martes, abril 02, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 294 - Aisha North

Time is flying by, and the days keep getting longer and longer in the northern part of your hemisphere as the sun’s rays are prolonging their stay on the surface. And as such, much light will continue to pour onto this little sphere floating out in space. And with this light, comes so much you have hoped for, but mayhaps also some things that you would rather be left forgotten. For the light is throwing doors open within you all and whatever the light seeks out, cannot hide anymore. And as such, this spring cleaning can be more than a little taxing at times for some of you. But again, we say, all is well and indeed just as it is meant to be. For this shake up is a thourough one, and as we told you earlier, this is indeed the last in a very long line of such shake ups, but this time, we intend to finish the job if we may put it as bluntly as this. Or rather, we intend for you to finish this job, as all we can do, is to assist you in any way we can. And so we will contiune to do that, even at those intervals when you feel bereft of any support at all, and you feel like the loneliest person alive in the universe, nay, in All of creation, you must still know that we are here, by your side, every step of the way.
But this deep plunge into solitude is something that is very important indeed, for you all need in some way to be disconnected from any distractions, whether they be of a positive or negative nature, and as such, this feeling of being tossed into a void or vacuum is indeed an intrinsic part of this whole process. So again we say do not think you have fallen from grace in any way even if you feel like we are disregarding your cries for help. For we hear you, no matter how high or how faint your cries are. And we do not dismiss them in order to punish you or make you feel even worse than you already are. No, we do this as this is part of the agreement we set up beforehand, where you yourself mapped out the arrangements for your sojourn on this planet. For we abide by your rules, dear ones, as you are the ones who stipulated beforehand just how this process was to take place, and as such, we can only obey and serve you in the best way we can while still adhering to these strict rules. Again, this is done by you, not for you, and we will always play second fiddle, in this, the greatest liberation ever taking place on this beautiful little planet.

lunes, abril 01, 2013

The Energies of April 2013 - Jennifer Hoffman - April 1, 2013 Easter Sunday was much different from those of the past few years for me. There was a new brightness in the air that fueled the feeling of anticipation and excitement I have had for the past week. I was sitting in church this morning, listening to the sermon and thinking about Easter’s symbolism and then a new realization hit me, this is the “Second Coming” we have been waiting for. And in April we find an opening door, support from every angle, and a Universe poised to see what we are going to do next.

The second coming of Christ, which has been anticipated for centuries as when we would be released from our human bondage on earth, was always thought to be a time when Jesus would come down from heaven, in physical form, and take us back with him (or some version of that). I think that many of us had a secret hope that it would be a combination of Ghostbusters and Terminator, the final battle between the good guys and the bad guys, with us standing on the sidelines, cheering on our rescuer.

HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013 - Marlene Swetlishoff - March 31, 2013


March 31-April 6, 2013
Beloved Ones,
As you continue to release old patterns and cycles of thought and behavior, you are finding yourselves feeling more sure and confident in yourselves and your abilities. We see that you are constantly reminding yourselves of the Light that you are and steadfastly holding to it. This is very important as it helps to reinforce the greater field of Light that now surrounds your planet and allows you to tap into it. Those of you who have been receiving a great influx of cosmic energies in the past week are now in the process of fully integrating these energies into your energetic system. This is how the process works in order to safely allow all of Humanity to have the opportunity to absorb as much as possible of the new and higher energies in order that the changes within can take place.

Mankind Crucified On the Gold Standard

The criminal elite know that their dollar is going to collapse and they are going to use Gold Standard proponents to usher in a new gold "backed" digital global currency which they will immediately start to counterfeit and res start the debt and death paradigm for another generations. It is important to see how this revolution in the debt and death paradigm occurs so that we can evolve away from it.


