viernes, abril 26, 2013

The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “Pillowed By The Whitecaps.” By, Bella Capozzi. April 24, 2013.

Because of you, the sun shall rise again.  Because of you, the rain shall fall and snow shall fall and all is made anew upon the dawning of another day.  You live to spend another day here.  Every day brings boundless opportunity for all of us to do some good.  It is because of your efforts and ours that hope remains alive.  The Light is winning.  Oh pray, correct that… The Light has won! Moonrise brings illumination to the darkness.  And oh, how we are creatures of the moon!  How we flow with the tides, and we play !  We dive and dance amongst the cresting waves, up and down, pillowed by the whitecaps.  It is your doing, sweet Cousins, that you and I are blessed to play our games and raise our young, as part of these evolving societies.  We must let it settle in, all this bright Light.  The Light is much akin to rain upon the seas.  It falls from the sky, it scatters like stars.  It lands not softly, but with an impact into the water which is already here.  Thus it must blend, blend, blend.  It must integrate, you see, with all of that which came before it, so as to become one.  We are quite sure you’ve concluded by now that becoming one is no small feat in a place such as this one, wouldn’t you say?.  Together, have we not been battling the false concept of separation for a seeming eternity?  You are tired, as we are, are you not?  Yet we swim onward, to freedom.
♒ Let’s think on something, if we may.  Let’s speak of the concept of “freedom.”  By it’s very definition it implies that there is something that otherwise binds us, that there is something or someone that we have need to escape from.  We must break free so that we can become free, and then in turn remain free.  Thus implying that our Divine right to make our own choices could ever be taken away from us.  You see, we remember Home, Cousins, in a way that you as yet do not.  Our families at Home are often mystified by the idea of “freedom” because outside the roleplay of the 3rd dimension, there exists no other way.  There simply is no other way.  For to have freedom, there must be bondage; another illusory concept.  As though it even possible to imprison a flawless child of Creation!  We are wordy, yes?  We do wax on!  But we only seek to give you food for contemplation.

The Arcturians Explain Ascension Symptoms - Debbie Erasmus - April 27, 2013
Our Dear Ascending Ones,
We, the Arcturians would like to address the symptoms of transformation that many of our Earthling expressions are experiencing. We call you our “Earthling expressions of self” just as you may call us your “Arcturian Expressions of SELF.” For if we are a higher dimensional expression of YOU, than you are lower dimensional expressions of US.
This situation does not denote that we are superior to you, for we ARE you. There is no sense of hierarchy in our statement. Instead, we are merely stating that your consciousness has its primary focus on the physical reality of the third/fourth dimensions, whereas our consciousness has it primary focus on the formless dimensions of the eight through tenth dimension. In both cases, it is not a matter of deserving or rank. It is, instead, a matter of choice.
You, our Earthling expressions, are choosing to increasingly shift your attention away from your physical expression and more into your higher dimensional expressions. And we, your Higher Expressions, have been increasingly shifting our attention into the fourth and fifth dimensions to assist our Ascending Ones. Some of you will simply exit your form and return to your formless self. However, others have a dedication to assisting other humans as well as the planetary body of Gaia.

Jesus through John Smallman - A sea change in the way information is released into the public domain is underway - April 26, 2013

We are watching with joy from here in the spiritual realms as the divine energies surrounding you all start to really take effect, so much so that even in your mainstream news media some “good news” is being reported, albeit with a certain lack of the overarching enthusiasm that they show when disasters strike! Nevertheless, it is a sign of things to come.  The Good News can no longer be ignored, dismissed, or go unreported.  A sea change in the way information is released into the public domain is underway, although that reportage always lags behind when it comes to reporting on the alterations occurring in attitudes, behaviors, and awareness that have resulted in those changes.
Much is happening worldwide that will amaze you when you hear of it.  The field of divine Love works constantly and surreptitiously to enable and bring about the essential behavioral changes that will ensure that an end to grinding poverty, contagious diseases, and desecration of the planet is achieved smoothly and effectively. As that happens, planetwide healing of the earth herself and of all the life forms she supports will accelerate as the constant damaging activities that have encouraged and maintained those wretched conditions cease.  That cessation of widespread damaging activities will release enormous quantities of energy to assist in the necessary cleansing and renewal that needs to occur to return your planet to a state of tranquility in which her health, beauty, and abundance can thrive so that the needs of all who rely on her wellness for their own well-being can be fully met.

