use the energy that these waves are carrying as they can take you home even faster.

Jennifer Hoffman – The Energies Of September – 3 September 2013

jenniferhoffman300x225The keyword for September is “embrace”, which includes acknowledging, accepting and loving every aspect of ourselves, so we can gather our energy together to take the next leap into our ascension journey. We have two kinds of energy working this month, clearing away the debris, which occurs in the first part of the month. Then, beginning with the Equinox on September 22, we can ‘blast off’ into new stratospheres. This is no longer about being willing to explore parts unknown, it’s about being the creative drive behind an unfolding new paradigm. September has the potential for powerful evolution when we realize that where we go, what we do and what happens when we get there is the result of what we are creating through our intention.

Natalie Glasson – Archangel Michael: Support from the Angelic Kingdom - Sep 2, 2013

natalie glassonAs Angelic beings we are aware of the shifts, activations and integrations that occur upon all levels of your being and the numerous levels of the Earth’s being. We understand this time upon Earth to be somewhat stressful within certain areas of your being as your spiritual ascension accelerates maybe causing patches of confusion, stress, discomfort and the seeking for greater truth. The energy vibrations anchoring into the Earth, through your being and activating from within your being are far beyond anything you have previously experienced. Their intensity and frequency are immense as the waves of light are designed to create accelerated activation of the truth of the Creator. No longer can false energies, consciousness or manifestation exist in this new era and dimension, everything that is no longer needed within your being and within your reality is being cleansed, purified and released.

A Conversation with White Cloud – 2 Sept 2013, by Elizabeth

A reader notified me that my latest contactee, White Cloud, has acted as a guide for Blossom Goodchild, a well-known Australian channeler, for many years. So, I sat down to have a little chat with this Native American healer, known as White Cloud.
Me: Are you the same White Cloud who is channeled through Blossom?
WC: Yes.
Me: Have we made contact before?
WC: Yes (A man of few words).
At this time, an image springs to mind. Nearly twenty years ago, I dabbled into shamanism. One of my guides was a Native American whom I called, “Wolf”, because we could both shape change into wolves and other animals. He seemed very familiar to me and very powerful. I discontinued shamanism being disenchanted with the people who involved in it (not Native Americans) and the fact that I seemed to be gathering a huge crowd of power animals. Although the red bear was a favorite, there was also a white flying horse, red-tailed hawk, deer, cougar, koala bear, and others. The journeys had been wonderful, but I didn’t feel like it was the way for me to go, at least for the time being.

