miércoles, agosto 28, 2013

Boxes and drawers – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn August 28, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
I see, that you are still entrapped in 3D-Thinking. Stop sorting and labeling all in boxes and drawers. Oh yes, I follow your debates about Lightworkers – yes or no. I read the articles through your eyes. Important is only, that you work together with your neighbor, no matter how he wants to call himself. As long as you however think in such norms and labels, it will be hard for you to leave the illusion. No name is better and more correct than the other. Your stellan brothers and sisters would still not be united as Galactic Federation today, if they would think and act like you do. They have however learned to respect their particular natures and different reasoning and they are very successful with this. Don’t you believe, that you could do that likewise? Only united you will reach your goal. Think, act and live out of your heart and not out of a drawer, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

martes, agosto 27, 2013

Brenda Hoffman - Dare to Create NOW! - August 27, 2013

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s August 23, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: The energies of the next few days will help shift your personal creation perceptions. Your beliefs are that you might create after months of process. Your creations are of the future – not of the now. You can now create instantaneously – but only if you shift your belief patterns.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “Strut Your Stuff”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
Many of you are experiencing instantaneous creation/manifestation results. You think of something large or small and it happens or appears. Others of you are not experiencing any notable results – much to your frustration. Your life is not as you want, but there seems no way out of your dilemmas.
Some of you believe all creation skills are a hoax – much as was true for those who predicted the end of earth December 21, 2012. Even though many sources informed you that such would not happen, those of you invested in that fear would not let go of that thought until December 22.

SaLuSa 27.08.2013 by MADAD


Love can be felt and be seen everywhere around you, take it inside and let it move through you and sweep away the last fragments of the old, that you know have no power over you and cannot help you anymore. We know you understand our messages, because they are sent with our love and energy within and they are helping you with your transformation. They are not just words, as words cannot fully express our desired meaning and information that we want to share with you. Therefore with every message that you read, focus also on energy that it is carrying and you will be able to understand more and “read between the lines”.

UFO Sightings Massive UFO Eyewitness Special Report Incredible UFO Video August 23, 2013

Suzanne Lie – Message From The Arcturians – Transmutation Of Form – 27 August 2013

SuzanneLieI started my day by reading a wonderful message from Dr. Bruce Lipton:
A Cosmic Joke that has the Scientists Rolling in the Aisle
As I often do, I asked the Arcturians to assist me to deeply understand this message in a manner in which I could integrate it into my daily life. Below is the message I received:
Our Dear Ascending Ones,
Your bodies are transmuting at a cellular level to resonate to a higher frequency of reality. Hence, you are remembering to recognize a higher frequency energetic reality along with your physical reality. Whenever you perceive a higher frequency reality, your body adapts to the resonance of that reality for as long as you can perceive it. Hence, whenever you experience a higher energy field of reality, your body adapts to that frequency of perception

Wes Annac - Channels and Coming Together - August 27, 2013

The awakening community as a whole is generally strong. We’ve been able to understand and expose the forces of corruption and tyranny, and we‘ve come to find expanded spiritual perceptions of the reality around us.
We’ve made significant progress and now stand at a pivotal moment in our establishing of a new paradigm in alignment with the ideals of all. Despite our progress, there seems to remain a stumbling block still in the way of achievement of our ultimate goals and ideals.
Something I think we should perhaps address is that, for the most part, we’ve remained divided into certain “camps” based on our respective beliefs and disbeliefs.

27th August 2013: Yesterday Changed Everything - a message from Sarah Varcas Tuesday, 27 August, 2013

Untold Grace & Infinite Blessings
Yesterday changed everything, whether we like it or not! For some this change will be an unsurpassable gift never to be replicated. For others a loss of things never to be regained. But whatever is gifted is eternal and whatever is lost was never meant to be, not in this world to come. Yes, in the past, maybe even just last week, these things had their place but today and onward into the new world, that place can be filled by something altogether more beautiful, more authentic, more real than anything now lost could ever have been.
Yesterday we stepped out into a brand new spectrum of light, a fresh energetic vibration, an age of different priorities and brand new perspectives. We have arrived at a destination not encountered before. We are the pioneers stepping forth into unknown lands, not to occupy and shape them as we see fit but to be occupied by this new energy, this fresh light, these cosmic forces that have finally reached our sphere, embracing us as they come to rest after a journey of aeons in which we have all played our part.

Giant Underground Stone Boxes Near The Pyramids In Egypt

The results of Portal 25th of August 2013" by The Enlightened Master

The results of Portal 25th of August 2013" by The Enlightened Master

The results of Portal 25th of August 2013
War between Light and darkness is close to its end at the etheric level

We live these days important events, where the war between Darkness & Light is coming to its end at the etheric level...

The great amount of Light that was sent to our planet from the central Galaxy through this portal “between 22nd -25th of August 2013” worked to liberate us and our planet, at the etheric level from all Dark entities and reptilians...

Wes Annac – Jeshua And The Ascended Masters: Spiritual Liberation Will Help You Create Heaven On Earth – 27 August 2013

wes-annac-300x229(Lucas : I need to be clear again on my blog:  you discern yourselves about all your read, hear and  see! I just give a variety of news and other articles, videos, etc, for you to take in or not. I am not judging you. I only give if so my own view on things that might not be yours and that is fine with me. I still will not post most comments. It is up to you to discern yourselves. We still are one people, there is for me no more the good the bad, etc. We need to come out of that separation thinking and the way we see things in opposites when you still do.)
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With the brimming Love of the entirety of our collective of Masters, I am Jeshua.
At this time, we wish to communicate the importance of treating every facet of consciousness around you with the ordained respect you wish to be shown. In the time ahead, humanity will come to understand the importance of connecting with the plant and animal kingdoms and allowing them the same rights humans expect to be able to enjoy.