We would begin this message by returning to a topic which we mentioned a few days ago. The topic of flow has been given to you, our channel, both in session and in your own life, repeatedly over the last week and more. It is time now for you to expand upon the topic further than you have done in these messages. We know that we began once before and allowed the message to end before this picture was completed, but as you must realize by now, we try to keep these to short and easily digested portions.You have been given the vision of a meeting, in council, of your self in dream state, others of your soul family, your higher self, guides, teachers, and divine beings. You have been led to understand that this is a planning committee that has been, is, and will continue to be in session throughout all time. This is where you participate, even initiate, the decisions which guide your lives. And this, dear friend, is where what you call flow originates.