Transmuting Cabal-Instated Barriers - Wes Annac - April 26, 2013


In a recent chat I had with them, the Pleiadians spoke about the difference between the instated “veil of forgetfulness” humanity currently exists under, and the veils and barriers purposefully set in place by the cabals and by lower astral forces who have wanted us only to feed our energy to them so that they can sustain themselves with negative and dense energies.
Some would call those astral beings “Archons” but as I’ve said before, that term gives a bit of a “negative ET” vibe that could be more hurtful than helpful for the ET truth movement. There are genuinely positive and spiritual, evolved Galactic beings actively assisting us in our evolution but in my opinion, their image has been muddied with “Archon” talk.
However, I have no desire to separate myself from those with “Archon” beliefs and only bring them up because of the aforementioned veils and barriers being purposefully kept in place by lower astral beings (who I do not believe are extraterrestrial) and by some of the descendants of the cabal heads.

Hwaa Irfan – The Gold Behind The New $100 Dollar Bill – 26 April 2013


It doesn’t seem to make sense to perpetuating a Big Lie, but the Federal Reserve is doing it anyway considering the US dollar has no value, apart from being the global currency which perpetuates its existence, and that more and more countries are dealing in other currencies, including the gold that they tried to crash the other day.
But here it is, the new $100 bill to be issued by the Federal Reserve October 8, 2013. Tilt the note back and forth while focusing on the blue ribbon. You will see the bells change to 100s as they move. When you tilt the note back and forth, the bells and 100s move side to side. If you tilt it side to side, they move up and down. The ribbon is woven into the paper, not printed on it the Federal Reserve tells us.
The Cabal’s Bloomberg tells us that the new $100 bill has security features: blue, three-dimensional security ribbon, easier to authenticate, and more difficult to counterfeit. The single $100 note is more expensive to make at 11.8 cents per note whereas the previous note costed 8 cents per note.

ITCCS – A Special Report From The International Tribunal Into Cirmes Of Church And State – 26 April 2013

Mass Graves of Children in Canada: The first documented evidence of the burial of children at a former Indian residential school
Issued by the ITCCS Central Office and Kevin D. Annett during the Ninth Annual Aboriginal Holocaust Memorial Week -
April 25, 2013
In late 2011 in Brantford, Ontario, history was made with the uncovering of forensic evidence of the burial of children at the oldest Indian residential school in Canada.
Despite subsequent attempts by the Church and Crown of England and their aboriginal agents to discredit and conceal this evidence of their crimes, this first unveiling of mass graves has prompted new disclosures of genocide across Canada.
After the first evidence of a mass grave near the Anglican-run Mohawk Institute in Brantford, Ontario was unearthed between September and November, 2011, these agencies that are responsible for the deaths of children at this, Canada’s oldest “Indian residential school”, mounted an enormous sabotage campaign to stop the dig and fog the evidence. That coverup eventually involved the Archbishop of Canterbury in London, Rowan Williams, the Anglican Primate in Canada, Fred Hiltz, and Buckingham Palace.

Christine Meleriessee – New Earth Frequency Update – Resurrection To Receive More – 26 April 2013*mTSYc3CZc4Llirf7JXCTFEn31TTTGtVzU7Az01nfNJKUcIoaXpQiDcYbpdkn5qHXyc-6*VfZ49k*FrZ/DigitalAscensionSymptoms2.jpg
Añadir leyenda

We have undergone a tremendous upheaval in the last week.  We also have been preparing for it since 12-21-12.  That does not make it any easier to experience or go through the energies in any shape or form.  We did not post a Frequency Update last week for this exact same reason.  Each time I felt the need to sit and call upon the energies to write even the Planetary Level, I became overloaded with a heaviness within me.  I always know that in those circumstances it is not the right moment.  The part that I share comes directly through my Higher Self and I knew that I needed to step back from projecting any messages either from my Highest Presence or the Unified Whole Command.
This week presents to us great opportunities to be more deeply connected to our Highest Presence but yet, will cause great upheavals in our emotional and mental levels.  As of April 25th, 2013 we will be presented with a very powerful Full Moon, 3:58 PM, Eastern US, which resides in Scorpio in the Sun Sign of Taurus.  This is going to open up doorways for more understanding of our inner selves as it represents our outer existence.  With the Lunar Eclipse occurring at 1:58 pm, Eastern, this takes us into a deeper level of ourselves.  The eclipse represents our relationships and especially to our-self so it is another grand opportunity to look at the dark places in our soul that need the light to shine upon them.  It will also represent our role in mastery and we are given a perfect opportunity to connect with our ability to walk in Mastery in all levels of our life.  The ascended masters are awaiting our arrival to do so while they train us to be the Masters for the New Earth.

Drunvalo Melchiezedek : making the internal change affecting the entire Universe - part 3/3 (end)

Nova - Magnetic Storm - Earth's Invisible Shield