Apparently “Wolf” was White Cloud. He explains wordlessly that names are not important and “Wolf” was acceptable for where I was at the time. I was a lone wolf, hurt, trying to heal and struggling with insecurity.
WC: That is so. You were in a difficult place, still emerging from long-term trauma. You were not ready to explore the inner worlds, although you were a talented traveler. You are ready now. And your telepathic channels are exceptionally clear and pure for one who is largely self-taught.
Me: Thank you. (Inner laugh) I have very persistent guides and mentors.
WC: You set this up for yourself, knowing that you would need help along the way. It is and has been a difficult journey this lifetime, but one not without its rewards. Am I correct in saying this?
Me: Yes. Although I have spent the last thirteen years largely alone, except for work, I have grown tremendously in ways that I would have been hard-pressed to visualize earlier.
WC: Just so. The way has been prepared. The student is ready for the teacher, although we teach each other in this kind of relationship. You are a powerful being who is in the process of rapidly waking up to your personal power and your connection and role in the ongoing evolution of this planet.
Me: My role, as you put it, is evolving. Right now, I’m focusing on writing and channeling, but of late have begun to bring in the work of others to my website. I feel like I am part of a weaving of a web of lightworkers, working in community, to strengthen and support each other in our often lonely journeys. Perhaps I need to refocus on my own work more and will give it thought.
WC: You have strong intuitive powers and often work without thinking, going against the conditioning of your childhood. In doing so, you are following the flow of spirit emanating from your center. Keep on with your work, personal and communal. The New Earth is all about community and the collective of humanity. Who better to begin community, even thru the Internet, than the wayshowers and light workers such as yourself.
Me: What can we offer each other?
WC: Any person with a pure “voice”, a willingness to work with us, an open mind and strong spirit, serves as a vital anchor point for our work in bringing the higher frequencies to your planet. It takes the ground crew to get the work done. You are, as you have written in a recent message, our hands and feet. Without you, all of you, the work could not be accomplished. It was for this that you came.
He paused a moment. I could feel his dark bright eyes searching my “face”. We were standing on a sunlit hill, above a golden plain. Colorful hills rose in the distance; the land was scarred with the ancient marks of long-disappeared flood waters. He continued:
WC: We have worked together, in the “past”. You have been a healer, too, although that is not your focus in this lifetime.
Me: Yes. I wanted very much to be a healer for a long time… and then I didn’t. It was something that seemed to be known to me already. I knew things that my teachers were telling me. I just knew them. It came almost too easily, so I quit going in that direction. I knew that I needed to focus on my inner journey, but it has taken me hither and yon, into unexpected directions.
WC: You have been remembering and pulling together the threads of many lifetimes spent here on this planet, in many guises. And now, you are strong and ready to do the work for which you have come, along with others like yourself… for it is not just one who will lead the multitude this time, but the many that have come to prepare the way by walking the path themselves, in the spiral dance of return.
Me: Yes. Well put.
WC: You are not intimidated by my presence anymore…
Me: No. I feel that you and I are equals, partners. I am willing to work with you and other ascended masters, and have begun that work already.
A rare smile lit his rugged face, as White Cloud studied me. I could feel him examining my energy field.
WC: You have come far, dear one. You have farther to go upon this road that you have chosen for yourself, but we can now walk together. It is good.
Suddenly tears start in my eyes as his quiet words penetrate my defenses. I have come far, but will go farther, climbing the hills, steps and staircases, but this time not alone. Of course, we are never alone. Our mentors and guides are always with us, but until we accept our own power often they will not show themselves to us. They do not want us to completely rely on them; we need to master our own natures and open up to our own power and gifts that each of us brings here.
Me: Yes, I have come far, but now I feel it is time for me to join up with others in community, not out of fear or need, but because we need to learn to work effectively together for the good of the whole.
WC: That is so, but do not neglect your own journey by looking outside of your own heart. Build your inner connections and work on recreating your world the way you want it to be and you will naturally flow in the direction that will find you working with others.
Me: Thank you for that. I will give this some “no thought” time, “ I said, with a smile, referring to the teachings of the Archangels through Jim Self.
WC: Yes, continue with the work. I’ll be in touch.
Me: Thank you, White Cloud.
WC: My thanks to you, dear one, for bringing forward the new developments happening in the Native American community, a community that you might have more contact with in the future, if you are so moved to do so. There is a natural flow of energy within your spirit that resonates with their teachings and powerful connection with Mother Earth.
Me: Yes, that connection is even reflected in my work as an artist.
WC: Indeed. And now it is time to go. I have enjoyed this conversation together.
At Dawn's Early Light
Me: I have, too. Thank you.
White Cloud smiled, again, and then gradually faded from my inner eye, the sense of his presence lingering with me. It was good.
As I continue with this work of channeling messages, it is apparent that our friends, the ascended masters, galactics, archangels and others, are willing to work with whoever is willing to work with them. They will not interfere with free will. I wasn’t ready for this work years ago, because I was dealing with my own insecurities, fears, etc. It wasn’t until I began to reach a place of feeling good about myself, being willing to forgive myself and others for past experiences, that I could open to this work. It takes someone who is strong, yet flexible, whose spirit will not be overcome by those who visit.
I am not a trance channel, but am quite awake and aware when I work, typing the words out as they flow into my consciousness. And yes, the dialogue that comes through me will have a different sound and character from that which would come through another individual, although that doesn’t nullify the fact that I have had such an experience. And I do not feel a need to defend my work. It will stand or fall on its own merit. Once it leaves me, it is up to the reader to discern if the words or the energy behind the words has any meaning for them.
I do know that I am developing a strength and resilience that I did not think was possible just a couple of years ago. With a growing sense of self-worth, I know that I am proceeding in the direction in which I need to follow, best to display and bring into manifestation my gifts and graces, that which I can offer to the collective for the evolution and ascension of humanity and of our beloved planet.
Go in peace, dear ones, and discover for yourselves what it is that you bring to the world. It is a delight to live in constant amazement of what comes to awareness next. Live in joy, wonder and beauty, for you are Love, and it is for this you have come into the world – to shine your light into the darkness and bring the light of a new dawn breaking on the horizon, a harbinger for change, renewal and transformation.
Much love and light, I am your sister, Elizabeth.
Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.