martes, junio 04, 2013

Aisha North -The manuscript of survival – part 318 - June 4, 2013

As you have already noticed, the passage of the light through your entire body was nothing if not profound, and it has left many of you feeling as if floundering in its wake. Do not fret dear ones, as all of this is only proof positive that you did indeed allow these healing powers from above to touch your inner sanctum, and as such, much will be altered within you all over a very short period of time. But again, as the physical body has been used to perceive change as something to be avoided, it will once again try to hold back and preserve ”business as usual”. But in this case, it will be futile, as now, the most profound wake up call ever has been given to your very core, and as such, every cell in your body will become alert to this call. And so, you will feel yourself affected by the stretching and yawning, and indeed also some rather intense protests, as so much starts to awaken and change within.

Denise Le Fay – Orbiting Into Photon Light – 4 June 2013 mentioned in A Lightworker’s Mission: The Journey Through Polarity Resolution (2010) that I had been clairvoyantly seeing what looked to me like a dense field of large, perfectly uniform white “raindrops” falling at a slightly diagonally slant for many years. I began seeing this constant, uniform shaped and sized white diagonal “rain” falling in 1996. I’m not saying that’s when this anomaly started, only that that was the year I first saw it. It is not physical rainwater at all, but energy photon particles. These “raining” photon particles merely look like falling rainwater drops but they’re powerful particles that go through everything and everyone. I’ve watched these photon light particles raining down and go into and through absolutely everything and everyone they come into contact with; the earth, mountains, boulders, stones, cars, animals, air, humans, human’s physical bodies and brains, human energy chakras, the human aura and so on.

Amazing Crystal Clear Footage Of CIGAR SHAPED UFO 2013

UFO Releasing spheres Mexico city- OVNI SOLTANDO ESFERAS 31/06/2013 BY ALESSA

lunes, junio 03, 2013

The Top 10 Destinations for Conscious Travelers - Andrew Bain - The Healers Journal

HJ: Thinking about taking a trip but are sick of resorts and other commercial, touristy destinations?  Nourish your soul with these conscious travel destinations, which offer spiritual substance in addition to their breathtaking beauty.  Much more than just a vacation, these places will give you a profound new perspective on life and the spiritual history of humanity.
- Truth 
10 places to travel for a higher cause
By Andrew Bain | Lonely Planet

Seeking some deeper meaning on your travels? Make your own pilgrimage to some of the world’s great spiritual sites.

High Council of Orion – Detoxification of energies as we move into Higer levels of existance - Abigail Wainwright, posted June 1, 2013 dear one. Many of you are experiencing intense periods of detoxification right now as the vibration of earth continues to rise at ever increasing speed. There is indeed an influx of light entering the earth’s atmosphere that is extremely intense and this means you will be releasing that which no longer serves at an even faster rate than ever before in this realm of existance. You may be feeling very unusual and uncomfortable energies within your system. Sleeping patterns become distorted, digestive issues, body cramps and pain, skin irritations, mood sings, depression etc… At other moments you may also feel the other end of the spectrum also surface such as feelings of joy, love, gratitude, calm, peace, knowingness and inner wisdom.

Pennsylvania judge sentenced to 28 years in prison for selling teens to prisons - June 3, 2013

Guilty and going to prison for 28 years
Why is money so important to certain people? I don’t understand this world that we are living in, and nothing surprises me anymore. I am glad things are changing. Although the old must be broken down, before the new can fully take place. Sometimes I wish everything could just be exposed at once, instead of little by little, and we could start building a better world. Once you know the truth, the world is not the same anymore, and I know for me, I just want the truth to be relvealed and for people to actually be aware of it. No more sleeping people! I know it’s nice, but being awake is pretty awesome too :)

Disgraced Pennsylvania judge Mark Ciavarella Jr has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for conspiring with private prisons to sentence juvenile offenders to maximum sentences for bribes and kickbacks which totaled millions of dollars. He was also ordered to pay $1.2 million in restitution.
In the private prison industry the more time an inmate spends in a facility, the more of a profit is reaped from the state. Ciavearella was a figurehead in a conspiracy in the state of Pennsylvania which saw thousands of young men and women unjustly punished and penalized in the name of corporate profit.
Read more:

RT - ‘No Nukes’: Thousands in Tokyo Rally Against Nuclear Power - June 3, 2013

A protestor holds a banner during a protest march against nuclear power plants, following the March 2011 Fukushima meltdown-disasters, in Tokyo on June 2, 2013. (AFP Photo / Toshifumi Kitamura)
A protestor holds a banner during a protest march against nuclear power plants, following the March 2011 Fukushima meltdown-disasters, in Tokyo on June 2, 2013.
Russia Today, June 2, 2013
Thousands of demonstrators have gathered in Tokyo to protest restarting of nuclear reactors the government is considering.
Around 7,500 people participated in the anti-nuclear protests in the Japanese capital, according to organizers cited by AFP. The demonstrators gathered in a park in central Tokyo, marched through the city and rallied outside the offices of Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant which suffered meltdowns of three reactor cores following an earthquake and tsunami two years ago.
“No Nukes! Un-evolved Apes Want Nukes!” read one of the banners held by Tokyo protesters. Disaster victims and celebrities, including Nobel literature laureate Kenzaburo Oe, participated in the event.
Shortly after the Fukushima disaster in March 2011, the Japanese government pledged to fully abandon atomic energy by the 2030s. However, in about a year authorities realized their promise was a hasty one, as the archipelago nation had hardly any other means to ensure sufficient electric energy supply but to return to nuclear power generation.Earlier this year two nuclear reactors were put back into operation in Japan and plans were announced to restart six more by the end of 2013.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has repeatedly promised the reactors would only be restarted if their safety is ensured by a special supervising body – Nuclear Regulation Authority. But his words could never quell the anti-nuclear moods in the country, where the tsunami disaster took 19,000 lives and lead to some 150,000 residents of the Fukushima area being displaced.
It’s estimated the post-disaster clean-up would take about 30 to 40 years and cost around US$15 billion.

Suzanne Carvell-More messages and instructions from St Germain and Jesus

images (2)
In a few days Orion is sending ships together with Phoenix.  (Orion is a very Large mother ship.) regarding the three days of darkness which are approaching and Earth will move into soon.  Nine minutes into the darkness light Ships will appear lighting up around the Earth signalling the rescue of Mankind.   Fortunately  many keep only relit port holes within themselves open. Time must STOP link now to Jesus. love and light St Germain  

Animals – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn June 03, 2013 - Tiere – Die Göttliche Mutter durch Isabel Henn 03.Juni 2013

Note: She knows well that many people are against animal abuse and torture and that they love their animalbeings, but she wants to shake up the commonality and to point on this topic.
With sorrow I see how you treat the lightbeings who you call animals. You torture, abuse, neglect and kill them, out of pure lust, mindlessness and greed for profit. These wonderful beings are souls. A soul like you are; and I. They too are part of my essence, my light. I have given them to you as companions, as friends and yes, also for benevolent utilization to relieve your life. But NEVER to satisfy your greed for power and money with them. Look into the eyes of a dog or a cat. They love you, comfort you in your grief and loneliness and even heal you through their presence. Have you yet seen how beautiful the eyes of a cow are? Have you ever felt how soft the mouth of a horse is? Haven’t dolphins rescued so much humans from drowning? Look into the eye of an animalbeing und you see ME in them, you see the endlessness of your Universe and feel my neverending love to you and them through their eyes and the love, they bestow so unconditionally to you, my child. You call them but animals, but they are beautiful lightbeings, equivalent and equal with every other being in this Creation, with you too. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Tiere – Die Göttliche Mutter durch Isabel Henn 03.Juni 2013

Anm.: Sie weiß sehr wohl, dass viele Menschen gegen Tierquälerei handeln und auch ihre Tiere lieben und achten, aber sie möchte die Allgemeinheit wachrütteln und auf dieses Thema aufmerksam machen.
Ich sehe mit Bedauern, wie Du mit den Lichtwesen, die Du Tiere nennst, umgehst, mein Kind. Du quälst, mißbrauchst, vernachlässigst und tötest sie; aus purer Lust, Gedankenlosigkeit oder Profitgier. Diese wunderbaren Wesen sind eine Seele. Eine Seele, wie Du sie bist; und ICH. Auch sie sind Teil meiner Essenz, meines Lichts. Ich habe sie dir als Gefährten gegeben, als Freund und ja, auch zur Nutzung, um dir das Leben zu erleichtern. Aber NIE, damit Du mit ihnen deine Macht- und Geldgier befriedigst. Schau in die Augen eines Hundes oder einer Katze. Sie lieben dich, trösten dich in deinem Kummer und deiner Einsamkeit und heilen dich sogar durch ihre Anwesenheit. Hast Du schon gesehen, wie wunderschön die Augen eines Rindes sind? Hast Du je gefühlt, wie weich das Maul eines Pferdes ist? Haben nicht Delphine so viele Menschen vor dem Ertrinken gerettet? Schau in die Augen eines Tierwesens und Du siehst mich darin, Du siehst die Unendlichkeit deines Universums und fühlst meine unendliche Liebe zu dir und zu ihnen, durch ihre Augen und die Liebe, die sie dir so bedingungslos schenken, mein Kind. Du nennst sie zwar Tiere, aber sie sind alle wunderschöne Lichtwesen, gleichwertig und gleichrangig mit jedem anderen Wesen in dieser Schöpfung, auch mit dir. ~
Deine Göttliche Mutter
Copyright  ©  Isabel Henn. Es ist erlaubt den Artikel zu veröffentlichen, sofern der Text als Ganzes unverändert übernommen und der Name des Autors und der Link zur Originalseite genannt wird.