Mars Bases - Anomalies - Weird Structures - 2013


              Beloved masters, I greet you this glorious day and send to you, through this transmission, great waves of loving energy and words of encouragement to assist you through these wondrous times of transformation.  Many of you are thinking, "They do not seem so wondrous to me.  What am I doing wrong? I am not worthy enough to move forward, to graduate, and to become enlightened as you have promised.  Will I be left behind?  Why does my world seem to be so chaotic, in such turmoil?  Where is the peace and joy you said would be forthcoming?" Let me ease your mind and help you understand the process. You will not fail. You are exactly where you should be-you are perfect the way you are. You have all the help you need and all the answers to your problems, if you will just allow your Higher OverSoul Self to OverLight you as you strive to refine your emotional, mental and physical bodies.
            We ask you to put us to the test. Please give us permission to guide and inspire you, and in doing so you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. Brave hearts, you can only fail if you do not make an effort or if you give up. As you slowly and faithfully strive to remain heart-centered and Soul-focused, you will find that you are gradually but surely gaining more and more Will Power and God-consciousness. You are learning to maintain a constant flow of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light from the front and back portals of your Sacred Heart.

John Smallman – Saul – When You Are Focussed On Third-Dimensional Issues, You Are Only About 1% Present! – 31 March 2013
Humanity’s interest in matters spiritual is growing rapidly as a direct result of the new divine energies flooding the planet, which was of course the intent when they were set in motion.  You all need to seriously address your spiritual side, your 99%, which vast numbers of you have neglected because of the seductive, enticing, and demanding distractions with which your egos, through the mechanism of the illusion, are constantly bombarding you.  Truly, when you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present!  That is all of you that your egos can access, even though it often appears to you that some people have enormous egos!  Is that not amazing?
But it is true, because you are all divine beings of power and might who have chosen to constrain yourselves within the very narrow confines of a human body. And now the time has come for you to move on — to move up into the higher dimensions where your spirits shine out brilliantly through the beautiful Light with which God endowed you at the moment of your creation.

WakingTimes – Stuart Wilde – The Global Ego – Resolve To Escape – 31 March 2013

My ol’ teacher said that before you are born you choose your parents and that you have an overview of the circumstances and beliefs that you are to be born into, he even said you have a comprehension of the defects or inabilities of the future body you will inhabit at birth, your DNA karma say.
It is a very original idea because your birth and the mindset you inherit from your parents overwhelmingly dictates the nature and circumstances of your life’s initial journey. It is our first karma to be born into the restriction of a physical body that is sometimes frightened and it moves slowly, and the second karma is the family imprint that is emotionally embossed upon us. Our third karma develops as we grow up and we go out and test our embossed-self up against real life and other embossed, sometimes warped souls, and we learn through action and reaction.

The manuscript of survival – part 293 - Aisha North
As many of you have already ascertained, this being tossed to and fro in these undulating waves of energy is by no means over yet, but we do hope that you have all been able to get a mouthful of fresh air at least once during these proceedings. We venture to guess that for many of you, the effects of all of these constant surges of wavelike energy will feel somewhat different from what you have been exposed to before, and rightly so. For you have indeed been raised not just another notch this time, rather, you have all been raised to a whole new level of existence to call it that, and therefore, the effects from what is constantly being beamed onto your planet and into your whole system have changed drastically.
To your physical body, much will feel the same, but in fact, there are some dissimilarities from before. But as they in some cases are rather subtle, you may find it hard to hear the different resonance this is making throughout your whole system. For the tune has indeed changed, and so have you, and as such, the melody being played out by each and every one of you has also changed. And together, the choir you make up has changed its tune in such a way, the whole of Creation is able to perceive it. And yes, this will indeed affect us all, and as such, the reactions to it will also change. In subtle ways, but also in some more noticeable ones. For remember, there are still those around trying with all of their might to quell these sounds of revelation, and as such, they will also feel forced to up the ante in any way they can. Hence the somewhat surprisingly vehement attacks some of you have encountered lately. For remember, your voices and your mere presence signals the arrival of a light that is becoming more and more brilliant, and for those eyes still more accustomed to shading themselves by constantly being focused on the dimmer regions of your planet, this brightening light will feel like it is almost piercing into their brain, even into their very core. So they lash out in protection, and anyone standing in their way may feel the brunt of these attacks.