lunes, junio 03, 2013

Wes Annac - Preview: The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter 45th Issue – Weekly News and the Channeled Bits - Jun 2, 2013

The following is a preview of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which we’re offering for $11.11 a month. This Newsletter forms the basis of our income, and every subscription is greatly appreciated. Option to subscribe will be given below.

Hello dear friends, and welcome to the forty-fifth issue of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, I’ll discuss the unfortunate loss of insider “Poofness”, as well as recent findings from the 9/11 Consensus Panel related to the alleged phone calls made from Flight 93 on the morning of September 11th.
We’ll also absorb updates from the Pleiadian High Council and the Ascended Masters; we’ll bless the energies of stress and frustration (as well as those who feed them) during our astral travels; and I’ll answer two out of four questions given from a dear reader, regarding the ascension timetable and the particular manner in which Archangel Michael represents Himself.
In other news – The 9/11 Consensus Panel, which is comprised of scientists, pilots, professors, attorneys, and journalists, has come out with findings related to the alleged phone calls made from Flight 93 on the morning of the September 11th attacks, which are disturbing to the average person yet unsurprising for those who know what really took place that morning. (2)

Tazjima – The Great Divine Director: Be True to One’s Self - Tazjima - Jun 2, 2013

I AM the Great Divine Director, also known by the Hindu peoples as Ganesh, one of the sons of Siva. I am known by many names, but have always worked for the forces of evolution upon this planet, for the benefit of her people. Know that I do not belong to any one culture or religion, but that I serve all humanity in my alignment and service to the Will of the Mother / Father God and the Creator.
These many past days our scribe has demonstrated God’s will in her life by again committing to her path, to its importance and position in her life. Know that you are constantly tested to see if that commitment is still held, although all experience is useful for the shard of the Creator that you are. However, those who would lead, teach and demonstrate to the awakening masses must first be willing to commit their lives into the hands of their Self, the internal connection to Source, in order that the connection be of the highest, purest possible.

Charles Hall’s Tall White Alien Public Talk in Sydney 2013 (Part 1) - Millennial Hospitality

A few weeks back I went to a talk by Charles Hall in Sydney and made some notes. This article will be part one of two, of my summary of the talk. Before I go any further  I have to state that during this four and a half hour session, I really started to lean towards what Charles Hall experienced as most likely being real and that Charles Hall believed what he had seen and everything he was saying.

His wife was beside him and supported him during the whole talk and also spoke from time to time on stage. I found him to be a very humble man, and a very brave man because of his many experiences. From what he explained, many men failed at what he had to do, where he managed to overcome the fear and stick in there and do his job. Even his body language and stance went towards his character and what he was presenting.

Charles Hall’s Tall White Alien (Part 2) - Millennial Hospitality

Charles Hall’s Tall White Alien (Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1)
By Laron at Transients
This is the second and final article in my summary write up of the talk I went to with Charles Hall in Sydney back in April. This is a question and Answer session.
Question – “Why have the tall whites grown so tall based upon where they come from on their planet?”
Answer – The gravity on their planet is one and a half to two times stronger, Charles suspects. It also has a much higher air pressure, and higher temperature. But his answer is that because of the evolution of their species, based upon needing to be a certain height to survive, and the conditions of their planet, that they have simply grown to that height.
He provided a story of how he fell over and scratched his knee, and then the next (day? week?) the tall whites came and asked him how it healed so fast as they do not heal this fast and they have to be very careful about hurting them selves, or falling over, as they are a long way from the ground because of their height.

domingo, junio 02, 2013

“Be as a Spring in the Desert” – Sanat Kumara – June 2, 2013, by Tazjima

Dried Flowers

I AM Sanat Kumara, also known affectionately as “Raj”. I presently serve as planetary logos, from the holy city of Shamballa, home of the Ascended Masters and connection to your sister world, the neighboring planet of Venus. Through the ages since before the great Fall of Man, I have played many roles and presented many faces to many cultures. Some know me as Ahura Mazda; Skanda, the warrior son of Siva (Shiva); and to some I am known as the Ancient of Days. Whatever my name, whatever face that I present to your consciousness, I am one with you within the secret sanctuary of your Heart.

My Higher Self: How to Protect Yourself From Dark Beings and Entities - Andy Bojarski - June 2, 2013

NoYou are now awakening. As your light gets brighter, it becomes more visible. As it becomes more visible, lots of beings are attracted to your light. Remember that for everything that is the light, there is the counterpart of the dark.
Dark beings will be attracted to your light, especially as it becomes brighter. You must discern between good and bad entities that may want to talk to you and be around you, or take your light.  Discernment is the key.  So how do you know who is bad or who is good?
You do this through the Universal Law of Challenge. Challenge that entity or being in the name of Mother / Father God three times. Under this Universal Law, that entity being that is around you must reveal to you it’s true identity or disappear. Darkness cannot affect you when your light is strong and when you are confident and unafraid.

Preserve your Exuberant Energy with Gratitude Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ June 02 – 09, 2013 Received by Julie Miller 
June 02, 2013

It is known and understood by now that all within the grand universe is vibrational by its very nature, including each of you. The Spirit of your Whole Self is pure energy dear ones, fluctuating within certain vibrational frequencies. Learning how important your vibrational frequency is will provide you the knowledge required for you to apply concentrated focus in all areas of your life and journey.

You, my dear friends, are the ones who will carry out these changes. – Ron Head - June 2, 2013

here I am
Today we will focus upon the subject of changes to your world once again.  If you are one who gains most of your information from the television or newspapers, then you may very likely have overlooked several hints pertaining to what we are about to tell you.  If you also, or exclusively, get information from what has been termed alternate media, then perhaps you have begun to put together a slightly different picture of what is occurring at this time.

The hints of impending change are available for you to see, if you wish to see them.  And, as we have told you on more than one occasion to expect, they are beginning to gather a momentum of their own.  We have used the terms snowball and avalanche.  Well, perhaps they have not reached quite those proportions yet, but they will.  And we will have had something to do with the energies and nudges which have produced the climate in which this will happen.

Mother Mary: You Are the Love-Bearers of the World ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ June 2, 2013

MotherMary.Love-Bearers2Mother Mary:

Hello sweet ones, my beloveds. I come before you with great news. For all around there are shifts of magnificent and gigantic proportions.
You are the love-bearers of the world and as such you must hold it constantly, in spite of seeming evidence to the contrary.  That ability to hold it, no matter what, is what sets you apart, my dear ones, and is what makes you so invaluable.
Yes, you may need to pause at times and gather your strength and refresh yourself. But it is in your make-up and mission to continue on holding Love for all around you, and for your beloved Mother Earth who takes such good care of you.

Judith Dagley – NOW Is The Moment Of Power…Do Not Go Back To Sleep – 2 June 2013

judithdagleyNOW Is the Moment of Power…Do Not Go Back to Sleep!
6.1.13  NOW is the Moment of Power
The only “place” that is real  is made of energy, and it is called NOW.  You are also made of energy, and your energy is in the NOW.  NOW is the only place where you are ALIVE.
So you can see why NOW is the moment of power. It is where you choose what you want to create– and you DO create– through your own frequencies, whatever reflections match them. DO you see? What you’ve  called “reality” is not. It is simply  your own reflection. The only thing about it that is “real” is the energetic being that is YOU
DO you see? YOU are the reality creator! You spin out continuous, creative, expressions of your own energy– because every NOW is NEW. Do you understand? This means that in every one of them you are also creating  ANEW. Stay present then! USE your power to CHOOSE your creations!